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Canon Pixma IP4300

[es] :: Ostali hardver :: Canon Pixma IP4300

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Miroslav Stankovic

Član broj: 114975
Poruke: 1


icon Canon Pixma IP430017.12.2010. u 08:21 - pre 171 meseci
Imam Pixmu IP4300 i do skoro je radio perfektno kad odjednom vise ne stampa, napise "operator error" i lampica resume se pali neprekidno po 5 puta u istim intervalima. Da li neko zna kako da resi ovaj problem?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 274409
Poruke: 32


+1 Profil

icon Re: Canon Pixma IP430017.12.2010. u 14:16 - pre 171 meseci
Pogledajte u originalnom uputstvu za vas stampac (na engleskom) u tablici problemi.
Imate detaljno opisano svaki problem i kako se resava.

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servisi ,odrzavanje

Član broj: 10678
Poruke: 1856

+10 Profil

icon Re: Canon Pixma IP430018.12.2010. u 08:18 - pre 171 meseci
sa neta:
Got it from the manual on disc, mine was doing the same. 5 flashes = "Print head error", Solution install printhead or remove and check connections. Well I removed it after I found out what it was (The plastic carriage that the ink sits in that just lifted out after you take out all the inks) I wiped wiggled poked and got totaly frustrated with it and guess what, it still flashes, well its in the bin now, pitty realy but a new head is about the same as a new printer.....Good luck.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 49277
Poruke: 1360

+42 Profil

icon Re: Canon Pixma IP430021.12.2010. u 23:05 - pre 171 meseci
Specijalizovan sajt za ovakve probleme javljam ti na PP . Pozdrav !
Zene cesto pitaju dali su inteligentni muskarci bolji muzevi . Inteligentni muskarci se uopste nezene !
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[es] :: Ostali hardver :: Canon Pixma IP4300

[ Pregleda: 2642 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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