Sun slips nips onto iPad
Topless babes offering up-front news analysis? There's an app for that.
NSFW Today sees the launch of the Sun's iPad app which, for a small consideration, offers fanbois the chance to digest at leisure all of the paper's famous meaty goodness.
For the debut God Pad edition, we find the lovely Chloe offering her up-front analysis of the government's growth figures. Handily, you can zoom right in to ensure you get the full benefit of the Page 3 stunna's considerable insights:
Interesantno je da je Gestapo odobrio aplikaciju na kojoj, boze sakloni, mozete videti zenske mlecne zlezde....
Gestapo je to objasnio na sledeci nacin:
It turns out the paper has been granted an exemption from Apple's anti-obscenity laws because "downloading requires customers to confirm that they are 17 or over since the app 'contains age-restricted material'".
I naravno, pics or it never happened:
... Narod ;-) Videos: Gallery:
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