Probaj ovo, jednostavno je i efikasno, naravno, drugi korisnik ne zna sifru za guest accounte :
Simply make sure that your Windows has guest account option turned on and then add a password to the guest account. Once that's done, any computer that tries to access your shared folders over the network over a network will be asked for a username (default will be 'Guest') and the guest password.
If you dont know how to create guest accounts and add passowrd to it, follow the steps below:
1. Log into Windows XP as an Administrator (unless your account has Admin priviledges)
2. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts, and then click on Guest Account.
3. Make sure that Guest account option is turned on
4. Go to Start -> Run, and type cmd in the entry box. Hit Enter.
5. At the command prompt, type 'Net user guest password' (without quotes) and press Enter.
6. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts, then click on Guest Account. Now you should be able to set a password on the Guest Account.
7. Add a Password and restart your Computer. Done!