od kada su se pojavili modeli sa intel procovima dosta sajtova su na tu temu napisali neko poredjenje. vecina se zaustavila na copy paste operacijama drugih sajtova tako da testovi lice kao jaje jajetu. danas sam vrlo iznendjen najdetaljnijim testom koji poredi i arhitekture i real life situacije.evo putanje http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2685&p=1 jedan detalj testa mi je bio vrlo interesantan iako sedim na g4 ibook-u i prenecu ga jer ga smatram vrlo bitnim za sve mac usere"
"For the majority of performance tests that I conducted on the iMacs, leaving the G5 set to Automatic actually gave me performance within about 3% of the system's performance if I set the energy saver setting to Highest. However, there were some benchmarks where the iMac incorrectly would not increase CPU frequency in order to accommodate a very high demand task. The best example that I could find was my Quicktime Pro 7 H.264 encoding test (the same test that I actually use in Windows for my CPU reviews). With the G5 running in Automatic mode, the test took over 25 minutes to complete, compared to 9.8 minutes for the Core Duo. Setting the processor performance to Highest, the G5's time dropped down to a more respectable 12.3 minutes, a reduction of more than 50%! The goal of the Automatic processor performance setting should be to crank up CPU frequency when it's needed, and scale it back when it's not. The results that I saw in my Quicktime test show that it fails at that goal in a major way, which isn't acceptable. There were a few other isolated cases where the same was true, forcing me to leave the iMac G5 in its Highest performance state for all of my performance tests. "
sta je poenta.vrlo je moguce da update-om sistema se ovakve stvare promene i da os x stvarno u nekom trenutku ne podigne cpu perfomanse. ovo je meni pogotovu interesatno jer vecinu vremena provedem na ibook prikopcan na strujnu mrezu a setovanje je na automatic. ucinilo mi se u skorije vreme da za iste procedure mu treba daleko duze vreme. ja sam sada prebacio na hightest kada sam na struji a automatic kada sam na baterije. vrlo je moguce da ovo sto je zakljucio vazi i za g4 samo sto naravno takvo poredjenje nije bilo u clanku. zasto rizikovati daleko manje perfomanse zbog glich-a u detekciji zahteva?