Ne znam da li je ovo već pominjano na ES-u, potrudio sam se da nađem ali nisam uspeo.
Ovako, koristim Visa Internet Vojvođanske banke i danas sam platio liku preko bidpay-a sumu od 82$ tj. 67€ (u citiranom mailu piše 77$ jer nije uračunata njihova taksa od 4.95$). Dobio sam ovakav odgovor od BidPay-a na email:
Dear Dusan Stojnic,
Thank you for using BidPay®. We have received your order to have a
$77.00 payment sent to the_king_of_sales. An email has also been sent to
the_king_of_sales to notify them of your PENDING order. Upon approval,
both you and the seller will receive an Order Approved email informing
you that the money order is being processed and sent.
This seller is registered with us and has elected to receive payments
sent directly into a U.S. checking account. Once approved, the seller
should receive payment in approximately 3 banking business days. .....
Nazvao sam Voban, proverio da li je transakcija uspešna, manje ljubazna gospođa je rekla da jeste i tražio sam da mi ponovo zaključa karticu (15 min posle primanja maila). Nakon 2-3 sata primio sam drugi mail od BidPay-a koji glasi ovako:
Dear Dusan Stojnic,
We apologize, but we are unable to process the order you requested. It
failed to meet our validation requirements. As a responsible merchant,
BidPay® reviews all orders and attempts to determine the legitimacy of
the order. To protect the integrity of our validation process, we are
unable to provide detailed information regarding the disapproval of your
order. This information is specific to this order only, it does not
mean that future orders will be cancelled.
When placing an order with BidPay, we do not "charge" your credit card
unless the order is successful. We simply "authorize" the card for the
amount of the order. If the order is not approved, charges are not
applied. Depending on the policies established by your card's issuing bank,
it may take 7-10 days for the funds to be available for other
purchases. If you are using a debit card, the funds may leave your account
balance, but will return once the authorization expires.
Thank you for using BidPay. We look forward to serving your online
auction payment needs in the future.
Posle ovog ponovo sam nazvao Voban i rekao da sam primio mail ovog sadržaja, ona ista gospđa mi je opet krajnje neljubazno pričala da to nije moguća tako da sam se posvađao sa njom. Nazvao sam ponovo posle (oko 16h) kada se javio fini gospodin koji mi je rekao je novac samo lokovan i da on nije izgubljen već će biti vraćen najkasnije za 2 nedelje.
Interesuje me da li je neko imao ovakvih problema i da li su mu novac stvarno vratili. Takođe, zna li neko da li je ovaj mail stigao i na adresu prodavca kome sam uputio pare, jer kada sam primio prvi mail, javio sam prodavcu da sam pare poslao, a on mi je tek večeras (znači 12 sati posle toga) uzvratio mail u kome mi se zahvaljuje i kaže da će mi poslati proizvod.
Inače, pre četiri dana imao sam prvu uspešnu transakciju od nekih 14€ takođe preko BidPay-a sa istom tom karticom.
Puk'o lanac na dzomblajzni pa gefufna na spicbodenu preskace!