Kako da korisniku (bilo jednom odredjenom, ili svim neadministratorskim nalozima) zabranim da na NT-u (terminal server, ako je bitno) menja podesavanja u Internet Exploreru (Favorites, Internet Options, ...).
Mislim da to ne može da se zabrani NT4 polisama (ili ja ne znam kako), ali može kroz registry da se određenom korisniku zabrani (pojedinačno), mada zavisi od verzije Internet explorera.
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions
(trenutno logovan user, ostali korisnici HKEY_USERS)
potrebno je dodati DWORD
NoBrowserClose - Disable the option of closing Internet Explorer. NoBrowserContextMenu - Disable right-click context menu. NoBrowserOptions - Disable the Tools / Internet Options menu. NoBrowserSaveAs - Disable the ability to Save As. NoFavorites - Disable the Favorites. NoFileNew - Disable the File / New command. NoFileOpen - Disable the File / Open command. NoFindFiles - Disable the Find Files command. NoSelectDownloadDir - Disable the option of selecting a download directory. NoTheaterMode - Disable the Full Screen view option. NoAddressBar - Disable the address bar. NoToolBar - Disable the tool bar. NoLinksBar - Disable the links bar.