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icon pronalazenje po IP...01.03.2005. u 13:16 - pre 237 meseci
kako je moguce pronadji nekog ne serveru po IP broju? i postoji li takva opcija uopste?
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icon Re: pronalazenje po IP...02.03.2005. u 00:23 - pre 237 meseci
Mislim da je komanda "/who", pretraži google da vidiš kako se tačno koristi recimo,

Nisam baš siguran, davno bilo.
"Nutri-matik je konstruisala i izradila Sirijuska kibernetska korporacija čije odeljenje za žalbe sada prekriva sve glavne kopnene mase prve tri planete zvezde Tau iz sistema Sirijusa"
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icon Re: pronalazenje po IP...03.03.2005. u 14:32 - pre 237 meseci
Ovo ce ti pomoc:
The WHO command
Contributed by wiebe

This tutorial explains the WHO command and its output. It consists of two parts, part A explains the basic WHO command and filterflags, part B explains formatflags. The tutorial is easier to understand when having some knowlegde about raws and IRC in general. The information is based on ircu (UnderNet, QuakeNet), it is possible things are different on other networks/IRCD's. Any statements about mIRC's output is done based on its default behaviour. It is assumed that the reader is a normal IRC user, certain things may be different when being an IRC Operator. Some additional information is provided at the end of this document.
In this document, a <part> means it will (must) be there, a [part] is optional, a | char means or.

PART A: basic WHO command

The basic form of WHO:

/WHO <mask>

The <mask> can be a comma-separated-list of elements. In this case each part is treated as a flat (= no wildcards) channel or nick name and is not matched to the other elements. If <mask> is a single mask (no commas), the server first checks if it is a channel or a nick, then it is matched against username and hostname. This means "/WHO <thing1,thing2,thing3,...,thingN>" can only be used for channels and nicks, and to search for something else and/or to use wildcards "/WHO <thing>" can be used.

/WHO nick1,nick2,nick3,...,nickN multiple nicks
/WHO #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,...,#chanN multiple channels
/WHO nick1,#chan2,nick3,...,#chanN mixed nicks & channels

When sending a WHO query, raw 352 is returned for every match, or none if no match is found for the query. The end of the query is marked with raw 315.Raw 315 is formatted as:

315 <me> <mask> :End of /WHO list.

Shown by mIRC in status window without 315 and <me> part:

<mask> End of /WHO list.

Raw 352 is formatted as:

352 <me> <channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <flags> :<distance> <realname..>

mIRC shows the output in status window, but changes this a bit. <channel> <nick> <flags> <user@host> <distance> <realname..> is shown, but this is not the format of the raw.
352 is the raw numeric

<me> is your nick, every raw is formatted as <numeric> <me> <rest..>


- when requested the information for an entire channel (eg /WHO <channel>) this will be that channel
- else this will return the last channel joined by the user without chanmode p/s
- if the user has +i set, the last common channel (without chanmode p/s) that was joined is shown
- a * is shown if no channel can be shown

<user> username, the user part from nick!USER@host

<host> the hostname the user has on IRC, nick!user@HOST

<server> the server the user is on

<nick> the nick of the user

<flags> this part is formatted as <H|G>[*][@|+][usermodes]

- the H stands for Here and is returned if the user is not marked as being away
- the G means Gone and is returned if the user is marked as being away
- the * is shown if the user is an IRC Operator
- the @ means the user is opped on the channel returned in the channel field and + for voiced
- the [usermodes] part shows the usermodes the user has set,
on UnderNet and QuakeNet only usermode x and d are shown

<distance> number of servers between you and the user

<realname..> the realname that was given when the user connected

Examples of output:

352 wiebe * TheLBot * L H*d :3 The lean, mean opping machine.
352 wiebe #somechan ~goober * ^goober^ H+ :3 a lame bot
352 wiebe #channel wiebe * wiebe G@x :0 wiebe

The number of lines of output from a WHO query is limited. The maximum amount of replies can be found as 2048/(n+4), where 'n' stands for the number of fields that are returned. By default 7 fields are returned (distance and realname count as one here), which gives a maximum of 186 lines. Beyond the maximum lines, the query is cut off, raw 315 is send followed by raw 416.

Raw 416 is formatted as:

416 <me> WHO :Too many lines in the output, restrict your query

An exception is doing WHO on a channel while being on it, the output is not limited by this. This can however cause disconnection from IRC with error Max sendQ exceeded.

It is possible to do a more specific search.

Doing "/WHO *fish*" could give many results, it shows users who have fish in their nick, hostname and/or username. How to tell the server to only return those who have fish in their username?

For this filterflags can be used, the case of these flags does not matter.

