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Language Interface Pack - Genuine check

[es] :: Security :: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check

[ Pregleda: 7517 | Odgovora: 11 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 39252
Poruke: 12



icon Language Interface Pack - Genuine check02.12.2005. u 22:27 - pre 228 meseci
Dali je moguće zaobići genuine check kad skidam neke fajlove sa, npr za cro,serb LIP ?
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Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12866

+4787 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check03.12.2005. u 07:56 - pre 228 meseci
Odes u Internet cafe u kome imalu legalan Win i download-ujes sta ti treba.
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Član broj: 65293
Poruke: 133

+1 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check03.12.2005. u 21:18 - pre 228 meseci
Kad pokrenes IE idi na tools/internet options/programs/manage add-ons,tu nadji u listi windows genuine advantage i stavi na disable.
Kod mene posle ovoga radi.
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Član broj: 70354
Poruke: 24

ICQ: 272587799


icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check29.08.2006. u 19:00 - pre 219 meseci
Moj savet pre nego sto hoces nesto da skidas sa MS sajta ili ides na winupdate ukucaj sledece u browser:

Meni ovo radi...Pozdrav
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Planetary Assault Systems

Član broj: 11804
Poruke: 610


icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check30.08.2006. u 16:53 - pre 219 meseci
Ili, kupis Windowse i sve radi bez problema :)
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avramovic isidora

Član broj: 109209
Poruke: 42



icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check08.10.2007. u 21:14 - pre 206 meseci
A sta da radimo sa ovima koji su se vec upecali,moze li ske genuine skloniti ili je reistalacija nuzna.
Semberac u srcu i ...
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Član broj: 70354
Poruke: 24

ICQ: 272587799


icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check09.11.2007. u 22:06 - pre 204 meseci
Narawno da moze sve se moze Samo sto su takve stvari na ESu strogo zabranjene
Odgovor na temu

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check10.11.2007. u 15:04 - pre 204 meseci
E pa nije bas tako, ima na MS sajtu kako se uklanja "genuine check" a ima i ovde u jednoj temi objavljen link.

Samo koristi pretragu.
Odgovor na temu

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check10.11.2007. u 15:17 - pre 204 meseci
Ja se izvinjavam tema sa linkom na MS sajt koji objasnjava kako se uklanja WGA je obrisana, neko je bio veci katolik od pape, ocigledno.
Odgovor na temu

Miroslav Jeftić
Istraživanje ruda

Član broj: 37513
Poruke: 6833

Sajt: about:blank

+2200 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check10.11.2007. u 15:32 - pre 204 meseci
Mislim da se to uputstvo odnosilo samo na prve verzije WGA provere, ne na kasnije. Mada treba proveriti.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12866

+4787 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check10.11.2007. u 17:09 - pre 204 meseci
Ako na MS sajtu ima (a koliko se secam, bilo je), ko hoce, moze slobodno da kopira ovde (uz link ka originalu).
Odgovor na temu

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check28.10.2008. u 15:01 - pre 193 meseci

a u vezi sa dogadjajima u Kini evo i wiki linka:

WGA in China
The effect of the implementaion of WGA on Chinese language Windows Vista. This screenshot is from a pirated copy of Windows XP Professional.

On October 20, 2008, many users of Windows XP in China received a black desktop, as Microsoft introduced its WGA system for Chinese language systems [12] [13] [14], in an effort to combat piracy, which is extremely high in China. This version of WGA is of a more hostile approach as compared to previous forms, as it provides a hindrance to users and trespasses on usability. Since the majority of users in China run on a pirated copy of Windows, many users have experienced what is described as a "black screen syndrome", where the Operating System changes the desktop background to a black screen every 60 minutes, as well as displaying constant warning messages [15] [16]. Some users have even reported the disabling of Office programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Outlook[17].

According to various polls carried out by Chinese portals such as,,, and many others, more than 60 percent of Chinese Internet users are hostile to Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) and Office Genuine Advantage (OGA)

The effect of the implementaion of WGA on Chinese language Windows Vista. This screenshot is from a pirated copy of Windows XP Professional
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[es] :: Security :: Language Interface Pack - Genuine check

[ Pregleda: 7517 | Odgovora: 11 ] > FB > Twit

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