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Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX

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Ivan Miladinovic
Direktor svemira i galaktickih

Član broj: 31495
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+896 Profil

icon Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX09.02.2009. u 20:46 - pre 189 meseci
Za vlasnike Nikona sa APS-C senzorom, lepa vestica:

Nikon launches AF-S 35mm F1.8 DX prime
Monday, 9 February 2009 08:50 GMT

Pre-PMA 2009: Nikon has announced the launch of a 35mm F1.8 prime lens with autofocus compatible with the D40, D40X and D60. The AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm F1.8 G is a completely new design for Nikon-mount DSLRs with APS-C sized sensors (or the ability to work in crop mode). The manufacturer suggested retail price is just €243/£199/$199, making it a modern alternative to the traditional 50mm lenses as used on 35mm film bodies.
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Nebojsa Milanovic

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icon Re: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX09.02.2009. u 20:49 - pre 189 meseci
Lepo :)

Što više malih, jeftinih prajmova, bilo za crop, bilo za FF - to bolje

Vraćamo se u analogno vreme :)
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+401 Profil

icon Re: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX09.02.2009. u 21:42 - pre 189 meseci
Genijalno, još jedan krop objektiv, a ponuda im vapi za FF-ovima.

E svašta...

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Aleksandar Momcilovic
SW inzenjer
myVR Software
Oslo, Norveska

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+1 Profil

icon Re: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX10.02.2009. u 01:04 - pre 189 meseci
Za FF Nikon već ima 35/2. Nije USM, ali postoji. Za male APS aparate (D40(x)/D40) nemaju uopšte AF normalac. Ako se računa da se ti niži DSLR-ovi prodaju možda i 100 puta više od FF modela, jasno je gde je bila mnogo veća rupa i za čime je tržište vapilo.
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icon Re: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX10.02.2009. u 09:06 - pre 189 meseci
Nesto mi je mnogo 199$ za amerikance, mislim kriza vlada kod njih pa predlazem da cena kod njih bude jos niza
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Miladinovic
Direktor svemira i galaktickih

Član broj: 31495
Poruke: 5566

+896 Profil

icon Re: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX10.02.2009. u 20:17 - pre 189 meseci
Evo i objasnjenja iz Nikona:

"Following the launch of its 35mm F1.8 lens, we spoke to Nikon to discuss why it has chosen this particular lens to address the commonly-cited lack of cheap, fast primes for owners of its D40, D40X and D60 DSLRs. Robert Cristina, Manager of professional products, Europe and Ludovic Drean, Product Manager for lenses, Europe, offered to explain.

The majority of lens systems have offered 50mm lenses as the most accessible way for new DSLR users to experiment with fast prime lenses (a legacy from 35mm film cameras on which they acted as 'standard' lenses). Yet Nikon has decided that its new offering should be a 50mm equivalent. Ludovic Drean explains why: "The concept was to give a 50mm equivalent lens on the DX format. A lot of people have bought the 50 1.8 because it was all that was available. It may seem rather late for the APS-C system, but we believed that entry-level users wanted a standard lens."

Nikon already builds a full-frame 35mm F2 lens, but this doesn't quite fit the bill, he says: "That's an older lens, a slower lens and, in terms of product placement, a more expensive lens. Updating that and making it an AF-S, 'G' version might have cost twice as much. The new lens is a step above the 35mm F2 in terms of image quality. It's specifically designed for DX and the aspherical element helps it give better results."

The other obvious question was why the lens should be restricted to the DX format, given that Nikon now makes three FX, full-frame bodies: "It's about price, size and weight. We wanted this to be a lens for the entry-level. If we'd tried to make an FX 35mm F1.4 it might cost €1400, rather than €200, and we wanted to make sure it was an affordable lens." Drean says.

Robert Cristina offers some context: "The main target is D40/D60/D90 owners. They make up 80% of our DSLR sales and there wasn't really an inexpensive prime lens for them. So far, the lens offering for that market has included some really good zooms, but this offers them something they were missing."

Being a standard lens, the 35mm focal length offers flexibility, but doesn't lend itself to portraiture as a 50mm lens (that many APS-C users have become used to), could at a push. And, while neither would be drawn on specific future lens plans, they did hint that more primes might be seen for the DX format: "DX is not over," Drean says: "we plan to increase the offering. The prime lenses were definitely something that was missing."

Drean says the company's lens plans are not contingent on the 35mm being a hit, though Cristina is optimistic about its chances: "If even 5% of the D40, D50, D60, D80, D90 owners buy this lens, that's a huge number," and, he adds: "this is not the last lens announcement we'll be making this year.""
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Student Fakulteta za dizajn

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icon Re: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX12.02.2009. u 01:25 - pre 189 meseci
Da FF vapi za 35mm 1.4 - istina, ali vec postoji za nikon 35mm F2.0 koji je sasvim ok objektiv, uzuzev toga sto je F2.0, tako da to staklo nema sta da trazi pored 24-70 2.8G. Sto se fokusa tice na 35mm F2.0- na D700 je sasvim ok, ostrina je odlicna. Uostalom, ja ocekujem da ce uskoro izaci 35mm 1.4 i 135mm 1.8 :) (tako da ce mozda najbolja kombinacija biti 24-70 2.8G + 35mm 1.4...)

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[es] :: Digitalni fotoaparati :: Nikon AF-S 35mm f 1.8 DX

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