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dt i dd navigacija umesto ul

[es] :: Web dizajn i CSS :: dt i dd navigacija umesto ul

[ Pregleda: 3597 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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Dalibor Sojic

Član broj: 7051
Poruke: 796


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icon dt i dd navigacija umesto ul19.10.2004. u 21:36 - pre 246 meseci
Prokomentarisite sledece:

This menu is just a definition list with styling.
I know that I have advocated not using list for menus, but that was before I had fully investigated the alternatives. I still disagree with the use of unordered lists but I will concede that definition lists are a better way to go.

With definition lists you have the option of two different methods of use (maybe three).

1. use the 'dt' for the navigation title and the 'dd' for the navigation links - as my menu above
2. use the 'dt' for the navigation links and the 'dd' to elaborate on each link.
3. use the 'dt' for the navigation links and the 'dd' to elaborate on each link and place further links within the 'dd' text if appropriate.

This allows definition lists to be much more flexible than unordered lists and gives more 'layers for styling. It is also easier to style as you can just style the link and ignore the 'dl' and 'dt', the only styling that may be necessary is to remove the indent on the 'dd'.

The above menu has a background image in the 'dl', a background image in the 'dt' and background images in the 'dd' links and it will not break when larger font sizes are selected.

routing protocols enable routers to route routed protocols!
Odgovor na temu

Dalibor Sojic

Član broj: 7051
Poruke: 796


+1 Profil

icon Re: dt i dd navigacija umesto ul19.10.2004. u 21:38 - pre 246 meseci
Od istog sajta, drugi link:

Menu tutorial
My way...

I can't press this point too hard - DON'T USE LISTS unless you have a real need to do so. I know that some sites say that this is the correct way to produce your navigation buttons and proceed to show how it works. But it is far too complicated, leads to bloated xhtml AND bloated CSS. Finally with all this extra coding there is so much to go wrong. If accessibility is an issue then there are other ways and another type of list that I believe is more suitable.

LINKS are not LISTS. You can put your navigation links into a list if you want to make use of the list features, bullets and indent. But why put your LINKS into a LIST only to remove the bullet AND remove the indent? It just doesn't make sense.

There, I've said my piece, so on to 'my way' for vertical and horizontal menus without lists.
routing protocols enable routers to route routed protocols!
Odgovor na temu

Tomica Jovanovic
freelance programmer

Član broj: 4128
Poruke: 3448

Sajt: localhost

+5 Profil

icon Re: dt i dd navigacija umesto ul23.10.2004. u 03:45 - pre 246 meseci
pa ne znam šta da prokomentarišem, osim da me nije baš ubedio ZAŠTO ne bih koristio liste za navigacioni meni.

meni se čini da je navigacija upravo lista linkova kojima se navigira po sajtu. ako to nije dovoljno dobar razlog da se koristi lista, ili ako postoji neka druga definicija navigacije, voleo bih da čujem. ovako bez argumenata mi baš i ne drži vodu.

(plus što nije objasnio kako bi bez listi napravio navigacioni meni sa podmenijima, što je složićete se, često neizbežno)

a evo, biću dobar, pa neću ni izlistati koliko puta je bio nedorečen ili sam sebi protivurečan.. ili ipak hoću.. :-P

  • prvo kaže "ne koristite liste" (bez zašto), a zatim "koristite liste, ali definicione a ne neuređene" (opet bez argumenata zašto su ove druge loše).
  • priča samo o stilizovanju, a ni ne pominje semantičko značenje. pa nije izgled najbitniji!
  • definicione liste su (zamisli!) za DEFINICIJU pojmova, ne za navigacioni meni..
  • očigledno da nema pojma kako se sve to čuje u nekom audio čitaču (priča o dostupnosti mu se svodi na text-mode browsere)
  • i kao poslastica za kraj, zavirite u izvorni kod njegove stranice.. ;)

(za one koje mrzi: i on sam koristi neuređenu listu za navigacioni meni na svom sajtu. što rekoše, ne treba biti veći katolik od pape.. :-P)
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Web dizajn i CSS :: dt i dd navigacija umesto ul

[ Pregleda: 3597 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.