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Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju

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Član broj: 13287
Poruke: 1797

+5 Profil

icon Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju01.11.2004. u 21:52 - pre 241 meseci
Na irc.krstarica smo otvorili sobu nas 20 tak sa jednog drugog foruma,e sada ima par likova koji su moderatori,i sada obicaj im je da se "zezaju" i da nekog od nas konstantno banuju,i to ono sa zabranom date IP adrese,pa mora da se diskonektujem i ponovo konektujem(na dial up-u sam)

E sada to u pocetku nije smetalo,ali mi sada ide na q*.

Ima li neki program ili detaljni tutorijal sta da radim da nemogu da me banuju.

Po mogucstvu neka jednostavna operacija,posto sam pocetnik u tome
Da li multiproxi moze da pomogne(da nepristupam sa nekog proxija sa neta)
Dakle neka najlaksa metoda,da bar mogu da non stop menja IP,ali po mogustvu bih vise voleo nesto sto ce onemoguciti ban u toj sobi

a da pristupam preko IE-a posto mi preko Mirca nece da radi irc.krstarica
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 9930
Poruke: 1343

+2 Profil

icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju01.11.2004. u 22:15 - pre 241 meseci
pa mozes jedino koristi proxy da se ne moras diskonektovat al nemozes se zastiti od banovanja...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 238
Poruke: 1317


icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju01.11.2004. u 22:57 - pre 241 meseci
Pa najlaksa metoda je ta koju ti i radis, inace druge metode su da negde imas shell, na nekom provideru koji daje vise vhost-ova pa menjas vhostove po potrebi ili nadjes i koristis proxy ali to je sve lako ali za tebe mozda komplikovano zato radi ono sto si do sada radio ili ispeglaj te moderatore ;)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 13287
Poruke: 1797

+5 Profil

icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju01.11.2004. u 23:49 - pre 241 meseci
ne ne ja nemam multyproxy moze li mi neko dati link ka nekom free programu za multiproxi ali sa sto je moguce manje podesavanja,da radi u pozadini dakle
ima li tako nesto?
Odgovor na temu

Ni ten ichi ryu

Član broj: 4489
Poruke: 2043

+1 Profil

icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju02.11.2004. u 06:56 - pre 241 meseci
pre jedno 6 godina, na kanal je uleteo neki baja i poceo da psuje i pljuje. ja kao pristojan mladac odmah kick/ban. prolazi pola sekunde, lik ulece sa drugim proksijem. ja kick/ban. on udje sa trecim proksijem. ja kick/ban. i tako jedno 5-6-7-8-9-10... puta. Nikad nisam skontao kako.
Odgovor na temu

Sasa Erac
jugodata mti, sombor

Član broj: 10411
Poruke: 59

ICQ: 126036742


icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju02.11.2004. u 07:06 - pre 241 meseci
IRC FAQ the Secure-Net Search Lab
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =>
Contact: [email protected]
IRC:, port 6667, Channel #exploiters

Dead Beat, The Destroyer

Welcome to the IRC FAQ of UGW ( We have tried
to make this FAQ as complete as we can but will something ever be complete? Well not
with the encreasing technick possibilities we have but thas something else.... We would like
to show the newbie how to start Connecting and where to irc from. What servers are there
and why using them. Anonymous Chatting and more stuff from securing to attacking - we
want to show you what possibilities you have and which you don't... We wan't to write things
as easy as possible so that everybody understands this! Thats why we have divided the Tutorial
into 4 Parts. Newbie, Average, Advanced and Geek. We have just done this so that everybody
has something to enjoy! so read on and have phun!
Dead Beat

IRC (Newbie)
- What is that?
- Why should I use that?
- Clients?
- Where can I get a client?/The first connect

Ports (Newbie/Average)
- Which Ports does IRC use?
- How can I find this out?
- Identd?
- DCC?

Commands (Average)
- Where do I find help?
- What is OP's
- What is "@" and "+"
- How can I can I register my nickname?
- How do I register a Channel?
- Modes?
- How to set modes?
- How to kick and ban people?
- How to invite
- How to use colors
- Shorties ;)
- How to see all channels!
- Whats this privsmsg?
- dcc?
- ctcp?
- Grats!

