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Fulltext search problem

[es] :: MS SQL :: Fulltext search problem

[ Pregleda: 2808 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 4434
Poruke: 16


icon Fulltext search problem01.03.2006. u 15:23 - pre 225 meseci
SQL Server 2000, tabela u kojoj je indeksirano 5 kolona
Authors :<von Laer L><Hasler C>
Title: [Spontaneous corrections, growth disorders and post-traumatic deformities ...

Sa CONTAINS (*,'Spontaneous and corrections') - SQL SERVER vraca zapis kao rezultat
Sa CONTAINS (*,'Laer and Hasler' ) - SQL SERVER vraca zapis kao rezultat
Sa CONTAINS (*,'Laer and Spontaneous and corrections' ) - SQL SERVER ne vraca zapis

Cemu sluzi ova *?
Ili je problem u indeksiranju (tabela ima oko 16,000,000 redova).

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4434
Poruke: 16


icon Re: Fulltext search problem01.03.2006. u 18:42 - pre 225 meseci
I odgovor ...


MSDN:Full-Text Search Queries with CONTAINS Clause Search Across Columns
For example, assume a table called ftstable with three columns: c1 as integer (the index column), and c2 and c3 as varchar columns that are full-text enabled. Also assume that a row contains "apples" in column c2 and "oranges" in columnn c3. In SQL Server 7.0 SP2 and earlier, the following query

select c1 from ftstable where contains(*,'"apples" and "oranges"')

is incorrectly interpreted as follows:

select c1 from ftstable where contains(*,'"apples"') AND contains(*,'"oranges"')

and the row is returned.

NOTE: The correct way to interpret the query is as follows:

select c1 from ftstable where contains(c2,'"apples" and "oranges"') OR contains(c3,'"apples" and "oranges"')

Ispravljeno u SQL serveru 7.0 Service pack 3.

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[es] :: MS SQL :: Fulltext search problem

[ Pregleda: 2808 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.