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kako da znam i386 ili i686

[es] :: Linux :: kako da znam i386 ili i686

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icon kako da znam i386 ili i68624.03.2005. u 21:53 - pre 241 meseci
ok! kako da znam za koju arhitekturu da skidam programe.
Trenutno sam na Windowsu al nema veze. Moze kako i za Windows i kako za Linux.

zasto ovako isprobat cu to na Athlon 1.8Ghz ploci.
A kasnije i na svojoj za koj dan. Pentium 2 333Mhz.
E a mene zanima dali da skidam sve il za koju arhitecturu ako se ne varam. Dali je arhitektura to ili platforma.

i386 ili i686 ili koja vec. Ima li neki simple way.?

Joj skidan Wine ako mi to sve proradi da makne Windowse u KOS:!
xxxrugby: "We are all philosophers, when question is about politics!"
Odgovor na temu

Neven Pintarić
Nano-mage Engineer, Slave SysAdmin

Član broj: 21153
Poruke: 5499

+14 Profil

icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68624.03.2005. u 22:08 - pre 241 meseci
Pa logično - ako imaš 386, 486 ili Pentium, skini i386.
i686 je za Pentium 2, 3 i 4, kao i za procesore koji su kompatibilni sa njim - između ostalog i taj tvoj Athlon.

Inače, ovo je samo grubo objašnjenje, ali pošto si naveo samo te dve platforme, to bi bilo to.

[Ovu poruku je menjao BytEfLUSh dana 25.03.2005. u 15:49 GMT+1]
Putuj planeto, super smo se družili
nama je lepo, taman kako smo zaslužili!
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Član broj: 16068
Poruke: 653



icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68624.03.2005. u 22:14 - pre 241 meseci
Hvala.! i686 u downloaaaad!
xxxrugby: "We are all philosophers, when question is about politics!"
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Član broj: 33164
Poruke: 293



icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68625.03.2005. u 14:40 - pre 241 meseci
user@linux:~> uname --help
Usage: uname [OPTION]...
Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s.

-a, --all print all information, in the following order:
-s, --kernel-name print the kernel name
-n, --nodename print the network node hostname
-r, --kernel-release print the kernel release
-v, --kernel-version print the kernel version
-m, --machine print the machine hardware name
-p, --processor print the processor type
-i, --hardware-platform print the hardware platform
-o, --operating-system print the operating system
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit

Report bugs to <[email protected]>.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Savčić
YUnet International
Beograd, Zvezdara

Član broj: 717
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ICQ: 27215173


icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68626.03.2005. u 17:19 - pre 241 meseci
Bastard: user@linux:~> uname

Može, ali i ne mora da radi...

cat /proc/cpuinfo

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Član broj: 16068
Poruke: 653



icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68627.03.2005. u 00:35 - pre 241 meseci
Nasao ja na googlu isto nesto dobro sta se tice ove teme.
Hvala na odgovorima. Skidam za i386


I'm confused whats the difference between i386 and i686? Whats IA32 and IA64? How do I know which software to download!!!

The "i" in i<insert number> stands for Intel and means "intel x86 based hardware" this includes AMD chips as well as Intel and Cyrix processors. The number is based on the specific type of processor and its features.

For instance i386 is built to run on a 386DX processor and higher

686 runs on P4's, and Athlon XP processors.

IA32 and IA64 are references to Intel again and its mean Intel Architecture, the numbers 32 and 64 stand for "bit" so either 32 bit (which include all Athlon and Pentium processors). 64 bit processors are AMD's Operton and Intel's Itanic processor.

So why does all this matter?

Software can be optimized to run better on specific platforms and architectures so running a program built for i386 will run on an i686 processor but may lack some speed improvement versus if it were a native i686 compiled program.

Think of it as being given all the things necessary to make a hamburger and you get to arrange all the toppings and sauces just the way you want :) Instead of just being handed a ore-made hamburger.

xxxrugby: "We are all philosophers, when question is about politics!"
Odgovor na temu

Goran Rakić

Član broj: 999
Poruke: 3766


+125 Profil

icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68627.03.2005. u 01:37 - pre 241 meseci
postoji i i586 koji bi isto mogao da radi na tom P2 — slobodan kancelarijski paket, obrada teksta, tablice,
prezentacije, legalno bez troškova licenciranja
Odgovor na temu

Neven Pintarić
Nano-mage Engineer, Slave SysAdmin

Član broj: 21153
Poruke: 5499

+14 Profil

icon Re: kako da znam i386 ili i68627.03.2005. u 03:19 - pre 241 meseci
xxxrugby: Skidam za i386

Što sad to?

686 runs on P4's, and Athlon XP processors.

Ovo je samo delimično tačno.
i686 radi na P2, P3, P4 i kompatibilnim procesorima (Athlon, Athlon XP, ...).
i586 je za Pentium.

Putuj planeto, super smo se družili
nama je lepo, taman kako smo zaslužili!
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux :: kako da znam i386 ili i686

[ Pregleda: 3711 | Odgovora: 7 ] > FB > Twit

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