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Kako razbiti .avi

[es] :: Grafički dizajn :: Kako razbiti .avi

[ Pregleda: 4694 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Riste Pejov
Team Leader/Senior Software Developer @
Ein-Sof ltd Skopje
Skopje, Macedonia

Član broj: 128
Poruke: 571

ICQ: 154236769


icon Kako razbiti .avi11.03.2002. u 16:09 - pre 279 meseci
bilo bi fino kad bi neko imenovao aplikaciju koja
bi od .avi fajla napravila skup .jpg-ova od svakog frame-a avi-ja
uslov: da proces bude automatizovan

znam da mogu da save-ujem frame po frame iz Corel PhotoPaint, ali imam
strasno MNOGO avija koje treba da podelim na frame-ove i treba mi neki program
uz pomoc kojeg bi sve to proslo za cas
People who think they know everything tend to irritate those of us who do.
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: Kako razbiti .avi11.03.2002. u 17:43 - pre 279 meseci
Da li si pokušao sa Adobe Premiere?
Odgovor na temu

Dorćol, Beograd

Član broj: 15
Poruke: 655

ICQ: 16451419


icon Re: Kako razbiti .avi11.03.2002. u 18:50 - pre 279 meseci
moze u premijeri ima pod Export :)

nego gojko smorio sam se ko dupe sa premijerom uchim ga upravo

uzeo sam one klipove sa zurke da sredim malo

jao pa za obichan preview treba po 5-10 minuta, To kada nemam ni jednu DV karticu :(
Jel potpis treba pisanim ili
štampanim slovima?


Odgovor na temu

Novakovic Marko

Član broj: 19744
Poruke: 132


+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako razbiti .avi11.03.2004. u 09:13 - pre 254 meseci
Uzmes Virtual Dub Mod i to ti je to...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4976
Poruke: 109

+3 Profil

icon Re: Kako razbiti .avi11.03.2004. u 21:00 - pre 254 meseci
Ah, danas ti je srećan dan.
Po meni, najbolje i najbrže za ovo je TotCommander plugin, koji ti na ctrl+pgdwn pravi od svakog frejma bitmapu... Evo izvoda iz readme i linka ka najnovijoj verziji. Nema smisla da postujem i zip, manji je od 100k.
With this plugin, you can explore AVI-files like a directory. Each frame is represented as a bitmap file, which can be extracted. The first audio stream is represented as a wave file.

You can pack a series of bitmap files to an AVI file. The files are stretched to the dimensions of the first picture. Only *.bmp and *.jpg files can be used to encode. When starting to encode, the compression options dialog is shown up.

Modifying of existing AVI files is not supported. You can neither add nor delete frames of exising files. If you want to modify a file, you have to extract the whole file, modify the files, and encode them again.

Only wave files are supported. The first audio stream of existing videos is shown as wave file. When encoding, you can take a wave file as the first audio stream. However you can select multiple wave files, only the first audio stream is supported.

Only frames below the 2 GB barrier can be extracted. Encoding up to 2 GB works fine, too. Wave files should have the same length like the video stream, when encoding. Encoding works best without audio.

When encoding, the files are added the order, you have selected them in the Windows Commander (from top to bottom). By sorting them, the encoding order changes.

The losslessness of your created avi file depends on the avi compressor. Typically there is a loss of quality. You won't be able to extract the pictures in the same quality they were encoded.

The decoding quality can depend on your current display bit depth, too.


Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Grafički dizajn :: Kako razbiti .avi

[ Pregleda: 4694 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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