kad bootujem kernel pojavljuje se ovo:
filesystem is ext2fs, partition type 0x83.....
uncompresing linux...OK, booting the kernel
NETDUMP: not configured aborting
redhat nash version 4.1.13 starting
mount: error 19 mounting ext3
error opening /dev/console!!!:2
error dup2`ing fd of 0 to 0
error dup2`ing fd of 0 to 1
error dup2`ing fd of 0 to 2
u pitanju je FEDORA 4 prekompajlirao sam kernel u 2.6.14
i sad kad ochu da startujem 2.6.14 pojavljuje mi ovu poruku
dok pod starim kernelom radi normalno !
p.s. stari kernel je 2.6.11
sto sad da radim ??