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Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...

[es] :: Advocacy :: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...

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Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16715

+7182 Profil

icon Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 21:01 - pre 176 meseci
Procureo Apple Developer Program License Agreement...

Zasto procureo pita se neko? Zato sto doticni eksplicitno zabranjuje pricanje o istom :) Otvorena platforma - ali psst! :)

The first rule of fight club is... :)


Apple's draconian developer docs revealed

In the 1999 movie Fight Club, Brad Pitt famously tells a huddle of pugilistic aspirants: "The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club."

Apple's iPhone Developer Program License Agreement phrases that sentiment differently, but its directive to iPhone developers is essentially the same:

You may not issue any press releases or make any other public statements regarding this Agreement, its terms and conditions, or the relationship of the parties without Apple's express prior written approval, which may be withheld at Apple's discretion.

This nugget was finally uncovered by the digital-freedom crusaders at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), who obtained a copy (PDF) of the Agreement by invoking the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) after the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration signed on as an iPhone developer.

What's in the Agreement that Apple doesn't want you to know? The EFF's report has a few suggestions, including the fact that Apple can reject an app for any reason, even if it meets all the Agreement's requirements.

There's also the stipulation that prohibits any kind of reverse engineering of the SDK or iPhone OS, including what the EFF claims are "the kinds of reverse engineering for interoperability that courts have recognized as a fair use under copyright law."

Then there's the edict that a dev cannot "disable, hack, or otherwise interfere with" not just the iPhone OS and SDK, but also "any services or other Apple software or technology" - which precludes, as the EFF points out, efforts to enable Apple devices to interoperate with open source software.

But wait. There's more. In the Agreement's "Limitation of Liability" section, Apple states that it can never be held liable for damages - other than those involving personal injury - that "exceed the amount of fifty dollars." In other words, if the App Store police decide to axe your app for any reason, all damages resulting from your loss of development, marketing, and other expenses can't amount to more than what the EFF calls "the cost of a nice dinner for one in Cupertino."

It's no news that the iPhone, the iPod touch, and the forthcoming iPad are closed systems. Reading the Agreement, however, reveals just how closed those systems are, and just how committed how Apple is to reversing decades of developers' abilities to publish and market apps as they see fit - not to mention the user's right to load whatever software they want onto devices they have purchased.

And even this unprecedented degree of control isn't enough for Apple. As we reported a year ago, Apple has told the US Copyright Office that jailbreaking an iPhone should be illegal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). According to Apple, the EFF's petition that jailbreaking should be exempt from the DMCA is "an attack on Apple's particular business choices with respect to the design of the iPhone mobile computing platform and the strategy for delivering applications software for the iPhone through the iPhone App Store."

itd.. itd...

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Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16715

+7182 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 21:04 - pre 176 meseci
U sledecoj verziji ce verovatno ubaciti i "Apple fashion police" paragraf - da ce developeri biti regularno ispitivani od strane Apple policije - da u kuci i na poslu slucajno nemaju neki ne-approved uredjaj, ili ne daj boze - da im namestaj nije u beloj boji :)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
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Vladanko Vladanovic

Član broj: 323
Poruke: 1011

ICQ: 6072593

+49 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 21:35 - pre 176 meseci
hmmm, hoce li onda biti programerski jabuchasti donji wesh "approved only"?


#include "crvenegace.h"

(e ovaj source nece da iskompajlira jel nisu belegace.h :)
Hmmm , na VIP-u 3G preko iphone-a 2,6 Mbps DL i 1,4 UP ...
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16715

+7182 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 21:43 - pre 176 meseci
Ovako je Apple voleo sebe da predstavlja davne 1984-te :)

A 2010?


You may not issue any press releases or make any other public statements regarding this Agreement, its terms and conditions, or the relationship of the parties without Apple's express prior written approval, which may be withheld at Apple's discretion.


But wait. There's more. In the Agreement's "Limitation of Liability" section, Apple states that it can never be held liable for damages - other than those involving personal injury - that "exceed the amount of fifty dollars." In other words, if the App Store police decide to axe your app for any reason, all damages resulting from your loss of development, marketing, and other expenses can't amount to more than what the EFF calls "the cost of a nice dinner for one in Cupertino."


There's also the stipulation that prohibits any kind of reverse engineering of the SDK or iPhone OS, including what the EFF claims are "the kinds of reverse engineering for interoperability that courts have recognized as a fair use under copyright law."


