Posto nisi definisao pitanje, slijedi jako jednostavan odgovor :) :
Switch je layer2 uredjaj, u njegovim tablicama se nalaze samo MAC adrese uredjaja sa kojima "saradjuje". Pri tome pamti na kojem portu mu se javlja neka MAC adresa, i onda sve podatke koji dolaze za nju salje samo na taj port.
Router je layer3 uredjaj, on vidi i IP adrese pridruzenih uredjaja i subneta. U njegovim tablicama se nalaze podaci koji odlucuju kako ce se neki zahtjev proslijediti da bi dosao na trazenu destinaciju (IP adresu).
Evo ti definicija iz CCNA studentskog udzbenika:
Workgroup switches add more intelligence to data transfer management. They can determine if data should remain on a LAN and transfer data only to the connection that needs it. Another difference between a bridge and switch is that a switch does not convert data transmission formats.
Routers have all the capabilities listed above. Routers can regenerate signals, concentrate multiple connections, convert data transmission formats, and manage data transfers. They can also connect to a WAN, which allows them to connect LANs that are separated by great distances. None of the other devices (repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches) can provide this type of connection.
[Ovu poruku je menjao warlord dana 06.06.2005. u 10:57 GMT+1]
Bezicna mreza Banjaluke