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HTML5 Standard sada zvanično

[es] :: Web razvoj :: HTML5 Standard sada zvanično

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icon HTML5 Standard sada zvanično23.12.2012. u 18:52 - pre 142 meseci
17 December 2012 — The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) published today the complete definition of the HTML5 and Canvas 2D specifications. Though not yet W3C standards, these specifications are now feature complete, meaning businesses and developers have a stable target for implementation and planning. HTML5 is the cornerstone of the Open Web Platform, a full programming environment for cross-platform applications with access to device capabilities; video and animations; graphics; style, typography, and other tools for digital publishing; extensive network capabilities; and more.

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[es] :: Web razvoj :: HTML5 Standard sada zvanično

[ Pregleda: 1391 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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