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Štampanje iz windows-a

[es] :: C/C++ programiranje :: Štampanje iz windows-a

[ Pregleda: 2515 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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Novi Sad

Član broj: 25160
Poruke: 179


icon Štampanje iz windows-a15.04.2005. u 12:38 - pre 238 meseci
Aplikacija treba da radi sa matricnim stampacem kome u proseku treba 5-6min za stampanje jedne A4 stranice (npr. iz word-a) sto je neprihvatljivo

Da li se i kako moze uopste iz windows-a (iz c++ koda) naterati stampac da stampa ona "svoja" slova (kao nekad iz dos-a) a ne da koristi fontove
(kad bih mu ja recimo poturio txt fajl), ali da ne pozivam neke dos komande

Ne daj boze jos i da ima mogucnost kucanja raznim slovima (ona condensed itd.), za to su se nekad slali neki kodovi direktno stamapacu (vidi p.s. :-)))

Jel tu potreban neki rad na nivou LPT porta ili moze nekako drukcije.


p.s. eee, kad se setim starih dobrih vremena sa zverinom Commodore 64 i sa raznim chr$-ovima
She's nice from a far, but far from nice.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Bulic

Član broj: 4436
Poruke: 402


icon Re: Štampanje iz windows-a15.04.2005. u 14:17 - pre 238 meseci
Nemam pri sebi moj program ali znam da sam koristio primer lp95.cpp, pa sam ga sada izguglao, a nalazi se na
Primer ne koristi MFC tako da se moze koristiti i sa drugim kompajlerima.
Odgovor na temu

X Files
Vladimir Stefanovic

Član broj: 15100
Poruke: 4911

+642 Profil

icon Re: Štampanje iz windows-a15.04.2005. u 14:49 - pre 238 meseci
Evo jedan tekst o tome (za C++Builder), sajt vise nije aktivan pa sam
kopirao sadrzaj:


Question :
I have to use a dot matrix printer (writing ASCII) on my program . The reason why I am using dot matrix printer is that program has to print a couple of line then wait for the next step. I have already access to printer with using BIOS (INT 17h) interrupt. Builder does not allow me to use DOS or BIOS interrupts. That is why I wrote a program on BC5 and I am calling it from Builder (using: ShellExcuteEx). It is working but I am wondering if you could suggest any other way to do the same job.

Answer :

Here is the skeleton of a function which can print text directly on any Windows printer (if it can print text, which many low-cost ink-jet "Windows only" printers can't do). It uses Windows API funcion calls and structures. With this code, you can send only text (with line feeds), or escape codes if the printer supports them. Note: The code almost functions as-is (if I have not made any mistakes when cutting-and-pasting), except for two undeclared boolean variables used as flags (add them as you need); and throws exceptions when any error occurs, but only with a constant string to illustrate what error has raised. You can substitute them for VCL exceptions or any error-handling mechanism you want. (Do use error handling when printing; it's one of the most error-prone areas of any program.)


// Printer port name or network printer name (e.g.: "\\SERVER\LASER")
String printerPort = "LPT1:";

HANDLE printerHandle = 0;

// Neccesary for network printers; Windows 9x ignores last member,
// but it's neccesary for NT
PRINTER_DEFAULTS printerOptions;
printerOptions.pDatatype = "RAW";
printerOptions.pDevMode = NULL;
printerOptions.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ACCESS_USE;

if (!OpenPrinter(printerHandle.c_str(), &printerHandle, &printerOptions))
throw "Error when opening printer port";

DOC_INFO_1 docInfo;
docInfo.pDocName = "Document name";
docInfo.pOutputFile = NULL;
docInfo.pDatatype = "RAW";

if (!StartDocPrinter(printerHandle, 1, (LPBYTE)&docInfo)) {
throw "Error when starting printing";

if (!StartPagePrinter(printerHandle)) {
throw "Error when starting a new page";

// Main printing loop (assumed finishedPrinting is a boolean flag
// which becomes true when all the text is printed)
while (!finishedPrinting) {

// Print a sample line
char* lineToPrint = "This is a sample line printed used Windows API
DWORD numBytesWritten;
BOOL correct = WritePrinter(printerHandle, (LPVOID*)lineToPrint,
strlen(lineToPrint), &numBytesWritten);

// Check if line printed OK
if (!correct || numBytesWritten < DWORD(strlen(lineToPrint)))
throw "Error when printing a line";

// When a page is completed (EndPagePrinter sends a form feed):
if (endOfPageReached) {
if (!EndPagePrinter(printerHandle)) {
throw "Error when finishing a page";

if (!EndDocPrinter(printerHandle)) {
throw "Error when finishing printing";


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[es] :: C/C++ programiranje :: Štampanje iz windows-a

[ Pregleda: 2515 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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