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Pomoc u vezi kupovine stampaca EPSON stylus C40

[es] :: Ostali hardver :: Pomoc u vezi kupovine stampaca EPSON stylus C40

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Član broj: 4463
Poruke: 31


icon Pomoc u vezi kupovine stampaca EPSON stylus C4028.06.2002. u 09:53 - pre 270 meseci
Dobar dan!!!
Dali mi neko moze pomoci(odgovoriti) u vezi kupovine stampaca EPSON stylusC40?
Svi su nekako manje vise ispljuvali taj EPSON ,ali ja nemam pojma zasto???
Pominju neki urodjeni problem kod EPSON-a sa glavom stampaca....
Dali se isplati kupiti taj EPSON cisto za kucnu upotrebu i sta im znaci ono : 300 strana - jedan kertridz? Sta podrazumevaju pod jednom stranom (koliko teksta???)
Nista mi nije jasno ,ako neko hoce da mi pomogne bicu mu zahvalan!

[Ovu poruku je menjao jc denton dana 04.07.2002 u 02:03 AM GMT]
Odgovor na temu

Ruben Gonzales

Član broj: 2080
Poruke: 341

+1 Profil

icon Re: Hardware28.06.2002. u 13:44 - pre 270 meseci

Za ovakva pitanja, najlakse je otici na sajt proizvodjaca, izabrati proizvod i dobiti kompletnu specifikaciju za njega. Sve lepo pise: i koliko strana, i koliko teksta, i u boji i crno-belo, i jos mnogo toga sto covek i ne zna da treba da pita.

Hajde, ne budi lenj...
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Obradovich

Član broj: 815
Poruke: 303

ICQ: 130325416


icon Re: Hardware28.06.2002. u 17:47 - pre 270 meseci
Evo ti Munjo da se ne muchish... To 300 strana mozesh da izvuchesh sa oko 5% pokrivenosti papira bojom. Nije mi jasno zashto su ga "ispljuvali". Epson nema urodjenu manu sa glavom nego jednostavno nisu preporuchljivi za dopunjavanje neoriginalnim mastilom, zbog rizika da se unishti glava shtampacha. Sve u svemu shtampach je sasvim korektan za kucnu upotrebu.

The EPSON Stylus C40 is an affordable 4-colour printer, boasting all the latest Epson technologies for the home user. The EPSON Stylus C40 offers excellent black and colour printing, combining 1440dpi resolution, 6pl Ultra MicroDot and Variable Sized Dot Technology to offer high quality without compromising on speed. This is an entry-level printer designed for all the family to use and is ideal for homework, party invitations, DTP and photo printing. An ideal introduction to colour printing, the Stylus C40 brings high quality performance into the home environment.

Available as the Stylus C40SX with a parallel interface or as the Stylus C40UX with a USB interface, this printer is designed to be easy to set up and operate, helping you to get printing with the minimum of fuss.

The EPSON Stylus C40 is able to achieve amazing results because it features EPSON's latest, market-leading technologies. At the heart of every EPSON Stylus inkjet is the permanent EPSON Micro Piezo™ print head, which lasts the life of the printer. It has a high degree of control over printing, and with Variable Sized Droplet Technology several different sized dots can be printed. The smallest dot is the EPSON Ultra Micro Dot™ which is barely visible to the naked eye.

1440 x 720dpi resolution for High Quality Black and Colour Printing
4 colour printing for a wide range of printing applications including photo printing
Print speeds of up to 8ppm black text and 3.9ppm colour
EPSON 6pl Ultra Micro Dot with Variable Sized Droplet Technology

Parallel connectivity for Windows®95, 98, Me and 2000 with C40SX model
USB connectivity for Windows® 98, Me , 2000 and iMac, G3/G4 with C40UX model
Advanced driver functionality including PhotoEnhance 4 for automatic image optimisation
Retractable paper tray conveniently slides away under the printer when not in use
Power and Cancel Buttons for simple operation

P.S. jesi li zahvalan???

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4463
Poruke: 31


icon Re: Hardware02.07.2002. u 12:18 - pre 270 meseci

P.S. Hej FIREBALLKILLER, jesam zahvalan sam sam stvarno !!!
Thank you!!!
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Obradovich

Član broj: 815
Poruke: 303

ICQ: 130325416


icon Re: Hardware02.07.2002. u 12:41 - pre 270 meseci
I drugi put...
Odgovor na temu

Ruben Gonzales

Član broj: 2080
Poruke: 341

+1 Profil

icon Re: Hardware02.07.2002. u 13:38 - pre 270 meseci

P.S. jesi li zahvalan???

Pa ko ne bi bio? :)
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Ostali hardver :: Pomoc u vezi kupovine stampaca EPSON stylus C40

[ Pregleda: 7603 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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