We're just as excited as you are for our upcoming release, but we're still putting the finishing touches on Firefox 3: preparing the new mozilla.com website, getting our severs ready for downloads, and doing our final pre-launch checks. You can follow our progress if you'd like!
The files in this directory (
ftp://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0/) are - for now - only meant to be used by our testers. Downloading them directly can harm our ability to distribute Firefox efficiently, and will also not be counted as part of our attempt to set a Guiness World Record for the most software downloads in a day.
Poceo je download day i kod nas konacno, ali im je sajt skroz crkao, medjutim ipak pise da je do sada bilo 507,148 downloada.
A kada kliknem na Download Firefox 3, izbaci mi: Http/1.1 Service Unavailable....
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