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Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a

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Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a15.05.2001. u 14:11 - pre 284 meseci
Microsoft Acknowledges Secret Code In Software

Last Thursday, Microsoft admitted its engineers planted a secret password in its software that could be used to gain illegitimate access to hundreds of thousands of Internet sites worldwide. Two security experts discovered the code, which was written during the dispute between Netscape and Microsoft over their versions of Internet-browser software.

While the software giant acknowledges that the function was "absolutely against our policy," it plans to alert customers as soon as possible with an e-mail bulletin and advisory published on its corporate Web site. The company is also asking customers to delete the computer file called "dvwssr.dll", which contains the offending code. It is installed on Microsoft's Internet-server software with FrontPage 98 extensions.

Although there are no reports that the security flaw has been abused, it's believed to be used by many Web sites. By using the affected software, a hacker may be able to access key Web site management files, which may lead to acquisition to private information such as customer credit card numbers.

detaljnije na:,1286,555,00.html
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Vedran B

Član broj: 148
Poruke: 1161

ICQ: 61882680

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a15.05.2001. u 22:46 - pre 284 meseci
a zasto taj link ne radi ?
zasto se nije vijest prosirila malo bombasticnije ?
BobMarley (me) ...the legend
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a NEVEROVATNO VEST IZBRISANA..16.05.2001. u 20:18 - pre 284 meseci
Vest sam pronasao na:

i odatle su se pozivali na vec pomenuti link..medjutim taj link je naprsnu nestao

Cika Bili zari i pali.......

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Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a KONACNO RAZRESENJE...17.05.2001. u 17:07 - pre 284 meseci
Link je :

Yahoo buys ancient WSJ FrontPage 'backdoor' report
By: Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 15/05/2001 at 19:40 GMT

Yes, there is a screwy dll which makes it possible to attack MS Web servers running FrontPage extensions. And no, there isn't any bloody backdoor password scheme as the supremely venerable (just ask them) Wall Street Journal reported last April.

However, Yahoo Business News thinks it's got a real inside track into this, and yesterday posted a story claiming that Microsoft is on the verge of 'fessing up to the long-rumored backdoor.

We were highly intrigued, but thus far have been unable to confirm Yahoo's extraordinary claim. Indeed, the story has since been pulled, so we figure Yahoo hasn't been able to confirm it either.

The problem, so far as we can determine at present, is the same it's always been. The file dvwssr.dll supports the Link View feature in Visual Interdev 1.0, and contains an unchecked buffer susceptible to an overrun attack.

Systems affected are NT 4.0 Option Pack, which is the primary distribution mechanism for Internet Information Server 4.0; Personal Web Server 4.0, which ships as part of Windows 95 and 98; and Front Page 98 Server Extensions, which ships as part of Front Page 98, Microsoft says.

The easiest fix is simply to delete dvwssr.dll. You'll be unable to view links, but that's the only drawback. Win2K is not susceptible to the buffer overflow attack.

So relax; if it turns out there's any truth to this story, we'll alert you immediately. ®

Related Links
Relevant MS security bulletin
Relevant MS FAQ

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[Ovu poruku je menjao secret dana 05-17-2001 u 05:36 PM GMT]
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Član broj: 18
Poruke: 1563

ICQ: 44582291

+58 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a17.05.2001. u 23:38 - pre 284 meseci
ma najbolje uzmes napravis svoj os i miran si :)
ne stvarno, ako naucis da programiras uzmes i napravis svoj os tacno za tvoju konfiguraciju, ili napravis neki hibrid linuxa ili tako nesto
COBOL, and nineteen other high-tech
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zvonko staklic

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Poruke: 109



icon Re: Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a07.11.2005. u 19:59 - pre 230 meseci
Ma napraviš novi windows, plasiraš na tržište, zaradiš para pa čak onda imaš i svoj vlastiti backdoor.
Hvala najljepša!
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[es] :: Anonimnost i privatnost :: Microsoft priznao ugradnju "backdoor"-a

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