Neke od relevantnih inostranih referenci:
Afuah A., Tucci L. C. (2003) Internet Business Models and Strategies: Text and Cases, McGraw-Hill, New York
Brynjolfsson E., Kahin B. (2002) Understending the Digital Economy: Data, Tools, and Research, The MIT Press, Cambridge
Combe C. (2006) Introduction to e-business: Management and Strategy, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Epstein J. Marc (2004) Implementing E-Commerce Strategies: A Guide to Corporate Success after the Dot.Com Bust, Praeger Publishers, London
Evans, P., Wurster T. S. (1997) Strategy and the New Economics of Information, Harvard Business Review, September-October
Li, F. (2007) What is e-business: How the Internet Transforms Organizations, Blackwell Publishing, Singapore
Porter, M. E. (2001) Strategy and the Internet, Harvard Business Review, March
Posebno bih izdvojio:
Turban E., McLean E., Wetherbe J. (2003) Informaciona tehnologija za menadžment, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd