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Kako da backupujem mail rules na outlook expressu .... ??
The mail rules are stored at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities. If you run Regedit and export this entire subkey to a file the same way you did with account settings: from the menu select Registry | Export Registry File. Save the file to a name like "rules.reg".
Restore (if necessary): Under the Identities key each subkey has a long number that looks similar to {36753740-2WEE-781D3-89B1-00A0C9900DSA}. So if you have five different identities in Outlook you will have five of these long numbers. Below the numbers are all the settings specific the the identity (signatures, mail rules,...). If you are restoring without reinstall and on the same PC these numbers do not change (as far as we know !) and you can just restore the registry entries by clicking on the reg file.
Moving OE settings to a NEW PC:
If you're moving to a new system or doing a clean install, the {...} numbers are be different and you may have to manually move the entries to the differently numbered entries that are actually being used.
How to do this? This is the method that we use in our office:
1. Export the registry branch on the old PC to a *.reg file.
2. Transfer this "reg" file to the new PC
3. On the new computer search for the (still empty) settings of your new Outlook Express installation. Once you find, you have the new {...} number!
4. Now, open the transfered*.reg file with a text editor and make a "Search and Replace":
Replace the old {....} value with the NEW {...} that you just located in the registry.
5. Save this file and then click on it. This will import your old settings in the NEW registry.