Cao svima. Razmisljam da upisem kurs kod microsoftovoj skoli za zvanje "Microsoft Certified Software Developer". Sad uzeo sam prospekt skole i imaju u ponudi 2 kursa sa tim zvanjem.
Kurs br1:
1: C++ Programming
2: Mastering MFC fundamentals
3: Mastering MFC development
4: Analyzing requiments and defining solution architectures
5: Component development using active templete libraly
6: Building microsoft transaction server components with Visual C++
7: Programing a MS SQL Server 2000 database
Kurs br2:
1: Introduction to XML and the Microsoft .NET platform
2: Introduction to Microsoft c#.NET Programing
2: Object-Oriented Programing with c#
3: Programing with the Microsoft .NET Framework(visual c#.NET)
4: Programing with ADO.NET
5: Developing Microsoft .NET application for Windows(Visual C#.NET)
6: Developing Web Application using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET( C#)
ili: Intorduction to ASP.NET(C#)
7: Component development using active templete libraly
8: Building microsoft transaction server components with Visual C++
9: 7: Programing a MS SQL Server 2000 database
10:Analyzing Requirements andDefining .NET Solutions Architectures
Znaci jeda je baziran na C++ a drugi na C#. Moje pitanje je Koji bi bilo bolje uzeti?