Moze da se uradi odnosno aktivitra uspomoc USB kabla P2KTools-a i ovog sajta
What you need
-Data Cable
-p2kman(you will also need either MPT or PST drivers for p2kman to recognize your phone, no posts about why p2kman wont recongize your phone in this thread, rather you should start a new thread).
Enable Video:
1. SEEM 0032_0001 offset 70 bit 6 (1 on, 0 off)
2. SEEM 004a_0001 offset 1D3 (01) - no bit manipulation with this SEEM. Just change the offset value to 01.
3. You have to edit mma menu file. You can use program like P2KMenuEditor to activate Video Camera menu under Multimedia.
Other Seem Edits
1. Video length: Maximum/MMS
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 6E bit 3 (1 on, 0 off)
2. Resolution: High (176 x 144)/Low (128 x 96)
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 7D > bit 7 (1 on , 0 off)
3.Recording sound: On/Off
SEEM 0032_0001 offset 6E bit 2 (1 on, 0 off)
To get Vids over a minute long:
1.Message Center Menu > Inbox Setup > MMS Message Setup > Size Limit: None
2.Menu>multimedia>video>menu>video setup>video length>MMS
**Update Sep 23, 2005 **
If you find that you are unable to talk on speaker phone when the flip is closed try this:
seem 0032_0001 offset 8A bit 2: Speaker Call to End on Flip Close (1 on, 0 off)
**Update Oct 1, 2005**
Seem "0032_0001" changes:
Offset 6F bit 7 (video quality menu selection)
Offset 70 bit 0 and bit 6 (video lighting condition on dial).
Offset 7D bit 7
Offset 7E bit 0 and bit 1 (video zoom on dial)
Offset 7F bit 0
Offset 82 bit 0and bit 1 (video brightness on dial)
Seem 004a_0001:
Offset 1D0 no bit manipulation, just change offset value to "01" (high resolution video default).
Offset 1D1 to record in 3gp video format check bit "1", to record in mp4 video format check bit "0". Offset 1D3 enter "01" into the two-digit box.
Enable Video Styles (black & white, antique, blueish... etc)
Seem 0032_0001
offset 53 bit 7
offset 54 bit 0
offset 72 bit 6
offset 81 bit 2,3,4,5,6,7
offset 82 bit 0
offset 84 bit 3
1-menu/multimedia/videos/new video/select/menu/video setup/select/styles/change
2-select the style
Zanci imas po netu sve programe.. operacija je laka i relativno sigurna i bezbedna ako se prdrzavas svega sto pise...
poz :)
I evo ti JAKO DOBAR sajt posvecen tom telefonu... :
[Ovu poruku je menjao reper dana 11.10.2005. u 17:08 GMT+1]