* Essential C++ -- Stanley Lippman
* Addison-Wesley
* ISBN 0-201-48518-4
* homepage: www.objectwrite.com
* email: [email protected]
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// globals as convenience for executing procedures
const int int_size = 12;
const int string_size = 4;
const int int_not_present = 1024;
int ia[int_size] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 };
string sa[string_size] = { "pooh", "piglet", "eeyore", "tigger" };
vector<int> ivec( ia, ia+int_size );
vector<string> svec( sa, sa+string_size );
// iterative versions of find() in Section 3.1
const int* find_ver1( const vector<int> &vec, int value )
for ( int ix = 0; ix < vec.size(); ++ix )
if ( vec[ ix ] == value )
return &vec[ ix ];
return 0;
template <typename elemType>
const elemType*
find_ver2( const vector<elemType> &vec,
const elemType &value )
for ( int ix = 0; ix < vec.size(); ++ix )
if ( vec[ ix ] == value )
return &vec[ ix ];
return 0;
template <typename elemType>
inline const elemType*
begin( const vector<elemType> &vec )
{ return vec.empty() ? 0 : &vec[0]; }
template <typename elemType>
inline const elemType*
end( const vector<elemType> &vec )
{ return vec.empty() ? 0 : &vec[vec.size()]; }
template <typename elemType>
const elemType*
find_ver3( const elemType *array, int size,
const elemType &value )
if ( ! array || size < 1 )
return 0;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix )
// we can apply subscript operator to pointer
if ( array[ ix ] == value )
return &array[ ix ];
return 0; // value not found
template <typename elemType>
const elemType*
find_ver4( const elemType *array, int size,
const elemType &value )
if ( ! array || size < 1 ) return 0;
// ++array increments array by one elememt
for ( int ix = 0; ix < size; ++ix, ++array )
// *array dereferences the address
if ( *array == value )
return array;
return 0;
template <typename elemType>
const elemType*
find_ver5( const elemType *first,
const elemType *last, const elemType &value )
if ( ! first || ! last )
return 0;
// while first does not equal last,
// compare value with element addressed by first
// if the two are equal, return first
// otherwise, increment first to address next element
for ( ; first != last; ++first )
if ( *first == value )
return first;
return 0;
// Section 3.2 version of find
template <typename IteratorType, typename elemType >
find_ver6( IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
const elemType &value )
for ( ; first != last; ++first )
if ( value == *first )
return first;
return last;
void prog_find_vers()
const int *iptr = find_ver1( ivec, ivec[2] );
if ( iptr != &ivec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver1 failed!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver1 ok!n";
const string* sptr = find_ver2( svec, svec[2] );
if ( sptr != &svec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver2 failed with string!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver2 ok with string!n";
iptr = find_ver2( ivec, ivec[2] );
if ( iptr != &ivec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver2 failed with int!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver2 ok with int!n";
iptr = find_ver3( ia, int_size, ia[2] );
if ( iptr != &ia[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver3 failed with int array!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver3 ok with int array!n";
sptr = find_ver3( sa, string_size, sa[2] );
if ( sptr != &sa[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver3 failed with string array!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver3 ok with string array!n";
iptr = find_ver4( begin( ivec ), ivec.size(), ivec[2] );
if ( iptr != &ivec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver4 failed with int vector!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver4 ok with int vector!n";
sptr = find_ver4( begin( svec ), svec.size(), svec[2] );
if ( sptr != &svec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver4 failed with string vector!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver4 ok with string vector!n";
sptr = find_ver5( sa, sa+string_size, sa[2] );
if ( sptr != &sa[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver5 failed with string array!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver5 ok with string array!n";
iptr = find_ver5( begin( ivec ), end( ivec ), ivec[2] );
if ( iptr != &ivec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver5 failed with int vector!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver5 ok with int vector!n";
iptr = find_ver5( begin( ivec ), end( ivec ), int_not_present );
if ( iptr != 0 )
cerr << "?? find_ver5 failed with int not present in vector!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver5 ok with int not present in vector!n";
sptr = find_ver6( sa, sa+string_size, sa[2] );
if ( sptr != &sa[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver6 failed with string array and iterators!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver3 ok with string array and iterators!n";
vector< int >::iterator it;
it = find_ver6( ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), ivec[2] );
if ( *it != ivec[2] )
cerr << "?? find_ver6 failed with int vector and iterators!n";
else cerr << "!! find_ver4 ok with int vector and iterators!n";
// from Section 3.6: How to Design a Generic Algorithm
less_than_10( const vector<int> &vec )
vector<int> nvec;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < vec.size(); ++ix )
if ( vec[ ix ] < 10 )
nvec.push_back( vec[ ix ] );
return nvec;
bool less_than( int v1, int v2 )
{ return v1 < v2 ? true : false; }
bool greater_than( int v1, int v2 )
{ return v1 > v2 ? true : false; }
filter_ver1( const vector<int> &vec,
int filter_value,
bool (*pred)( int, int ))
vector<int> nvec;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < vec.size(); ++ix )
// invokes the function addressed by pred
// tests element vec[ix] against filter_value
if ( pred( vec[ ix ], filter_value ))
nvec.push_back( vec[ ix ] );
return nvec;
filter_ver2( const vector<int> &vec,
int val, less<int> < )
vector<int> nvec;
vector<int>::const_iterator iter = vec.begin();
// bind2nd( less<int>, val )
// binds val to the second value of less<int>
// less<int> now compares each value against val
while (( iter =
find_if( iter, vec.end(),
bind2nd( lt, val ))) != vec.end() )
// each time iter != vec.end(),
// iter addresses an element less than val
nvec.push_back( *iter );
return nvec;
template <typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator,
typename ElemType, typename Comp>
filter_ver3( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
OutputIterator at, const ElemType &val, Comp pred )
while (( first =
find_if( first, last,
bind2nd( pred, val ))) != last )
// assign value, then advance both iterators
*at++ = *first++;
return at;
vector<int> sub_vec( const vector<int> &vec, int val )
vector<int> local_vec( vec );
sort( local_vec.begin(), local_vec.end() );
vector<int>::iterator iter =
find_if( local_vec.begin(),
bind2nd( greater<int>(), val ));
local_vec.erase( iter, local_vec.end() );
return local_vec;
void prog_filter_vers()
const int solution_size = 6;
vector<int> local_vec = less_than_10( ivec );
if ( local_vec.size() != solution_size )
cerr << "?? less_than_10 failed! expected expected "
<< solution_size << ", received: "
<< local_vec.size() << endl;
else cerr << "!! less_than_10 ok!n";
const int partition_value = 10;
local_vec = filter_ver1( ivec, partition_value, greater_than );
if ( local_vec.size() != solution_size )
cerr << "?? filter_ver1 failed! expected expected "
<< solution_size << ", received: "
<< local_vec.size() << endl;
else cerr << "!! filter_ver1 ok!n";
local_vec = filter_ver2( ivec, partition_value, less<int>() );
if ( local_vec.size() != solution_size )
cerr << "?? filter_ver2 failed! expected "
<< solution_size << ", received: "
<< local_vec.size() << endl;
else cerr << "!! filter_ver2 ok!n";
// unless we use an iserter, must provide a sized container
// within which filter can assign the values ...