Attacks on IRC?(Average/Advanced)
- Flooding?
- Getting the IP
- How to get Infos and how to use them?
- How to take over a Chan
- How to get OP's

Solving Problems of attacks from IRC (Advanced)
- Anonymous?!
- Why to be anonymous?
- How to be anonymous?
- How to connect if I don't have a client?
- Telnet ok, but how?
- How to get back your Chan
- How do I prevent user finding out info threw ctcp?

Specials (Geeks)
- Spoofing Technickes
- Using IRC as Portwatcher
- Port watch with Ident
- Faked Dcc requests


What is that?
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. It is a system widely spreaded to -chat- who would have guessed that?
It is build like follow:
Let us suppose User 1 wants to chat with User 2
________ |Server| _______
connects with connected to
| |
|PC User 1| |PC User 2|
this is the way it works. You send your text to the server which displays it to the channel or privmsg window
(I will explain privmsg later). So without the server you will not be able to chat of course. You can connect to
a Server to send you messages with a so called client. Read on to know what that is

Why should I use that?
Since it is a widely spread system many people use it so if you don't want to sit alone with somebody in a stupid
Love Chat come to a IRC server and you will be able to chat when ever you would like to ;)! Another reason is
that you have much more commands to use you can send files, find IP's of servers, ping (wit spoofed IP) and more.

Yes these so called clients are the communiaction Base between you and the server. If you send a command the client
can send it to the server in a form that the server can read. Second comfortable thing is that you have a GUI (Graphical
User Interface) you don't have to type your finger to death you can use a mouse in this nicley Build Window Application.

Where can I get a client?/The first connect!
At first you will have to go to Download and install the latest version of mIRC (at this time v5.91
is up-to-date). When starting mIRC a little window called "About mIRC" apears and if you don't want to see it every
time you start mIRC, just deactivate the little checkbox at the buttom left corner! After clicking on the X you will see the
"mIRC Options" window which contains the main settings of mIRC. You can always reach this dialog by clicking on the
icon with the folder and the hammer or going to "File/Options...".
The first thing you should do is to type your desired nickname in the "Nickname" field and an alternative (if the first one is
already used) in the "Alternative" field. The "Full Name" and "E-Mail Address" fields are not so important and can be filled
with some crap. The next important settings are on the "Connect/Identd" page: On most IRC servers and networks you
have to enable the Identd Server (first checkbox) to get connected. But because you don't need it after you connected
you should also check the last checkbox ("Enable only when connecting"). If you want to see if somebody request an ident
you can enable the "Shows Identd requests" option. The text you type in the "User ID" field will be shown before your
hostname when somebody is making a whois on you (then he also sees the text from the "Full Name" field mentioned earlier).
In the "System" field you can write what you want but the port has to be "113"!

2. Connecting to a server
Now you have basically set up your mIRC client and you should learn how to connect to a server and join a chan. As an
example let me explain how you can connect to and join our chan #Exploiters:
- Goto the "Connect" page in the "mIRC Options"
- Click on "Add"
- name this Server how you think it is the best in the "Description" field (e.g. "" or "the best irc server")
- Put "" in the "IRC Server" field
- the "Port" field should be "6667"
- "Group" and "Password" should be left blank
- click on "Add"
- Push the big "Connect to IRC Server" button

Now an popup window named "mIRC Channels Folder" apears and you could enter "#Exploiters" in the text field at the top
and press the "Join" button, but this is pretty lame ;-) and will get really annoying after a short time! So you just disable the
"Pop up folder on connect" option and click "Close" and the next time this window won't apear.

You see the "Status" window now (which we will discuss later on). You just have to type "/J Exploiters" (of course without
the quotes) in the buttom line (the input line). For whome it is of interest: /J is bascally a shortcut for /JOIN, but you can omit
the # in the Chan name. Under normal conditions you should be in our chan now and can chat with us (the most time of the
day there a at least a few people in the chan) by typing something in the input box of the chan window.


Which Ports does IRC use?
It uses the Port-range 6666-6669. Normaly and standart is the Port 6667 so you will actually be right advised to check
that one first. Another Port irc uses is 113 for the ident requests. (btw: perhaps you wonder why we talk about irc and mirc
well quite easy irc is the chat and mirc is the standart Windows client ;).