/WHO <mask> <filterflag>


o = IRC Operator
u = username
h = hostname
n = nick
s = server
i = ip
r = realname

x = extended visibility of information for IRC Operators
(may show users with usermode i set and +p/s channels depending on the server settings)

The filterflags makes the server match <mask> against specific things.

/WHO * o this would list all IRC Operators

/WHO #channel o this would list IRC Operators on #channel

/WHO fish u returns users with fish as username

/WHO h returns users from host

/WHO jim n returns info about the user with the nick jim

/WHO jim, another way of doing this is to add a "," to the mask, this way the server
will see it as a list and treat the elements as nicks or channels
this way mask will only be matched against nicks

/WHO s returns who is on that server, this does not work on UnderNet or QuakeNet (see HIS at end)

When matching IP numbers the <mask> can be in 3 forms:

* IP mask using * and ? as wanted.

/WHO i to find out who is connected from ip

* The IP mask form a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h where what is before the / are the bits we expect in the IP number and what is after the / is the "filter mask" telling wich bits would be considered and wich should be ignored.

/WHO i shows who are connected from the IP addresses matched by

* The IP mask form a.b.c.d/bitcount where bitcount is an integer between 0 and 31 (inclusive), the matching will be for the IP addresses whose first "bitcount" bits are equal to those in a.b.c.d (see CIDR at end).

/WHO i shows who are connected from the IP addresses matched by

When looking up a realname, replace any "," as the server would see this as different queries.

/WHO mike r when looking for users with mike as realname

But what to use when looking for a certain realname which contains spaces? There are two ways to work around this problem:

* A little trick, replace spaces with a wildcard, either a ? or a * char. L on QuakeNet has as realname "The lean, mean opping machine."

/WHO The?lean??mean?opping?machine. r to find it using WHO

The output:

352 wiebe #channel TheLBot * L H*@d :3 The lean, mean opping machine.
315 wiebe The?lean??mean?opping?machine. :End of /WHO list.

* WHO command extended.

A ":" char marks the last parameter, even if it contains spaces, but then the filterflag would not be seen anymore. A second mask was added to the WHO command:

/WHO <mask> [filterflag] [mask]

When using the second mask, the first mask is ignored. This means looking for a realname with spaces can be done in the following way:

/WHO <anything> r :<realname>

/WHO * r :The lean? mean opping machine.

The output:

352 wiebe #channel TheLBot * L H*@d :3 The lean, mean opping machine.
315 wiebe The :End of /WHO list.

Both methods find what is requested, the only difference is <mask> returned in raw 315. The first way shows the entire mask, while the second way only shows the first word. Which to choose depends on the situation, when doing a script that does something on raw 315 with the <mask>, then it would be obvious to choose for the first method.

Anything can be looked up with this format:

/WHO * u fish

/WHO * n jim

Filterflags can also be combined:

/WHO *fish* uh when looking for users with fish in their username or in their host

/WHO *mike* nrh when looking for users with mike in their nick, realname or host

A result is never shown more then once, when doing "/WHO #chan1,#chan2" it would show users which are on both channels only once. Or when doing "/WHO *mirc* ru", it would show users with mirc in their username and realname only once. Filterflags can be used to do a more specific search, but also allows searching for IP addresses which are not shown in a normal WHO query.

PART B: specifc WHO command.

Formatflags make it possible to tell the server what fields to include in the reply. Order and case of these flags does not matter.

/WHO <mask> [filterflag][%formatflag] [mask]


t = querytype
c = channel
u = username
i = ip
h = hostname
s = server
n = nick
f = flags
d = distance
l = idle-time
a = account
r = realname

In order not to confuse or break clients, this WHO reply has a different raw numeric, 354. Therefor formatflags can not be used for updating the IAL in mIRC.

Raw 354 is formatted as:
354 <me> [querytype] [channel] [user] [ip] [host] [server] [nick] [flags]
[distance] [idle-time] [account] [:realname..]

mIRC shows this raw in status window without the 354 and <me> part.

354 is the raw numeric

<me> is your nick

[querytype] returns the number which was used in the WHO command (is explained later)

[channel] requested channel or last channel joined by the user without chanmode p/s

[user] the username, nick!USER@host

[ip] the user is connected from this IP

[host] the hostname the user has on IRC, nick!user@HOST

[server] which server the user is on

[nick] the nick of the user


shows away status, IRC Operator status, prefixes on [channel] and usermodes for the user
unlike with the normal WHO query, more than one prefix can be shown in [flags] here
so both @+ could appear, also the ! prefix may be appear
meaning the user is a zombie on the channel returned in the channel field (see zombie at end)

[distance] number of servers between you and the user

[idle-time] returns the user's idle-time if the user is using the same server as you

[account] the user is registered under this account with the network (0 for none)

[:realname..] the user's realname

While only the fields that are requested will be returned, the order in which they appear is fixed.

