Dosao sam do zakljucka da sam ili mnogo glup ili da se nerviram bespotrebno:
You need to configure the audit department client computers to further ensure the confidentiality of network transmissions. You need to ensure that the configuration of the client computers is periodically enforced.
Ponudjeni odgovori:
A. Use a Group Policy object (GPO) to assign the Client (Respond Only) IPSec policy to the client computers.
B. Run the secedit command with the Hisecws.inf predefined security template on the client computers.
C. Use a Group Policy object (GPO) to configure Server Message Block (SMB) signing on the client computers.
D. Run the secedit command with the Rootsec.inf predefined security template on the client computers.
Naglasak je na poverljivost podataka (confidentiality), pa me shodno tome interesuje da li SMB signing vrsi enskripciju podataka (jer potrebna je enskripcija da bi podaci koji se prenose bili "poverljivi" tj da ih niko ne vidi u golom formatu), ili samo vrsi signing "potpisivanje" da bi se pojacala autentifikacija???
Izvinjavam se sto isto pitanje postavljam i ovde, jer ga niko na fotumu KRIPTOGRAFIJA nije odgovorio (post je pogledalo sve 3-4 ljudi)