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2checkout - site language requirements ??

[es] :: E-Poslovanje :: E-Transakcije :: 2checkout - site language requirements ??

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icon 2checkout - site language requirements ??14.04.2005. u 21:56 - pre 236 meseci
Otvorio sam nalog na 2co i upravo sam naisao na ovo:


April, 7 2005 - 15:36:06

Site Language Requirements

The site language provisions are requirements passed on by the Credit Card Association, to 2CO, and thru us, to our vendors.

2CO has a team of Site Inspectors to check active Vendor sites for compliance issues. (this includes products/services as well as site language). If you received the "FINAL NOTICE", it means your site has been reviewed this year, and was found to be not in compliance.


It is important to the credit card associations and 2Co that the relationship between vendors and 2CO is not misrepresented. Vendors should represent 2CO as an authorized retailer or out-sourced vendor solution, not as a "credit card processor" or "payment gateway." Vendors do have artistic license to incorporate this depiction into the context of their site provided they do not misrepresent the relationship.

Terminology for buttons or links to 2CO that is acceptable:

"Add to Cart"
"Buy Now"
"Buy from 2CO"
"Continue ->"

Terminology for buttons or Links to 2CO that is NOT acceptable:

"Click Here to Pay"
"Process Payment Now"

Language that should be contained on your site (preferably as early in the shopping process as possible):, Inc. is an authorized retailer of <Supplier>, Inc. is the exclusive authorized retailer of goods and services provided by <Supplier>, Inc. is an authorized retailer of goods and services provided by <Supplier>

or a "Buy from 2CO" button

Language that should NOT be contained on your site includes indicating 2CO is a

"Credit Card Processor"
"A Third Party Processor"
or "A Payment Gateway"

It is important to note that failure to comply with 2CO or credit card association requirements can jeopardize your ability to sell through 2CO. Non-compliant sites are subject to immediate account suspension and/or termination.

Ima li neko ovde sajt koji je na srpskom sa 2co prodajom, i ima li nekih problema, mada je ovo relativno skoro uvedeno - 7 aprila, mozda ce tek biti problema...

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[es] :: E-Poslovanje :: E-Transakcije :: 2checkout - site language requirements ??

[ Pregleda: 3168 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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