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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima31.08.2009. u 23:35 - pre 179 meseci
Nije nam potrebna PlanetaX, tj Nibiru da bi imali ozbiljne probleme u buducnosti od strane meteora.

In 2004 an asteroid known as Apophis caused concern after it was calculated to pass alarmingly close to the Earth.
Projections of its path around the sun predicted it had a one in 37 chance of hitting the planet in 2029 – the highest threat in recorded history.
The threat of a 2029 collision was later ruled out but scientists fear that the asteroid could still pass through a key point in space known as a "keyhole" that would put it on course to collide with the Earth in 2036.

Iz nekog razloga o ovome nesto ima da kaze i Billy Meier na svom sajtu.

"475th Contact
Wednesday, 26th of November, 2008 2:16 pm
(Excerpt from page 3486 of the original notes)

Billy: Regarding the Red Meteor that endangers Earth on the 13th of April, 2029 and of which we have already spoken on the 16th of September, I have been asked about certain things and, therefore, would like to know how big that bloke is. To my knowledge the terrestrial astronomers have already detected it for quite some time and are calling it Aprophis or something. It shall either hit Earth in the year 2029, or only whizzing by very closely. Should it be the latter case, it (the meteor) would reappear in the year 2036 and its close approach to Earth could really lead to a catastrophe if the scientists undertake nothing against it.

Ptaah: Its size is about 350 metres. What you are saying regarding the great danger that the Red Meteor represents to Earth: the scientists know about it. And if there will be no special influence by the outer SOL “trabants” (note by the translator: objects circling around and at great distance from our sun), a catastrophe really threatens the Earth. In order to avoid it the terrestrial scientists are also urged to undertake every conceivable possibility to ultimately push the meteor from its orbit.

Billy: To my knowledge various models exist for this purpose, but the scientists cannot come to a mutual agreement on this. You are saying that the fellow shall be pushed from its orbit, and I gather from it that blowing it up is out of question. Therefore, only a reaction principle could be applied, like e.g. an extremely strong nuclear reaction unit, sun sail principles, or atomic explosions near the meteor.

Ptaah: Whereby atomic explosions near the meteor should be considered, because they are very efficient and produce a strong drift(ing) effect. However, the explosions may not occur too close to the meteor in order to avoid breaking it up, from which an even greater danger would result. Such a project must be executed early and not at that time when the real danger is starting to threaten, because otherwise it would be too late for a success. Therefore working towards it must be started today.

Billy: And what about big reaction units and sun sail principles?

Ptaah: Those are also possibilities, but they are much more difficult to carry out, and the necessary effectiveness is questionable; besides, with regard to their efficiency they are not to be recommended because meteors are unstable with regard to a regular self-position which makes the application of any effective reaction units and sun sails etc. nearly impossible.

Billy: Those things have to be profoundly thought about by the scientists.

Ptaah: That’s really so, but time presses."

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima31.08.2009. u 23:50 - pre 179 meseci
Bravo za njega ako je 2008. spominjao Apofis :) Pa za to stvarno moras da budes genije i da imas informacije "spolja" :)
Stvarno genijalno...Ptaah mora da ima nekih natprirodnih moci cim nekoliko godina nakon zvanicnih saopstenja saopstava ta ista saopstenja....a i taj Mejers :):)

Nego, ja te nisam pitao za RAZNE skylanterns, nego sam te pitao zasto je ovo iznas Srbije spejsship?
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima01.09.2009. u 08:56 - pre 179 meseci
Uopste nije poenta koje je godine spominjao Apophis. I ja sam procitao pazljivo koje godine je sta objavljeno.

Niti je poenta u natprirodnim mocima. Zamisli, nesto sto je vazno je dostupno nama smrtnicima i nasim naucnicima da znamo ?! Ne trebaju nam vanzemaljci za bas sve bitno sto se nas tice da nam pomazu i objasnjavaju stanje stvari. Znaci, eto, iz nekog razloga i Billy smatra da je ovo bitno. Pa posto je Billy usko povezan sa vanzemaljcima,a to je u sklopu teme, zasto da se to ne spomene ?

Nego, ja te nisam pitao za RAZNE skylanterns, nego sam te pitao zasto je ovo iznas Srbije spejsship?

O kom speceship-u pricas ? Jel to sada, ovog trenutka stoji iznad Srbije neki spaceship, ili ipak pricas o necem drugom ?
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima02.09.2009. u 08:47 - pre 179 meseci
A sada nesto sasvim drugacije...

