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Google razvija advertising servis za email

[es] :: Pretraživači i SEO :: Google razvija advertising servis za email

[ Pregleda: 2435 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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Markiranje Štampanje RSS

Vukan Karadžić

Član broj: 4675
Poruke: 586

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icon Google razvija advertising servis za email19.01.2004. u 21:50 - pre 251 meseci
"SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc., which dominates the market for Web search, is developing a service that could dramatically extend the reach of its lucrative keyword-based advertising by linking such ads to e-mail, people familiar with the matter said on Friday..."

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[es] :: Pretraživači i SEO :: Google razvija advertising servis za email

[ Pregleda: 2435 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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