Registrovao sam .net domen preko neke malezijske firme Exabytes. Imali su neku rasprodaju i davali su .net domene za 0.28$ na godinu dana. Sve je bilo ok nedelju dana ja prebacio taj domen na hosting, poveza itd. i posle nedelju dana stize mail:
Thank you for ordering at Exabytes.
As part of our efford to prevent Internet Frauds and protect our online customers, kindly complete the attached CC Auth Form and fax this document together with both sides of your credit card and driving license to +604-6308288 or scan and email to
[email protected]. For enquiries, please email
[email protected]. If no response received within the next 48 Hours, your order will be voided automatically and the payment made will be refunded back to your Credit Card.
to je bilo pre nedelju dana, naravno nisam im poslao nista, domen i dalje shljaka, a i pare (jake pare 0.28$) mi nisu vratili.
Moje pitanje je kad mi ugase domen, da li on postaje njihov i ne mogu da ga kupim kod nekog drugog?