Then there's the edict that a dev cannot "disable, hack, or otherwise interfere with" not just the iPhone OS and SDK, but also "any services or other Apple software or technology" - which precludes, as the EFF points out, efforts to enable Apple devices to interoperate with open source software.


DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Zarko Bulatovic

Član broj: 29849
Poruke: 443

+25 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 21:48 - pre 176 meseci
Zanimljivo da je moderni Apple nastao iz NeXTa, koji je bio diametralno suprotan svemu sta je Apple danas.
Da da...cak je i Microsoft nekad bio spas normalnih kompjuterasa i sinonim za otvorenost i kontratezu zlom IBMu :)

Sve otislo u 3p.m. Cak su i novu znanost izmislili. Jel ko cuo za IT prije 10-15 godina?

Q: HSP56 Micromodem nece da radi kompjuter ga prepozna a kad treba da se konektujem nece ne daje ni znaka zivota. u cemu je problem.

A: Crko mozda od grmljavine mozda od spanaca. Uglavnom baci ga u WC solju jako povuci vodu. Skupi 5e i uzmi drugi i ne postuj temu na pogresno mesto.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16715

+7182 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 21:52 - pre 176 meseci

Firma FirstView je na CeBIT-u prikazala $95 tablet (craplet :-)

I... sta se desava?

Apple je poslao nemacku muriju da im zaplene robu zbog navodnog krsenja patenata (koji nisu navedeni... mozda imaju patent na kockast plasticni uredjaj za zaludjivanje mase...)... valjda da svet slucajno ne bi saznao da tableti mogu da kostaju bitno manje od $500 :)

Zanimljivo da je moderni Apple nastao iz NeXTa, koji je bio diametralno suprotan svemu sta je Apple danas.
Da da...cak je i Microsoft nekad bio spas normalnih kompjuterasa i sinonim za otvorenost i kontratezu zlom IBMu :)

Sve otislo u 3p.m. Cak su i novu znanost izmislili. Jel ko cuo za IT prije 10-15 godina?

Eeee... a najjace je sto Apple lepo pozajmljuje od BSD-a, i to posle prepakovano sa tapacirungom valja kao zatvoren ekosistem o cijim uslovima koriscenja ne smes ni da pricas... to valjda da se osecas kao clan ekskluzivnog kluba... nesto kao fensi disco klubovi 70-tih :-) Sta ti je znanost... :)

Sigurno ce uskoro da krenu da valjaju i "Platinum Fanboy Card" - napravljenu od "unibody plastike".
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Zarko Bulatovic

Član broj: 29849
Poruke: 443

+25 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...09.03.2010. u 22:10 - pre 176 meseci
Pokusavam izvuc podatak koliko toga je FreeBSD backportovao iz Darwina al me ne ide...
Znam da su recentno oboje povukli DTrace i ZFS iz Solarisa. Medjutim projekti poput OpenDarwin-a i slicnih propadaju radi toga sta Apple valjda ne vraca dovoljno komuni ;)

Ma hebo njih. Cak i ovaj skrndelj od Windowsa Mobile 6.1 koje imam na telefonu ima mogucnost da udjes u sistemske postavke i dr*as oko sistema.

Q: HSP56 Micromodem nece da radi kompjuter ga prepozna a kad treba da se konektujem nece ne daje ni znaka zivota. u cemu je problem.

A: Crko mozda od grmljavine mozda od spanaca. Uglavnom baci ga u WC solju jako povuci vodu. Skupi 5e i uzmi drugi i ne postuj temu na pogresno mesto.
Odgovor na temu

Varaždin, Hrvatska

Član broj: 82659
Poruke: 380

+26 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...10.03.2010. u 07:18 - pre 176 meseci
ko da se to nije znalo i bez toga :) Apple je najgori, gori i od MS-a i od googlea... Najveće licemjerje je baš kod njih
there's no place like
Odgovor na temu

Nedeljko Stefanović

Član broj: 314
Poruke: 8632

+2791 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...10.03.2010. u 10:56 - pre 176 meseci
To što su povukli kod iz BSD-a, koji je licenciran tako da to dozvoljava je OK, kao i što licenciraju svoje proizvode kako im se ćefne. E, sad, što se kupci ne opamete, to je druga stvar.
Nije bitno koji su zaključci izvučeni, već kako se do njih došlo.
Odgovor na temu

Zarko Bulatovic

Član broj: 29849
Poruke: 443

+25 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...10.03.2010. u 13:20 - pre 176 meseci
Ne, nije ok nego je po zakonu. Ali definitivno nije ok.