int ia2[ solution_size ];
filter_ver3( ia, ia+int_size, ia2, partition_value, less<int>() );
int err_cnt = 0;
for ( int ix = 0; ix < solution_size; ++ix )
if ( ia[ ix ] != ia2[ ix ] )
if ( err_cnt )
cerr << "?? filter_ver3 failed for array! "
<< err_cnt << " unexpected valuesn";
else cerr << "!! filter_ver3 for array ok!n";
vector<int> ivec2( solution_size );
filter_ver3( ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), ivec2.begin(),
partition_value, greater<int>() );
err_cnt = 0;
ix = solution_size;
for ( int iy = 0; ix < ivec.size(); ++ix, ++iy )
if ( ivec[ ix ] != ivec2[ iy ] )
if ( err_cnt )
cerr << "?? filter_ver3 failed for vector! "
<< err_cnt << " unexpected valuesn";
else cerr << "!! filter_ver3 for vector ok!n";
// illustrate using an inserter
vector<int> ivec3;
filter_ver3( ivec.begin(), ivec.end(), back_inserter( ivec3 ),
partition_value, greater<int>() );
if ( ivec3.size() != solution_size )
cerr << "?? filter_ver3 with back inserter failed! expected "
<< solution_size << ", received: "
<< ivec3.size() << endl;
else cerr << "!! filter_ver3 with back inserter ok!n";
ivec3 = sub_vec( ivec, partition_value );
if ( ivec3.size() != solution_size )
cerr << "?? sub_vec failed! expected "
<< solution_size << ", received: "
<< ivec3.size() << endl;
else cerr << "!! sub_vec ok!n";
// Section 3.10 iostream_iterator examples
void prog_io_std()
cout << "please enter some text, then indicate end of file!n";
istream_iterator< string > is( cin );
istream_iterator< string > eof;
vector< string > text;
copy( is, eof, back_inserter( text ));
sort( text.begin(), text.end() );
ostream_iterator<string> os( cout, " " );
copy( text.begin(), text.end(), os );
void prog_io_fil()
ifstream in_file( "input_file.txt" );
ofstream out_file( "output_file.txt" );
if ( ! in_file || ! out_file ) {
cerr << "?? unable to open the necessary files.n";
else cerr << "!! ok: input and output files opened!n";
istream_iterator< string > is( in_file );
istream_iterator< string > eof;
vector< string > text;
copy( is, eof, back_inserter( text ));
if ( text.empty() )
cerr << "?? iostream iterators failed: string vector empty!n";
else cerr << "!! iostream iterators seem to work: "
<< text.size() << " strings read in!n";
sort( text.begin(), text.end() );
ostream_iterator<string> os( out_file, " " );
unique_copy( text.begin(), text.end(), os );
void prog_io_iters()
// prog_io_std();
int main()
cerr << "About to execute prog_find_vers()nn";
cerr << "nnAbout to execute prog_filter_vers()nn";
cerr << "nnAbout to execute prog_io_iters()nn";
cerr << "nnOk -- done!nn";
return 0; // quiet vc6++
Info :ch3_main.cpp: out of date with destination ch3_main.obj
Info : ch3_main.cpp: source date 1:16:24 PM 12/7/1999 destination date <unknown>
Info :Compiling C:My Documentsstanely B primjerinon_windowscodeEssentialsourcechapter3chap3ch3_main.cpp
Warn : string.h(549,3):Functions containing for are not expanded inline
Warn : string.h(557,3):Functions containing while are not expanded inline
Warn : string.h(563,3):Functions containing for are not expanded inline
Warn : string.h(575,3):Functions containing for are not expanded inline
Warn : string.cc(686,32):Comparing signed and unsigned values
Warn : VECTOR.h(985,2):Cannot create pre-compiled header: code in header
Warn : ch3_main.cpp(31,27):Comparing signed and unsigned values
Error: ch3_main.cpp(37,28):Type name expected
Error: ch3_main.cpp(38,2):Templates must be classes or functions
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