If you start with FreeBSD, allocate a 166 type partition for OpenBSD at the start of the disk. In the FreeBSD install, the boot loader prompt comes between fdisk and disklabel. Install the FreeBSD boot loader in the MBR; it will recognize the slice you created for OpenBSD and provide a prompt to boot the OpenBSD system. When you install OpenBSD, make no changes in fdisk but use the partition created by FreeBSD. There is no need to have the OpenBSD slice active; the FreeBSD boot loader will do what's needed when you select OpenBSD using the boot loader. If you save changes with OpenBSD's fdisk, you may prevent FreeBSD's boot loader from working. I've seen multiple, previously bootable systems rendered unbootable by a simple write from OpenBSD's fdisk. If you press F1, for OpenBSD (the system in the first slice), in the boot loader before installing OpenBSD, it will just wait until your press F2, for FreeBSD.
allocate a 166 type partition for OpenBSD
Da li je 166 type i za NetBSD?
When you install OpenBSD, make no changes in fdisk but use the partition created by FreeBSD.
Znaci, samo izaberem vec kreiranu particiju iz FreeBSD-a.
There is no need to have the OpenBSD slice active.
Kod NetBSD-a je sledeca situacija (shot je sa neta, win i debian su vec instalirani, ja imam win i freebsd).
Nadam se da cu ovde moci da izaberem kreiranu particiju. Da li je neko imao iskustva sa ovakvim dual-boot-om?
Pretpostavljam da WinXP nece biti problem, vec kako ce se FreeBSD i NetBSD slagati, swap(?)
[Ovu poruku je menjao codemaster dana 20.06.2006. u 13:41 GMT+1]