ja sam poceo da pisem modul koji bi zamenio .Eval() funkciju script controle (bas za ovakve slucajeve, gde treba samo izracunati izraz) da ne bi bespotrebno vukao .ocx-ove
elem, kod je jos bugovit (problemi sa zagradama se jave ponekad :p) ali moze da prodje.
ako neko ima vremena nek se pozabavi malo sa ovim da doda logicke operacije i shl i shr pozto ja izgleda necu imati vremena da zavrsim ovo...
Option Explicit
Public Function Calc(Expression As String) As Double
Dim num1 As String
Dim num2 As String
Dim num3 As String
Dim op1 As String
Dim op2 As String
Dim i As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim s As String
num1 = ""
num2 = ""
num3 = ""
op1 = ""
op2 = ""
Expression = Replace$(Expression, " ", "")
For i = 1 To Len(Expression)
s = Mid$(Expression, i, 1)
If s = "(" Then
l = InStrRev(Expression, ")") - i - 1
If Len(op1) = 0 Then
If Len(num1) = 0 Then
num1 = CStr(Calc(Mid$(Expression, i + 1, l)))
num2 = CStr(Calc(Mid$(Expression, i + 1, l)))
End If
If Len(num2) = 0 Then
num2 = CStr(Calc(Mid$(Expression, i + 1, l)))
num3 = CStr(Calc(Mid$(Expression, i + 1, l)))
End If
End If
i = i + l + 1
If IsNumeric(s) Or s = "." Then
If Len(op1) = 0 Then
num1 = num1 & s
If Len(op2) = 0 Then
num2 = num2 & s
num3 = num3 & s
End If
End If
If InStr(1, "+-/*\^#", s) < 1 Then
Call MsgBox("Invalid char: " & s, vbCritical, "Error")
Calc = 0
Exit Function
If Len(op1) > 0 Then
If Len(op2) > 0 Then
Select Case biggerPriority(op1, op2)
Case 0, 1
num1 = doCalc(doCalc(Val(num1), _
Val(num2), op1), Val(num3), op2)
Case 2
num1 = doCalc(Val(num1), _
doCalc(Val(num2), Val(num3), op2), op1)
End Select
num2 = ""
num3 = ""
op1 = ""
op2 = ""
i = i - 1
op2 = s
End If
op1 = s
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Len(op1) = 0 Then
Calc = Val(num1)
If Len(op2) = 0 Then
If Len(num2) = 0 Then
Call MsgBox("Syntax error.", vbCritical, "Error")
Calc = doCalc(Val(num1), Val(num2), op1)
End If
If Len(num3) = 0 Then
Call MsgBox("Syntax error.", vbCritical, "Error")
Select Case biggerPriority(op1, op2)
Case 0, 1
Calc = doCalc(doCalc(Val(num1), Val(num2), op1), Val(num3), op2)
Case 2
Calc = doCalc(Val(num1), doCalc(Val(num2), Val(num3), op2), op1)
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function doCalc(n1 As Double, n2 As Double, op As String) As Double
'treba jos da dodam:
' && - AND operacija
' || - OR operacija
' % - XOR operacija
' ! - NOT operacija
' << - shl operacija (shuffle left)???
' >> - shr operacija (shuffle right)???
Select Case op
Case "+" 'addition
doCalc = n1 + n2
Case "-" 'substraction
doCalc = n1 - n2
Case "/" 'division
doCalc = n1 / n2
Case "*" 'multiply
doCalc = n1 * n2
Case "^" 'power
doCalc = n1 ^ n2
Case "#" 'root
doCalc = n1 ^ (1 / n2)
Case "\" 'integer division
doCalc = n1 \ n2
Case Else
doCalc = 0
Call MsgBox("Syntax error.", vbCritical, "Error")
End Select
End Function
Private Function biggerPriority(op1 As String, op2 As String) As Integer '0/1/2
Dim o1 As Integer
Dim o2 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ops() As String
ops = Split("+- */\ ^#", " ")
For i = LBound(ops) To UBound(ops)
If InStr(1, ops(i), op1) > 0 Then o1 = i
If InStr(1, ops(i), op2) > 0 Then o2 = i
Select Case True
Case o1 = o2
biggerPriority = 0 'same priority
Case o1 > o2
biggerPriority = 1 'operand1 has bigger priority then operand2
Case o1 < o2
biggerPriority = 2 'operand2 has bigger priority then operand1
End Select
End Function
[Ovu poruku je menjao krckoorascic dana 13.09.2005. u 02:51 GMT+1]