> A koliko se sjecam AG moze da pretvara format + u - i - u +
Na zalost ne secas se dobro, on ne pretvara, vec radi sa oba formata ...
> Na NEC-ovom sajtu je to vrlo lijepo objasnjeno pa pogledaj.
A sto se tice ovoga pogledaj ti:
Table of Contents
The Big NEC F.A.Q.
NEC DVD±RW Features (link)
Q: There are different letters added onto the end of NEC model names, are
these drives different?
A: No, they are all exactly the same! For example; NEC 3500A, 3500AG,
3500AS, 3500AB are all the same drive! Some online stores add extra letters
onto the end of the model name to signify different options such as color
and bulk version, but the hardware is exactly the same!
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Nažalost i kazna izgrađuje stav!