How can I find them?
Well when you find the adress of a server on a site they will actually give you the Port if the aren't totally funny or stupid so well
if not portscan ;)) well this will take you far more time then just trying manually so just try the Port-range I gave you upper.

This is a service that should just give out some infos about the user and his system! I don't want to go into that Identd Protcol
to much! But if you are interrested check ( So Identd "sits" on Port 113 normally. You can of coures
reconfigure that and change it.

DCC stands for Direct Client Connections. You find more about DCC down this text! But what to say about Ports? Normally
your client waites for dcc connections on 1024 you can also change that or run the dcc threw a firewall!


- Where do I find help?
If you want a general Help to irc you can just type /help (you will not have to be connected!) or click Help-> there you
will find a lot of topics you can read about.

What is OP's
OP stands for Operator this means if you see somebody in the chan with a @ he is channel Operator he has nearly all rights.
He is able to kick, ban, voice, devoice you and more! There is only one person above him called the "Founder" he has an
operator status too. You can check the founder of a chan like this: "/chanserv list set founder". The OP's are divided into access
levels. Whenever you access a chan "chanserv" a service that organizes all the channels and channelcommands will check which
access level you have. If you are not anounced in the access list you will just get no mode at all. To check the access list of a
channel type this: "/chanserv access #channelname list" you will not be able to see this list for everychannel name since you can
deactivate that command.

What is "@" and "+"
@ is a sign that the person has Operatori status so if you see the name: @Dead_Beat it means that Dead_Beat has operator
status. If you see a name like "+etsh911" this means "etsh911" has a voice. Well you will read in a sec you can moderate a chan
this means that only op's(@) and people with voice(+) have the permission to talk in the chan. Normally channels are not moderated
so the option "+" isn't actually important but it shows that the person is on the chan perhaps a long time or knows much. It's just a
signification for some kind of respect or friendship or whatever it is just better then nothing ;). If you see a name like "TheDestroyer"
with no "@" and no "+" this means that the access level of "TheDestroyer" is not defined in the access list.

How can I can I register my nickname?
When you enter a irc server you will have to give your self a nickname by default this will be something like gUeSt975Ba or shit
this shows that you have no idea about irc and will decrease the respect of people! Believe me it is not good to do this ;-) so
change your nickname before entering any chan. You can do this with: /nick wished_name so if you wanted to call yourself
Peter_Hugle you would use this syntax: "/nick Peter_Hugle" ok?! good..

How do I register a Channel?
As I mentioned before "chanserv" is the service for all channels! So if you want to register a channel you would have to use
following command: "/chanserv register #channelname password" this is really easy and done quick but don't forget asking a
irc oper if you are allowed to register your own Channel. To do this just enter the most visited channel and ask if somebody
knows the nickname of any IRC-Oper in this channel. (To drop the registration just use "/chanserv #channame drop")

Modes set some "adjectives" to a channel like the one I talked about already! "+m" All modes are specified with a +/-
"+"=set the mode "-"=unset the mode. So like I said m=moderated to set the mode moderated type: "/mode #channel +m"
but to unset use "/mode #channel -m" quite easy!! But don't don't forget only op's can set modes! Other modes are:
i(invite only)

How to set modes?
Hmm sorry but I told you upper ;))
How to kick and ban people?
As I said you have to be op's to do this: Kick= "/kick #channel nickname" and Ban= "/mode +b #channel nickname"

How to invite
"/invite #channel nickname"

How to use colors
Well this is quite easy just use "strg+k" yes press these two buttons at the same time and menu will appear to show you
all the colors they are:
0=white 6=lila
1=black 7=orange
2=blue ... check them with the menu ;)

Shorties ;)
Nope this hasn't got to do anything with the length of something ;) well actually it has! It is about the length of a Word!
To make live easier ppl (people) in Chat use shorties ;) the won't have to write so much which saves time this is the only
reason ;) so if you want to know some here they are ;):
ppl = People
btw = by the way
brb = be right back
bbl = be back later
omg = oh my god (which is lame and will not be tollerated in our chan!)
h/p/c/a = Hacking, Phreaking, Cracking/Coding, Anarchy
stfu = shut the fuck up
cycle = please leave the channel and join it again! (this is for changing the access leve remember it? if you get voice and
they want to test it they will have to rejoin this means that you leave the channel and rejoin it so chanserv will check you
access level.)
oic = ohh I see
ic = I see (hehe what did you think???)
cu = see you
u = you

How to see all channels!
"/list" Will show you a list with channels!

