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Sharp Develop podrzava .NET 1.1

[es] :: .NET :: Sharp Develop podrzava .NET 1.1

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icon Sharp Develop podrzava .NET u 16:14 - pre 260 meseci
Da podsetim, radi se o besplatnom alatu za programiranje na .NET platformi.

1) What's New

For this release, we have focused on making #develop work on both .NET 1.0 and 1.1. Please note that the install application for this and upcoming releases will be .NET 1.1 only - if you want to run #develop on .NET 1.0, you have to download the source
code and compile yourself. No major new features except for the exception dialog box (we hope you don't see it too often), our current focus is on making #develop portable to other CLR's and platforms (more on this in the next section).

2) The Porting Effort

The reason why you haven't seen major cool new features recently is that we are busy working on porting #develop from Windows Forms to #WT (Sharp Widget Toolkit). This change in UI toolkits will allow us to run with native look and feel on MS .NET / Windows, Mono / Windows, Mono / Linux, etc in the future, and we expect the next major release to be already based on the new codebase.

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icon Re: Sharp Develop podrzava .NET u 15:44 - pre 229 meseci
Da li je za ocekivati da ce podrzavati i .NET 2.0 , ili bar da ce sa njim raditi barem kao sa .NET 1.1 ?
Drugim recima, da li da instaliram .NET 2.0 ako hocu da pocnem da koristim SharpDevelop?
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Član broj: 23045
Poruke: 35

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icon Re: Sharp Develop podrzava .NET u 10:34 - pre 229 meseci
Sharp Develop 1.x nema i nece imati podrsku za .net 2.0. Takodje, ova verzija #Developa ne radi sa novim .net-om. Ako zelis da instaliras novi framework, downloaduj novu verziju #Developa 2.0. Jos uvek je u Alfa fazi razvoja ali trenutna revizija 654 ima podrsku za rad sa .net 2.0.

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[es] :: .NET :: Sharp Develop podrzava .NET 1.1

[ Pregleda: 4215 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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