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Back from the dead... (Win98)

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Back from the dead... (Win98)

[ Pregleda: 4329 | Odgovora: 7 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 42417
Poruke: 406

+1 Profil

icon Back from the dead... (Win98)02.07.2005. u 13:47 - pre 238 meseci
"Windows 98 Revolutions Pack top 10 features - why you need it...

1. It REALLY FIXES KB891711 vulnerability (this link leads to separate fix; it isn't required for RP2.2 and higher)
2. It ENABLES 32-bit icons. Can't you feel difference between 2000 and XP? This update isn't for you.
3. It ENABLES 32-bit icons. Isn't that enough?! No?! Just look in screenshot section.
4. It REPLACES idiotic 9x Ctrl-Alt-Del dialog with powerful Resource management utility which really helps to save system stability
5. For those of you who can't live witout 4)... It still here! It can sit there by default... Just press "Other tasks" - and you're king!
6. It makes Windows look&feel more modern. You don't believe? Ah, you're boring.
7. It's absolutely freeware!!! Don't give your money to Bill because of XP looking cool.
8. O... I've forget about Fade Effect, Align to Grid, Lock Taskbar, Transparent Labels features? Ah, well... Goto "Display" - "Effects"
9. Ah, forgot about ME. Really, M$ forgot about this half-demon.
10. Answer this question yourself.

What's New: (excluding post 3.5 compatibility patches)

* Scandisk 32-bit wrapper added. It can be skinned!
* 32-bit icons in "Fonts" folder patch added
* A bit new Advapi32 API stubs wrappered
* A bit installer changes
* Now new Shutdown dialog is optinal!

What's Fixed:

* Several possible leaks
* Button drawing bugs
* Several slowdowns solved
* Minor compiler version change. Now works faster!"

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Član broj: 13030
Poruke: 10907

+1351 Profil

icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)02.07.2005. u 15:07 - pre 238 meseci
Cemu sluzi opcija "Log on to XP"?
Samo ti sinko (administratore) radi svoj posao.
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Član broj: 47862
Poruke: 577


icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)05.07.2005. u 02:28 - pre 238 meseci
Za ukras?!
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Slobodan Milivojevic
One IT
Pirot /

Član broj: 7062
Poruke: 6383

Sajt: www.slobodanmilivojevic.i..

+363 Profil

icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)05.07.2005. u 13:05 - pre 238 meseci
Pa bas i nece da radi

Snimio sam win98se + ie6 i malo se kao zakuca
Čemu ovo služi, a uz to i ne radi?!?!?!?! :: ::

Fiber on steroids:
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Beograd, Yugoslavia

Član broj: 3372
Poruke: 2598

ICQ: 167621705

+4 Profil

icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)05.07.2005. u 17:30 - pre 238 meseci
To je kao kada bi automobilu koji se pali na kurblu dodao elektronske podizace stakala....:))
Internet ne cini ljude glupima. Internet cini ljudsku glupost dostupnijom (TM by me)

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Član broj: 13030
Poruke: 10907

+1351 Profil

icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)06.07.2005. u 00:02 - pre 238 meseci
Tako je kUdtiHaEX. Ne valja ovo nista. Na racunaru koji je radio kao svajcarski sat na svakih par sati puca explorer. I, sto je najgore, ne moze da se uninstall-ira.
Samo ti sinko (administratore) radi svoj posao.
Odgovor na temu

Beograd, Yugoslavia

Član broj: 3372
Poruke: 2598

ICQ: 167621705

+4 Profil

icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)06.07.2005. u 14:18 - pre 238 meseci
Ma cela prica o "poboljsavanju" shit osnove je smesna i uzaludno gubljenje vremena. I jos gore je ako neko nasedne na sve to...
Internet ne cini ljude glupima. Internet cini ljudsku glupost dostupnijom (TM by me)

Webhost Hosting Services
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Član broj: 36874
Poruke: 4531

+4 Profil

icon Re: Back from the dead... (Win98)06.07.2005. u 16:46 - pre 238 meseci
Ha, instalirao sam ga i ja...

Pa, lepo izgleda, ali neki programi ne sarađuju sa njime. Dalje, usporio je komp, i to ponekada bude poprilično. IE kod mene ne puca, ali to i nije ovde issue. Sviđa mi se CTRL+ALT+DEL window i podaci tamo. Nažalost, ne da se deinstalirati, pa sada blejim u Longhorn "travu" i gledam da je popasem... ili nešto drugo da pasem...

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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Back from the dead... (Win98)

[ Pregleda: 4329 | Odgovora: 7 ] > FB > Twit

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