Da si pogledao Firebird Quick Start Guide video bi da postoji sekcija (koja se gle cuda zove: How to change the SYSDBA password) koja objasnjava postupak promene lozinke.
Note that, with some Firebird installations, you can only run gsec if you are logged into the operating
system as Superuser (root on Linux) or as the user the Firebird server process runs under.
Let's say you decide to change the SYSDBA password to icuryy4me.
1. Go to a command shell on your server and change to the directory where the command-line utilities
are located. Refer to the Firebird installation components table to find this location.
2. Type the following (it is case-sensitive on all platforms except Windows):
gsec -user sysdba -password masterkey
You should now see the shell prompt for the gsec utility:
3. Type this command:
modify sysdba -pw icuryy4me
4. Press Enter. The new password icuryy4me is now encrypted and saved and masterkey is no
longer valid.
5. Now quit the gsec shell:
Because Firebird ignores all characters in a password past the eighth character, icuryy4m will
work, as will icuryy4monkeys.