Whats this privsmsg?
Privmsg is a way to speak to somebody privat so that not everybody is able to read it! By simple double clicking someones
name you wil be able to privmsg him! The other command is: "/privmsg #nick : messge" as soon as he responses a window
will appear.

DCC stands for Direct Client Connections. It allows you to connect to a Client directly this is good for sending a programm
or chatting directly. As you should know to have a direct connection you need a IP to send the infos! So it is possible to get
the IP of someone connecting to you via dcc! First if he wants to connect he !must! ask so you will get a box appearing which
informs you that someone wants to chat/send something via dcc. In the status window which is the first window in the windowbar
(first one on the left side) you will see his IP! And other way round if you only request to chat/send via dcc to somebody he will
see your IP and if you chat to somebody you can't find the IP via netstat. This is a program that show open connections. If you
type "netstat -a" it will show all open connections the one say "established" to a IP other then the irc server you are on will be the
user you are chatting to! Pinging it will give you the ip!

Ctcp stands Client to Client Protocoll it is usefull to collect all sort of Information like userinfo, finger, time and ping from the remote
machine. This works the following:
by typing: "/ctcp nickname ping" will send a ping to the user and tell you the time that the ping took while connecting "/ctcp nickname
userinfo" will give you some userinformation and "/ctcp nickname finger" will give you email and such and "/ctcp nickname time" will
give you the time on the remote machine! If you want to prevent others to get this information please read the Solution section!

You have made the Newbie stage and will now enter the World of an Average user live will get more interresting now ;) (btw. nope
you are no Hacker yet! Well did I say you would be after reading this ??? hmm don't remember so hehe you will have to read more
Tutorials ;)

Attacks on IRC?

Flooding is a way to bug a user or even disconnect him from the irc network. You can find many scripts to do this! The "best" and way
to flood is to flood a channel like with letting radom nicknames connect to the network. We don't like to tell you any adress since it is
fucking lame to flood a chan with many ppl that didn't even do anything! But I know if you want to flood somebody you can find flooders.

Getting the IP
Well it is very hard to get the IP from a user that is intelligent and knows what he is doing. Since you can only do this with "/dns nickname"
but many servers that are good deactivate this command! So you can't find the IP that way and another thing is that you will know how
to "spoof" your IP after reading this text and so on /dns you will get the wrong IP! The other way is the dcc way but same thing! You can
use a proxy and so your real IP stays hidden! And normally dcc is only use very seldum and normal people will not allow you to dcc them!
OK just to let you know the dcc way is easy so it works like this:
You dcc (Chat/send) somebody and while doing this open and do a "netstat -a" which will show you all active connections
including the one to the victim! This works because DCC is Direct Connect and won't include any servers into the commincation. i.e.:
C:\Windows>netstat -a

Active Conntecions

Proto Local Adress Remote Adress Status
TCP your_computer:1024 Established
TCP your_computer:XXXX* Established

this would tell you that is the name of the dcc partner. Ping him the following:
"ping" and you would have the IP

How to get Infos and how to use them?
The one way is the normal way to use "/whois nickname" it will give you infos like:
nickname the connection country realname can be faked by just simply entering this in "File->Options"
| | | | Channels he is on
nickname is [email protected] * Why do you ask? |
nickname on @#exploiters @#rat @#redsky @#lecture @#newchan #void +#pl3bs_cl4n @#Code @#asm @#c++
nickname using Box Network IRCD
nickname is a registered and identified nick
nickname has been idle 1min 3secs, signed on Wed Jul 11 14:23:30
nickname End of /WHOIS list.

This user shouldn't be fucked up since he is op in 8 chans this means he knows much! And if he isn't op he is voice so...
You now know on which chans he is and if he knows what he is upto! You already know how to get the IP so I won't say
this here again! We want to know show now how to use the infos from ctcp!
/ctcp nickname ping ---> will just show you if he can be flooded/nuke/oob'ed easy since his bandwitch can be seen like somebody
with ping time: 2 seconds will have a really good bandwitch and will be hard to be nuked! If I were you I would check it with other
times ping many people to get just an idea about how much time is normal...
/ctcp nickname finger ---> Some users will give you the real mail which isn't to intelligent with a network of idiots! Someone could
fake mails and send them to a friend if he spies you and sees who your friends are and he could mail bomb you and more...
/ctcp nickname time ---> will show you the time if the time is right you can find out which time zone he is and you know the country
he is on!