/WHO #channel %cnai
returns the channel, ip, nick and the account
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> <channel> <ip> <nick> <account>

/WHO *fish* n%nh
returns the nick and host from every user with fish in their nick
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> <host> <nick>

/WHO #channel %cuihsnfdlar
returns all possible information from WHO about #channel
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> #channel <username> <ip> <host> <server> <nick> <flags>
<distance> <idle-time> <account> :<realname..>

Here multiple nicks and/or channels can requested aswell.

/WHO nick1,nick2,nick3,...,nickN %na
this would return the nick and the account for each nick
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> <nick> <account>

/WHO #chan1,#chan2,#chan3,...,#chanN %na
this would return nick and account for every nick on these channels
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> <nick> <account>

/WHO #chan1,nick2,#chan3,...,nickN %na
this would return nick and account for every nick on these channels, and every nick specified
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> <nick> <account>

Note that the limits described earlier apply here aswell. The maximum amount of replies can be found as 2048/(n+4), where 'n' stands for the number of formatflags that are specified. Every formatflag counts for this, even if a flag is specified more then once or a non-existing flag is used. A WHO query for a channel when being on it is not limited by this.

1 flag returned = maximum 409 replies
2 flags returned = maximum 341 replies
3 flags returned = maximum 292 replies
4 flags returned = maximum 256 replies
5 flags returned = maximum 227 replies
6 flags returned = maximum 204 replies
7 flags returned = maximum 186 replies (default query)
8 flags returned = maximum 170 replies
9 flags returned = maximum 157 replies
10 flags returned = maximum 146 replies
11 flags returned = maximum 136 replies
12 flags returned = maximum 128 replies


The complete WHO command:

/WHO <mask> [filterflag][%formatflag[,querytype]] [mask]

Querytype is a number between 0 and 999 (0 by default), this formatflag can be useful for scripting. It can be used to 'mark' the replies.

An earlier example:

/WHO *fish* n%nh
returns the nick and host from every user with fish in their nick
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> <host> <nick>

With querytype, with 845 as query number:

/WHO *fish* n%nht,845
returns the nick and host from every user with fish in their nick
format of raw 354 will be:
354 <me> 845 <host> <nick>

The output:

354 wiebe 845 bongfish
354 wiebe 845 Well-fish-
354 wiebe 845 staRfish
315 wiebe *fish* :End of /WHO list.

The reply is now marked with the number supplied in the WHO command, making it easier for a script to react to this.

Some script examples of this.

Example 1, operscan:

alias operscan {
who $iif($1,$1,*) o%nahufrinsct,687

raw 354:& 687 & *:{
echo -a $3-

Use /operscan or /operscan #channel, or even /operscan #chan1,#chan2 to show IRC Operators.

Example 2, idle time:

alias idle {
who $me n%nlt,234

raw 354:$(& 234 $me &):{
echo -a You are idle for $4 seconds

Use /idle to show your idle time (time in seconds since your last message send on IRC).

Example 3, ip2nick:

alias ip2nick {
who $$1 i%nit,745

raw 354:& 745 & &:{
echo -a $4 is connected from $3

Use /ip2nick <ip> and it will show what users are connected from that ip.

Example 4, host2nick:

alias host2nick {
who $$1 h%nht,931

raw 354:& 931 & &:{
echo -a $4 has host $3

Use /host2nick <host> and it will show what users are connected from that host.

Example 5, nick2auth:

alias nick2auth {
who $$1 n%nat,145

raw 354:& 145 & &:{
echo -a $3 is $iif($4,authed as $4,not authed)

Use /nick2auth <nick> and it will show the account the user has logged in to.

These are very basic examples, anything can be changed as desired.

Info used for this document:

Additional information:

chanmode p
hides the channel in WHOIS and LIST unless being on the channel
hides the channel in WHO replies
(/WHO <channel> from outside is not affected by chanmode p)
stops the use of /NAMES <channel> when not on the channel

chanmode s
hides the channel in WHOIS and LIST unless being on the channel
hides the channel in WHO replies
stops the use of /WHO <channel>, /NAMES <channel> and /TOPIC <channel> when not on the channel

usermode i
user can not be found unless the exact nick is known (used) or a channel is shared
user will not be shown in /WHO <channel> and /NAMES <channel> requests from outside the channel

usermode x
when set and being registered to the network (eg logged in with X on UnderNet or Q on QuakeNet)
gives the user a fake host (eg <account>
when requesting the IP with WHO for this user, is returned
when looking on IP, this user will not be shown

Head In Sand, hides (less relevant) information from users.
Some things it affects with relation to this subject:
- hides the server name, shows * or * instead
- distance (hopcount) is always 3 for others and 0 for yourself
- idle time in WHO is always 0 for others