Ovo je clanak by © Michael E. Salla, PhD August 25, 2005 i tice se analize Dan Burisch svedocenja prema saznanjima do navedenog datuma. Ovaj proces razmiljsnja uzima u obzir mnogo toga sto smo do sada imali prilike da vidimo ovde na temi. U pitanju je dakle analiza uzimajuci u obzir sve dostupne informacije autoru do navedenog datuma. (4 godine je ipak dosta vremena....tako da je ta informacija bitna)

I to je jedini nacin da se dodje nekih pravih zakljucaka. Pretpostavljam da je odgovarajuci termin ovde, unakrsna analiza. So , without further ado, let's get ready to read and analyse! :)

Exopolitical Comment # 37

The Dan Burisch Affidavit and Extraterrestrial Disclosure

On April 11, 2005, an affidavit was submitted to the Canadian Federal Court on behalf of an asylum application by Don Deppeller concerning harassment over his investigations of 'whistleblower' claims made by Dr Dan Burisch. The affidavit was publicly signed by Dan Burisch and photographed where both Burisch and the affidavit can be viewed online at: In the affidavit, Burisch has confirmed many of the allegations made by Deppeller that he was placed under surveillance in the United States as a result of his activities to verify the details of the Dan Burisch story. Consequently, Deppeller felt compelled to leave the U.S. for Canada in early 2003 and eventually filed for asylum. The affidavit is significant since Burisch for the first time has testified in a legal process over his alleged involvement in a number of classified projects. This gives support to earlier interviews involving Burisch where he allegedly was prepared to testify before Congress on the nature of his classified activities, see . In an interview on the Jeff Rense show on April 14, 2005, Deppeller outlined the nature of his investigations of the Burisch saga and why he initiated an asylum application in Canada, see

Dan Burisch claims to be a microbiologist who worked on a number of highly classified projects including one that presumably provides a means for creating life - Project Lotus. Burisch allegedly interacted with an extraterrestrial called J-Rod and as a consequence has been able to pioneer some breakthroughs into a mysterious molecule called the Ganesh particle that provides the solution to how to generate life. As a result of his highly classified work in Project Lotus and other projects, Burisch has allegedly become privy to how a variety of secret committees operate to control extraterrestrial affairs. The two main committees are the MJ-12 Group originally formed to deal with the extraterrestrial phenomenon; and an international committee called the Committee of the Majority formed in the 1960s as result of international efforts led by the Soviet Union to more widely disseminate extraterrestrial technologies to the international community. For an article summarizing the Burisch see: .

What makes the Burisch Affidavit, and his case more generally, absorbing for many of those investigating his claims is the perspective that Burisch is allegedly aware of an Extinction Level Event (ELE) coming towards the Earth in the 2012 time frame. In the affidavit he states: "some implications of these projects … are of such a grave nature that, were the general world human population to know the entirety of the information contained within them, the resultant reactions of portions of the present human population may vary from "no reaction" to potential 'panic'." . This event which threatens to kill off 90% of the human population is apparently the driving rationale for why disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence and associated information has not occurred.

According to an interview Burisch had with long time UFO researcher, Bill Hamilton, this ELE is associated with some kind of "convergent time line paradox" where humanity splits in two after the ELE, and from this two groups of extraterrestrials are involved. One is the 'Zeta Reticulums' or 'J-Rods' who are physically degenerated humans from the future. The other are Nordic looking humans from Orion who are the descendents of humans able to survive the ELE in the future (see In the affidavit, Burisch states that there has been a treaty signed between the clandestine government authorities and the extraterrestrials in order to fully deal with the consequences of the forthcoming ELE event that generates two separate branches of humanity in the future:

"You have also been a party during the negotiations of a treaty known as the "Tau-9 Conference for the Preservation of Humanity", between present human authorities and certain individuals representing themselves as extraterrestrial peoples, with their origin alleged to you as the star constellations "Reticulum" and "Orion." You have had physical interaction with at least one such extraterrestrial."
Burisch and Deppeller describe the Nordics as benevolent and very spiritual which is very consistent with the many 'contactee reports' that began in the 1950's (see ). In contrast the Reticulums/J-Rods have two factions. One is friendly to humanity and wishes to assist in coming up with solutions to the forthcoming 2012 ELE. The other is unfriendly and is seeking to take whatever advantage it can be performing widespread abductions and genetic engineering with human population up to 2012. So these three extraterrestrials factions are presumably interacting with humanity and the 'controllers' of extraterrestrial information, MJ-12 in ways which reflect different agendas and priorities.

Burisch claims in his affidavit to have worked directly with MJ-12: "You [Burisch] have been formally associated with the group known as Majestic 12, since 1986, were formally dissociated from the public on June 8, 2004 (then at the instruction of Majestic 12), and were professionally dissociated from Majestic 12, albeit under emeritus status, on March 21, 2005…"

According to Burisch and insiders sympathetic to his efforts to release information, the MJ-12 Group is split on the issue of disclosure. The larger international committee, the Committee of the Majority has apparently been dissolved as a result of conflict between MJ-12 and the larger financial and cultural interests that make up the Committee of the Majority known more generally as the Illuminati.