How to take over a Chan?
This is hard there are someways but they are damn hard! If it is a non registered chan wait till everybody is out course the first person
entering a chan is the op! My suggestion is to go to a chan with lamers like if "Master" is op in the chan of 'hackkkkers" and "Looser"
is op !too! you should change your nick to Master (/nick Master) after he left and come in the chan perhaps he will make you op
otherwise tell him that you are at your friends house and you want op NOW but since you don't come from your IP at home you chanserv
won't give you he shall quick!(This is of course pure shit but.... who cares ;) But be quick after one Minute (standart sometimes longer/
shorter) it will change to _Master- which will show that you are not identified which means you don't have the password for your username
which means you aren't the user ;))! After having OP's quickly set the chan on invite only and kick ban everybody!! ban the founder and
akick everybody! This will be really shit for theFounder if he doesn't know much about this shit otherwise he could easylie he get back the

How to get OP's
Didn't I just tell you ?

Solving Problems of attacks from IRC

Well the term is used for users of the internet that are anonym that means you can't really get any information about them they are
anonym! ;)

Why to be anonymous?
Well to not give an easy target for lamers who want to flood you you should try to hide every piece of information! As you saw upper
it is easy to get all of your IP and other so you should if you don't want to be flooded or shit ;)

How to be anonymous?
Well this isn't as easy as you might think! You will have to be careful what you say and should hide all the infos you don't need to give
away! Without beeing paranoid accept you are doing things which others say are illegal as taking infos that should be free anyway! Iin
that case I would recommend to be paranoid! ;)
You will have to first stop the dcc sends and chats from people you don't know NEVER EVER accept a dcc send from somebody you
don't know! Think a second why should somebody that doesn't know you send you a nice Program that would be stupid! It will be a virus
or trojan so never ever ;).... I mean I don't mind just if you are new to this you shouldn't! Second you should stop this silly ctcp requests ;)!
Why don't spoof the response?! Yeah thats no problems just some scripts ;)
ctcp 1:finger: {
.notice $me Received CTCP FINGER from $nick $+ / $+ $site
ctcpreply $nick FINGER Hello! My name is response I shall tell you something about hmm dunno do you?... | halt

ctcp 1:PING:{
.notice $me Recieved PING from $nick $+ / $+ $site
ctcpreply $nick PING 123456789secs | halt

ctcp 1:VERSION:{
.notice $me Recieved Version request from $nick $+ / $+ $site
ctcpreply $nick VERSION hmm QNXHADEW Version}
Now just copy everything between Begin and End (Important not "begin" and "end" only the scripts between and now after copieng them
Put them into your Remote scripts collection! Don't worry this is easy just press Alt+R while you are in mirc so start Mirc press alt + r and
a Window will appear called "mIRC Editor" pasted what you have just copied and you are fine ;) you won't have any ctcp requests anymore!
Next please enter: "/ctcp userinfo set nothing" so now nothing will appear in the userinfo too!
The next thing you should do is to use a proxy! This is quite easy!
Go to a site with a lists of proxies like or! Now search for Proxies and open Mirc
and startup mIRC will always open a window in which you can enter specific options! To use a proxy go to the "Local Info" field and enter
the proxy where you should enter "Local Host" leave the "IP Adress" field blank but make sure you enable the option below called: "IP Adress"
leave the rest as it is on "Local Info" Page! Now click on "Firewall" and enable the option "Use Firewall" and "Initiate DCC's trought Firewall"
this is important courser otherwise people will see your IP trough DCC! Enable the Option "Proxy" and enter a proxy in the "Hostname" field
and change the Port to the one the Proxy is for you will see that on the site mostly 80 or 8080(I only check for 3128 course they work nearly
ALWAYS ;). Now try to connect if it doesn't work with the error like: "unable to connect Firewall" you will have to try others (this will take a
bit like about 10 Firewall tests but it is worth that work ;). Should it say unable to connect to "locahost" you will have to change the Proxy in
"Local Info" but this is rarely!

