ako smijem reci da se ne radi o bug-u, nego poremećenom korisnickim restrikcijama, odnosno fora je u tome da se treba detaljno proucit sljedeci materijal:
Naglasak bi dao na recenicu:
adding IUSR_MachineName to the Administrators group ...
Znaci obavezno posjetite ovaj link, a evo ja cu nesto ovjde ubacit texta:
Several people have suggested an IISRESET, re-registering asp.dll/scrrun.dll, adding IUSR_MachineName to the Administrators group, dropping and re-creating the application, installing the latest scripting engines from Microsoft Script Downloads, rebooting the machine — some gave up and rebuilt their machines from scratch. Here is what worked for me, as this happened to me recently when I added R2 to a Windows 2003 SP1 machine. After nothing else that I found on the web worked, I tried the suggestion that didn't make any sense. I went into IIS Manager, right-clicked the web site, and on the Home Directory tab, I hit Configuration. Then I went to the debugging tab, enabled both Server- and Client-side debugging, hit OK, OK, quit IIS Manager, and ran IISRESET.
Znaci poenta je u tome da dopustimo izvrsavanje asp skripti na serveru u grupi Administrator, ako se IUSR_MachineName ne nalazi u grupi administrator onda najvjerojatnije nece radit asp stranice a obicne htm i html rade bez problema, pa izgleda da server radi a nece da izvrsaje asp skripte iako su podesavanja tacna samog IIS-a
Ovaj problem mi je donio patnje dva puta, i oba puta je bio isti problem i oba puta sam ga rjesio na pomenuti nacin!