Kada god startujem komp pojave se pet istih errora u event viewer:
BtCap,WDM Video Capture service failed to start; BtTuner, WDM TvTuner service failed to start; BtXBar, WDM Crossbar service failed to start;
The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.
The nVidia WDM Video Capture (universal) service failed to start;
The nVidia WDM A/V Crossbar service failed to start;
The sistem cannot find the file specified.
Imam XP pro i to su jedine greske koje prijavljuje. U device manager (Sound, video and game controllers\Legacy Video Capture Devices) sam video da nedostaje "BT878 VfW to WDM mapper (32bit) driver". Da li je to problem i gde da nadjem driver?