Q: HSP56 Micromodem nece da radi kompjuter ga prepozna a kad treba da se konektujem nece ne daje ni znaka zivota. u cemu je problem.

A: Crko mozda od grmljavine mozda od spanaca. Uglavnom baci ga u WC solju jako povuci vodu. Skupi 5e i uzmi drugi i ne postuj temu na pogresno mesto.
Odgovor na temu

Nedeljko Stefanović

Član broj: 314
Poruke: 8632

+2791 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...10.03.2010. u 16:57 - pre 176 meseci
Zašto nije OK koristiti kod na način na koji su vlasnici koda dozvolili da se koristi? Onda BSD licenca nije OK.

Zašto nije OK da neko svoj proizvod licencira imbecilno? Ovce služe za šišanje. Apsolutno je stvar tvog izbora želiš li da budeš ovca ili ne.
Nije bitno koji su zaključci izvučeni, već kako se do njih došlo.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 50955
Poruke: 1447

+7 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...10.03.2010. u 17:12 - pre 176 meseci
Sama navika poistovećivanja ljudi sa ovcama, pri izražavanju, nije ok.
Al' šta ćeš?
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...13.03.2010. u 21:49 - pre 176 meseci
Sama navika poistovećivanja ljudi sa ovcama, pri izražavanju, nije ok.

Pa nije, ali je i cinjenica da se razlicitim ljudima magla razlicito uspesno prodaje.

Mislim ono, uopste ne moras da pomenes rec OVCA, ima milion nacina da opises neku pojavu :)

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...15.03.2010. u 00:17 - pre 176 meseci
ivane,posto zustro pratis apple's actions,da li je pocela inkvizicija za utvrdjivanjem prekrsioca? :P

nego,samo da ne bude k'o u f. club-u ;),sve vise ljudi krsi 1. pravilo i sve vise ljudi u f. clubu...
Odgovor na temu

Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

Član broj: 691
Poruke: 2325


+75 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...16.03.2010. u 18:28 - pre 176 meseci
Pa sad generalno svasta tu ima, zasto apple developeri ne pricaju o svojim proizvodima, nigde neces naci neki blog nekog apple developera, sve to mora da prodje odlenje za marketing.....

Mislim da je prica tu jasna.
Odgovor na temu

Daniel Fat
Novi Sad

Član broj: 221732
Poruke: 5

+1 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...25.03.2010. u 18:18 - pre 176 meseci
Dejan Lozanovic: Pa sad generalno svasta tu ima, zasto apple developeri ne pricaju o svojim proizvodima, nigde neces naci neki blog nekog apple developera, sve to mora da prodje Ministarstvo istine.....

Ispravio sam ti sintaksnu gresku
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 174418
Poruke: 1189

+395 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...25.03.2010. u 18:49 - pre 176 meseci
Hehe .. kako je Jobs fin prema svojoj armiji podanika
"Lets play .. master and servant ..come on .. master and servant"
- OMG ..Praise Steve Jobs .. -
Gori su mi od nacista i hitler jugenta zajedno ..

Viva lollapalooza
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16715

+7182 Profil

icon Re: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...25.03.2010. u 18:53 - pre 176 meseci

Mr. Söderlund had written to Mr. Jobs asking if he would be able to link his iPhone’s data service to the forthcoming iPad. Mr. Jobs wrote back within 30 minutes, and though the reply was perfunctory, it still made Mr. Söderlund’s day — and then echoed around the world, after he forwarded the exchange to a blog devoted to Apple news.

Tuzan deo price nije ovo gore, to gore je sasvim normalno za Apple... vec sto ce armija Apple fanboya da brani odluku Apple-a kao normalnu...

Svasta, da delis jednu 3G konekciju sa 2 uredjaja? Pa to totalno kvari user experience... NARAVNO da ces placati dve data pretplate... jos ce da se nadje neko ko ce da kaze da on placa 5 komada, uz znake ceznje i iscekivanja nagrade od Apple-a za odanost :-)
DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Advocacy :: Apple i otvorenost: welcome to the fight club...

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