How to connect if I don't have a client?
You should do it with Telnet but I tell you this stinks!

Telnet ok, but how?
Start telnet and then click on "Connect" choose a irc server as Hostname enter 6667 (or the irc Port) in the next Box and last use vt100 as
terminaltype! Connect when connected type "nick nickname" and press enter now type "user asd asd asd asd" and enter again! You are now
connected! Joining a channel works like this: "join #channel" and writing in a channel like this: "privmsg #channel : your text here" and to chat
private to somebody type:

How to get back your Chan
This depends how it was fucked up! Following you will see a list with commands to bring back your chan:
If you are Banned:
/chanserv unban #channel
Invite only:
/chanserv invite nickname #channel

How do I prevent user finding out info threw ctcp?
check the topic: "How to be anonymous"

Spoofing Technickes
You can spoof your IP, ctcp replies and many other things. But we will start with the one I told you about. It is the easiest of the spoofing
technicks the Proxy technick which is meantioned in the Section: Advanced->How to stay Anonymous. You should understand that. If
you want to spoof your IP in a DCC but use the Direct Client Connectionn which means you want to really chat! You will have to activate
the option Firewall->"Initiate DCC's threw Firewall" which would hide your IP(which means it would give the IP from the proxy). Another
way to spoof you way for DCC is explained in "Specials->Faked Dcc requests" down this text. You can also spoof your IP by connecting
threw a shell with telnet for example. Or using a BNC which I won't explain here since there are 1000's of tuts out there!

Portwatch with Identd
Once I wondered about this "Identd request watcher" you know when you are connected a longer time to irc you get a notice about a
server requesting a Identd. Well I thought first to fake it but then I said: "Hey I can change the Identd Port which would show me requests
to other Ports". So I changed the Identd Port to "79" the finger Port which is actually only used by someone trying to do something he shouldn't.
And really didn't have to wait to long I saw a first connection request with IP. So for the people that say hey this next Point is far to complicated
for me just use this Function as Portlistener.

Using IRC as Portwatcher
As I talled you upper I had this idea with Identd and further about a day later I thought hey why don't I write a socket script that listens to ports
I specify. And so I did. Started up Socket Programming.... and this is what came out. Just copy and paste that following script to your Remote
script which you can find following way. Start mIRC and press "Alt+R" or choose "Tools->Remote..." and paste the following sript:

on 1:Connect:/socklisten finger 79
on 1:socklisten:finger:{
sockaccept nbactive | /privmsg $me Connection attempt from $sock(nbactive).ip on $sock(nbactive).port to port: $sock(finger).port via $sock(nbactive).type at $time $+ . <-- Socket-Script: Dead Beat. Closing...
sockclose nbactive

To change the define Port just change the "79" to the Port you would like to define.


Faked Dcc requests
Well this is a easy technick you can use for many tricks but I changed this trick for an attack. Anyway so this is how it works:
When you try to request a dcc chat/send connection you will first tell the irc-server to do this for you but to forward your Hostname IP
which means it's very extrem easy to fake DCC requests! But don't forget after him accepting he could easily find out your real IP threw
the netstat technick and since you fake the dcc request it shouldn't work(it=the connection). So now the attack. Let us prosume you don't
like the nick: "I_am_kewl" so you find out his IP with the tricks explained above. Then next you connect to the irc server and change your
nick and ident as well as your Email so nobody would know its you! Best you use a proxy too! And disable the function "Initiate DCC's threw
Firewall" in the Firewall option. And clear your "Local Host" field in options of "Local Info" activate the option "IP Adress" benieth
"On Connect always get:" and activate the "Lookup method:" "Normal" next type the IP of your Victim - in this case the IP of "I_am_kewl"
in the "IP Adress:" field benieth "Local Host:". Next connect and lets say you call yourself "hee_man" and you know that the user of nick "admin"
is able to DoS somebody in knowledge and bandwitch so you chat to him with your real nick and tell him some guy is trieng to dcc flood you.
Next you (in this case your faked dcc nick: "hee_man") Start many dcc send and chat requests! Then he will ask you(the real nick) if this guy
flooding you is called "hee_man" you of course say: "yeah! thats him" with your real nick. Then tell him that you would like to DoS him but you can't
since you are on a 56K Modem and you don't have any code or time to do such thing. Then he will say hey I'll do it. And since he will flood the
faked IP of your "hee_man" which is the IP of "I_am_kewl" he will flood "I_am_kewl" and DoS him perhaps so he'd be dead ;) This is a long
trick and hard and its unlikely that this will all happen like in this example but I just wanted to show you the trick in connection to a nice example.

