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Greske pri kompajliranja

[es] :: Linux :: Greske pri kompajliranja

[ Pregleda: 3985 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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.: Lugano :. _.: CH :.

Član broj: 634
Poruke: 2824

ICQ: 46802502

+49 Profil

icon Greske pri kompajliranja 28.04.2002. u 00:15 - pre 272 meseci
sshd.c:1451: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1451: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1451: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1451: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic

Ovu gresku dobijam jedno 10000 puta pri pokusaju kompajliranja
openssh-3.1.p1. Za sve .c fajlove se pojavljuje ova greska.
Jeste warning, ali nece da dovrsi kompajliranje ..
Prethodno sam instalirao openssl.0.9.6 bez problema

Suse 6.4

uname -a
Linux ns2 2.2.14 #1 Mon Mar 13 10:51:48 GMT 2000 i686 unknown

gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/2.95.2/specs
gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
:: Nemoj se svadjati sa budalom, ljudi cesto nece primjetiti razliku ::
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B o j a n

Član broj: 1178
Poruke: 2925


+1 Profil

icon Re: Greske pri kompajliranja 28.04.2002. u 12:00 - pre 272 meseci
Da si malo detaljnije zagledao u make output, uvideo bi i nesto slicnome:
WARNING: Warnings can be igored

To je opstepoznati sarkazam open* drustvanca L;)

Error ti sigurno nije ispao zbog ovih warninga.
Daj ceo output.

PS: Uzmi noviji gcc (2.95.3), noviji programi umeju da prave probleme sa 2.95.2 pri kompajliranju.

"It's okay, I'm just admiring to the shape of your skull!" -- Dr. Gonzo
Odgovor na temu

.: Lugano :. _.: CH :.

Član broj: 634
Poruke: 2824

ICQ: 46802502

+49 Profil

icon Re: Greske pri kompajliranja 28.04.2002. u 16:45 - pre 272 meseci
Kompletan output je oko 200kb

ovo je zadnje

sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
sshd.c:1466: warning: pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic
make: *** [sshd.o] Error 1

:: Nemoj se svadjati sa budalom, ljudi cesto nece primjetiti razliku ::
Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

B o j a n

Član broj: 1178
Poruke: 2925


+1 Profil

icon Re: Greske pri kompajliranja 28.04.2002. u 20:16 - pre 272 meseci
Ti rece da je SuSe u pitanju ? Ako se ne varam ...


In file included from /usr/include/string.h:346,
                 from /usr/include/sys/un.h:24,
                 from ../defines.h:15,
                 from ../config.h:815,
                 from ../includes.h:22,
                 from bsd-arc4random.c:25:

Ovaj deo me navodi na pitanje, da li si koristio default kernel, ili mozda neki SuSe-ov budzeni ?
U svakom slucaju proveri jos jednom kernelove include fajlove.

PS: Da bi izbegao ogromne output-e, i filtrirao samo sumnjive delove make outputa, koristi sledeci put -s flag.

Uostalom ...
# man make

"It's okay, I'm just admiring to the shape of your skull!" -- Dr. Gonzo
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux :: Greske pri kompajliranja

[ Pregleda: 3985 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.