Max sendQ exceeded occurs when failing to receive the data from the server quick enough
several factors can affect this, it could occur when doing a WHO query with many results

In ircu, if a user is kicked from the channel and the channel didn't become empty because of it,
and the kick didn't come from the direction of the target's server,
the user appears removed to other users, but internally the user stays in the channel as "zombie".
It is then really removed when the "acknowledgement" PART is received. One reason for this is so mode
changes done by the kick target just before he got kicked can apply because the server knows the user
was in the channel with ops.
Taken from 'the "beware" P10 protocol definition' which can be found at or directly here

IRC Daemon developed by UnderNet

Beyond the grasp of this tutorial, see and other webpages.

[Ovu poruku je menjao BytEfLUSh dana 03.03.2005. u 15:53 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 29517
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icon Re: pronalazenje po IP...03.03.2005. u 14:46 - pre 237 meseci
Sada kada si to ljepo procito evo primjer:

znaci na Undernetu sam i zelim izlisati sve Hrvate koji se nalaze ne serveru (dakako da je to nemoguce jer se mozda netko konekta sa *.com... ili psybnc-a) ali mene zanima *.hr

i ja kucam "/WHO * h *.hr" i dobijam

* HWQNSH H [email protected] :3 YBVGIB
#bookz nix_ H [email protected] :3 Unknown
#croatia-quiz kita_cvijeca G+ [email protected] :3 Mihovil Uroda
* GNWMRFPW H [email protected] :3 AWOJAWEU
* GUTPLXML H [email protected] :3 ABUM
* MDUBXEQ H [email protected] :3 ZISUZX
* GOSEN H [email protected] :3 CVZP
#xxxpasswords pizdek H [email protected] :3 vittorio - malo bi decko drko
#c++ asfdff H [email protected] :3 asdf
* AnitaD H [email protected] :3 AnitaD
#vidz zvonca H+ [email protected] :3 zvonca
#premiumxxxpasswords Funido H [email protected] :3 pirch - ovaj je isto nadobudan :)
#103 modesty H [email protected] :3 john.smith
#bookz jttjtzjtzzjz H [email protected] :3 jztjtzj - ovaj bi ucio
#mp3albums4U ZigZag H [email protected] :3 ZigZag - ovaj skida mp3e, nemoj tuzit ce te metallica
#dvorisce gmaz H@ [email protected] :3 merde
#mp3goth Lunatico H [email protected] :3 Iva
* Neoxin G [email protected] :3 Neoxin
#serbiancafe ljubav H+ [email protected] :3 ooo my dear...
* Splinter^ H [email protected] :0 deztr0jah - evo i mene
* CroRudeBoi H [email protected] :3 Drazen

e sad ono sto ti trazis je u smislu: "/WHO pljugalj* h" znaci ispisuje sve usere s tom adresom, mozesh koristiti i "*" i dobio si:

#manutd deztr0jah Hx [email protected] :3

Recimo zelish dobiti cjeli range usera koji koriste t-comov adsl.
Kucas: "/WHO * h"

#xxxpasswords pizdek H [email protected] :3 vittorio
#c++ asfdff H [email protected] :3 asdf
#vidz zvonca H+ [email protected] :3 zvonca
#mp3albums4U ZigZag H [email protected] :3 ZigZag
#dvorisce gmaz H@ [email protected] :3 merde
* Neoxin G [email protected] :3 Neoxin
* Splinter^ H [email protected] :0 deztr0jah - gle opet mene
#sanjaidrazen CroRudeBoi H@ [email protected] :3 Drazen
* Jamila_ H [email protected] :3 jhghbc

A za ip, je sve isto samo sto umjesto h ide i :

"/WHO i"
#xxxpasswords pizdek H [email protected] :3 vittorio

"/WHO 83.131.178.* i"
#xxxpasswords pizdek H [email protected] :3 vittorio

"/WHO 83.131.*.* i"
#xxxpasswords pizdek H [email protected] :3 vittorio
#c++ asfdff H [email protected] :3 asdf
#vidz zvonca H+ [email protected] :3 zvonca
#mp3albums4U ZigZag H [email protected] :3 ZigZag
#dvorisce gmaz H@ [email protected] :3 merde
* Neoxin G [email protected] :3 Neoxin
* Splinter^ H CoLL_S_oN@* :0 deztr0jah - jebemu pa svagdje me ima :)
#sanjaidrazen CroRudeBoi H@ [email protected] :3 Drazen
* Jamila_ H [email protected] :3 jhghbc
* Shokac H [email protected] :3 Shokac

Nadam se da si skuzio, i cekam pivu.
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