Anyway I hope you like the tutorial should you have any questions to one of these topics don't ask me via mail just catch me on irc. If you have
any ideas that I should add mail me. Should you be searching for any more cool Tutorials check: or
Thats it thank you for your time

Dead Beat
mailto:[email protected]?subject=irc Tutorial
ljudi imaju fotografsko pamcenje, neki su zaboravili da stave film
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 9930
Poruke: 1343

+2 Profil

icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju02.11.2004. u 12:44 - pre 241 meseci
svaka cast. Rekao si da ti za sada banuju samo IP, sto je dobro. Samo da ti ne banuju nick i ident...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 13287
Poruke: 1797

+5 Profil

icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju02.11.2004. u 12:47 - pre 241 meseci
Recite mi koji je dakle najbolji multiproxy za download.
Odgovor na temu

Neven Pintarić
Nano-mage Engineer, Slave SysAdmin

Član broj: 21153
Poruke: 5499

+14 Profil

icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju02.11.2004. u 13:36 - pre 241 meseci

ql text, hvala!!

Putuj planeto, super smo se družili
nama je lepo, taman kako smo zaslužili!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 39377
Poruke: 18


icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju13.11.2004. u 11:53 - pre 241 meseci
Stefano.. ako imas @/% na tom kanalu gde te banuju postavi sebi na nick/host +e mod ( /mode #Kanal +e nick/host ) ili zamoli nekoga od opova da ti ga da, kada ti postave ban bice ti ko da ga nemas.. osim ako ti skinu +e mod :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 37665
Poruke: 10


icon Re: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju14.11.2004. u 17:21 - pre 241 meseci
Spajanje na Sock/Proxy

Prjie svega! Zasto koristite proxy?

Proxy je zabranjen da se koristi kao zloupotreba. Ali, koristite proxy ako mislite da vas neko napada preko IRCa. Proxy ce sakriti vasu adresu!

1. Proxy Server
Sta je proxy?
Spajanjem na proxy server znaci da se prvo spojite na neki drugi kompjuter, pa tek onda na server. Taj "drugi" kompjuter sluzi kao proxy i njegova IP adresa ce da se pojavi kao vasa. Proxy moze da se koristi i na drugim programima a ne samo na IRC-u. Na primer mozemo da se spojimo na website preko proxy.

Kako da nadjem proxy?

Proxy servere mozete naci na raznim mestima, ali nemora da znaci da ce svaki proxy da vam uspesno radi, pogotovo na IRCu gde imamo proxy klinere.

Sada, kao primer koristicemo proxy: 123.123.123:80

123.123.123 - Proxy Server ( IP )
80 - Port

Pratite sledece korake...

1. Otvorite Options
Otvorite Mirc Options - Tools -> Options (Alt+O)

2. Upisite proxy server
Kada vam se otovri mIRC Options prozor:
Kliknite na Connect (1)
Pod -Connect izaberite Firewall (2)
Pod Firewall support izaberite Both (3)
Pod Protocol izaberite Proxy ili opciju koja sluzi za vas proxy server. (Proxy/Socks4/Socks5) (4)
Pod Hostname: upisite vas server, u ovom slucaju je 123.123.123 (5)
Ako koristite Free Proxy onda ostavite User ID i Password prazno.
Pod Port upisite port od proxy server, u ovom slucaju je 80. (6)
Kliknite OK da potvrdite. (7)

Kada ste zavrsili sa upisivanjem proxy servera, normalno se spojite na server. Ako je proxy ispravan trebali bi da se uspesno spojite na IRC preko njega. Ako nije, morate da nadjete drugi proxy.

Ako ocete da ugasite proxy, na statusu kucajte /firewall off.

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[es] :: Instant Messaging :: IRC :: Sta da uradim da nemogu da me banuju

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