imam mail na yahoo i dobijo sam mail pre mesec dana koji mi je stigao u bulk ali sada ne mogu da ga procitam, jos uvek je tu al mi daje sledecu poruku:
Sorry for the inconvenience.
You've stumbled upon a temporary problem we're having with Yahoo! Mail. Usually this problem gets resolved quickly, without you doing a thing. In fact it may be taken care of now.
* Try pressing the Reload or Refresh button on your browser, or logging out and then back into your Yahoo! account. Hopefully that will take care of things.
If that doesn't fix the problem, please be patient while we sort it out and try again shortly. The fact that you're reading this page means we've been automatically notified of the issue, and chances are we're working on it now.
* If you think you've been more than patient and tried the tricks above, feel free to contact Customer Care about Error Code 6.
The Yahoo! Mail Team
Ako je ikako moguce da nesto uradim da bi procitao, jako mi je vazan mail.