Evo dobrih vesti za sve one koji bi da:
1.Prodaju putem Interneta koristeci Payment procesore a nemaju registrovanu firmu a zele uplate iz USA i EU i celog sveta.
S obzirom da PAYPAL jos uvek ne daje Srbiji,fizickim i pravnim licima da se registruju(pise i Albanija ali Srbija nema),evo zadnjeg obavestenja PAYPAL podrske od pre par dana kada sam ih pitao zasto jos uvek nema Srbije:
"Dear ........,
Thank you for contacting PayPal, my name is Dayna.
We'd like nothing more than to have you as a PayPal member.
Unfortunately, we don't currently offer services in any regions of
Serbia you asked about. We currently support services in 190 countries
and regions worldwide, and
though we can't provide an exact date for
coming to your region, we can promise you we're working hard to get
For more information, just go to the PayPal website and click the
"Worldwide" link at the bottom of the page.
Sa druge strane posedujem "Payoneer.com"karticu koju daje vecina freelancing sajtova tipa Elance.com,getafreelancer.com,istockphotos i slicni.
Sa tom PAyoneer karticom ako ima barem tri odradjena posla dobija se US VIRTUAL BANK ACCOUNT:
sA PAYONEER.COM i aktiviranim US VIRTUAL BANK ACCOUNT opcijom moze se otvoriti i primati novac preko za sada GOogle Checkout-a i odmah u roku od 10-ak minuta podici taj novac na bankomatu u Srbiji pri bilo kojoj banci.
Dakle to su Vam najnovije vesti kako LEGALNO primati novac i vrsiti prodaju putem Interneta za sada samo putem GOogle Checkout-a bez mnogo muke i odmah podici novac na bankomatu.Prednost Google checkout-a je sto podrzava Srbiju i pokriva 100% vrednost transkacije ako je u pitanju prevara od kupca Vasih usluga ili vise versa.
Najzad i mi Srbi da dobijem nesto cime se mozemo osecati deo sveta.
Vidi slike-klik za vise detalja,mislim da je jasno ko 123.
I kada se na kraju promislim,mislim da GOogle CHeckout mnogo bolji jer podrzava integraciju sa Google Adwords i jos mnogo toga sto Paypal ne nudi:
Evo linka za Google checkout:
EVo screenshot-ova mog naloga preko koga primam,placam i imam svoj US VIRTUAL BANK ACCOUNT kao nerezident odnosno vlasnik samo Sprskog pasosa(Payoneer.com mi trazio fotokopiju pasosa pre izdavanje istoimene kartice i cekao sam jedno 7-8 dana na pristizanje putem njihovog predstavnistva u Belgiji,donosi postar na vratima).
Sa tim US VIRTUAL BANK ACCOUNT mogu kako su mi rekli otvoriti i primati novac za trgovinu akcijama na berzi i primati novac sa bilo kog bankovnog racuna u USA na isti nacin kao da sam drzavljanin USA i radim tamo pri banci sa screenshot-a.
Dakle :
100% legalno
100% brzo-Novac je na racunu u roku od 10 minuta po slanju/uplati
101% jednostavno i sigurno
Stoga svakome ko ceka da preko PAYPAL-a otvori svoju web prodavnicu za strane drzave,da mu odmah preporucim da od toga za sada nema nista,vec da je jedino resenje za gradjen SRbije "PAyoneer.com+Google Checkout".
Evo i zvanicnog poziva od strane PAyoneer.com gde nude to sto nude:
"Dear .............,
We have been inviting a limited number of valued Payoneer cardholders to participate in a new pilot service - the Payoneer Virtual US Account.
Participating will allow you to receive ACH payments (such as direct deposit and electronic transfer) from US corporations direct to a Virtual US Account. For example, you are able to receive funds from PayPal. Once received in your account, your funds are loaded to your Payoneer card. Money cannot be withdrawn from the Virtual US Account itself - only using your card. Payments are subject to the terms & conditions set by the US organizations that pay you.
To date, the feedback on this new service has been very positive.
The fee for a Payoneer Virtual US Account is $20 annually and 1% of transactions.
If you would like to sign up, please reply to this email with answers to the following questions:
1. What services or products do you offer?
2. From whom do you expect to receive payments?
3. What is your company's website?
4. Please provide any other information about your company or services.
If you have already started using the Payoneer Virtual US Account we would love to hear your feedback about the service. Please post your feedback on the Payoneer Community Forum
"1. Where can I find my US Virtual Account details?
a. Please go to
b. Click the “My Account”
c. Click “Services”
d. Click “ US Virtual Account”
2. What is the account owner’s name I should provide for initiating transfers to the US Virtual Account?
a. The same name that is on the Payoneer card.
3. What bank address should I provide for initiating transfers to the US Virtual Account?
a. 50 S.16th St
Ste 2400 Two Liberty Place
Philadelphia, PA 19102
4. What account type should I provide for initiating transfers to the US Virtual Account
a. Checking account
5. Who can send payments to the US Virtual Account?
a. Selected US companies only.
b. Payments to the account can made ONLY be via ACH transfers Wire transfers are not supported.
c. All other payments will be automatically rejected.
d. Note: Payments are subject to terms and conditions of the company that is sending the payment.
6. How long does it take for the payment to reach my Payoneer account?
a. The time it takes for the payment to reach Payoneer is entirely up to the sender. Payoneer does not have any control over the transfer time. Most ACH payments take between 1-7 business days.
7. Can I transfer money out of the US Virtual Account using ACH?
a. No. You can only use the Payoneer debit card for withdrawing funds from the account.
8. What happens if I try to transfer money out of the US Virtual Account?
a. The payment will be automatically rejected.
9. How do I add my US Virtual Account to my PayPal account?
a. Go to
b. Login to your account
c. Click “My Account”
d. Click “Withdraw”
e. Click “Transfer to a bank account”
f. Click “ add a bank account”
g. Enter the account information- At this stage the information may be different depending on your country. For account information to submit please refer to questions 1,2,3,4 above.
h. You will then be sent a verification amount to your US Virtual Account. This can take 1-5 business days. Please follow the instructions from PayPal to verify the account
How do I add my account to Google Checkout?
a. Go to
b. Enter your account
c. Click “Settings”
d. Click “Financials”
e. Under bank information click “bank account set up”
f. Enter the account information. For account information please refer to questions 1,2,3,4.
g. You will then be sent a verification amount to your US Virtual Account. This can take 1-5 business days. Please follow the instructions from Google to verify the account
11. Is the Payoneer US Virtual Account available to anyone?
a. No, this program is currently in pilot and available to selected card holders by invitation only.
12. What are the criteria for receiving an invitation to register for the service?
a. You need to be a registered Payoneer card holder with one of our selected partners
b. You need to have previously received at least 3 payments from the partner
c. You need to complete a risk questionnaire and be approved by Payoneer"
[Ovu poruku je menjao kozbi dana 02.12.2009. u 17:47 GMT+1]