So what we have then from the Burisch affidavit and other material is a very complex story involving two factions of human controllers (MJ-12 and the Illuminati) and three factions of extraterrestrials (J-Rods [friendly and unfriendly] and Nordic Orions. This means that events leading up to the ELE in 2012 is a five tiered conflict between actors with different agendas and activities in their interactions with one another, the human population and secret control groups. Apparently, the very future of human life is at stake and supporters of the Burisch material, such as Deppeller advocate preparing for a possible catastrophic event that wipes out 90% of the population.

In the Deppeller interview, Jeff Rense suggests that secret preparation for an ELE is the only thing that can explain the illogical policies of secret controllers (MJ-12 and Committee of the Majority/Illuminati) that are systematically exploiting, abusing and mishandling the global environment and planetary resources. The logic Rense suggests from observing global events, and fully supported by Deppeller's research into the Burisch affair, is that an ELE is highly likely from the perspective of the controllers. Consequently, disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence needs to be done in a way that doesn't panic the global population over the likelihood of an ELE in 2012 which has led to the controllers putting in place a process for ensuring continuity of government and survival of the human race.

Analysis of the Burisch Affair
The first point to be considered in analyzing the Burisch material is firstly how accurate is it and is Dan Burisch genuinely a whistleblower? There is considerable controversy over the Burisch material with some claiming it to be hoax and Burisch little more than a liar (see: ). On the other hand, researchers such as Bill Hamilton, Ron Garner and earlier Linda Moulton Howe, conducted extensive examinations of all the material and found the Burisch case to be credible. The most exhaustive research has been conducted by Hamilton who is the author of a forthcoming book that provides documentation supporting Burisch's testimony and credentials (see ).

Burisch's behavior does not indicate any intention to deceive others or to profit in some way from his alleged activities in classified projects. Burisch's affidavit clearly outlines the main aspects of his former classified activities and makes it considerably easier for researchers to consider his case serious enough to investigate. Furthermore, the affidavit clearly points out that Burisch is prepared to sign legal documents that attest to the veracity of his claims and risk perjury for fabricating his testimony. This definitely helps establish Burisch's credibility as a whistleblower over classified projects involving EBE's.

Discrepancies in Burisch's claims and available documentary material are allegedly due to the ability of the 'controllers' of all extraterrestrial related information to manipulate secrecy by withdrawing, destroying or manipulating public records such as university degrees. Burisch claims that this occurred in his case. The has allegedly also occurred with other whistleblowers such as Clifford Stone, Bob Lazar and Michael Wolf. I have written an article on how this is very plausible due to control system put in place to deal with possible whistleblowers or unauthorized leaks of classified information on extraterrestrials (see: ). While there will continue to be controversy over whether Burisch is genuinely a microbiologist with a PhD who previously worked on one or more classified projects, there is in my view credible evidence discovered by Hamilton, Garner and Howe to support his testimony as genuine and not fabricated.

The Burisch affidavit helps considerably in supporting the seriousness of Burisch's claims and the merit in of a rigorous investigation of these. Henceforth, I will accept the evidence provided by Bill Hamilton, Ron Garner, and others, and accept that Burisch is a credible whistleblower.

The second point to consider is the accuracy of the information relayed by Burisch as a result of his participation in Project Lotus and other classified projects. Burisch has been communicating with a number of researchers and members of the general public since his case was first discussed by Bill Hamilton (see ). In this process, Burisch has leaked information concerning the forthcoming ELE and the dynamic between the different actors involved in extraterrestrial affairs (2 human control groups and 3 extraterrestrial factions). This dynamic and many details has been released in consequent discussions between those following the Burisch case and sympathetic 'insiders' leaking information. It is clear that Burisch is only able to leak information since those controlling presumably accept it as the price for harnessing the information he has to share as a result of his unique interaction with J-Rod.

Those following the Burisch saga accept the integrity and honesty of Burisch and thereby formulate their conclusions about the leaked material accordingly. There is however the very real likelihood that Burisch himself is the victim of a disinformation campaign where he has been led to believe that he has information vital to the future existence of humanity. Burisch may therefore have been exposed to a series of deliberately staged encounters, interactions and information access that has led him to form erroneous opinions on the available data, and to transmit this to the general public since his sincerity and integrity is very obvious to those investigating him.

Furthermore, those 'insiders' leaking information that confirms various aspects of the Burisch material may be doing so in an effort to deliberately deceive and misinform. It is very possible that Dan Burisch is an unwitting accomplice to a cleverly staged disinformation campaign that has an agenda to maintain the secrecy system in place for extraterrestrial affairs. In short, Burisch is unintentionally part of a psychological operation orchestrated by one or more factions within the covert world of classified EBE related projects who wish to 'spin' public attention in a way that promotes their disclosure agenda (see ).

The third point is the reality of a covert effort by MJ-12 to prepare the general public for an ELE in 2012. The apparent logic here is one of 'plausible deniability' that those ready for the truth about an ELE will be able to find it through the Burisch material, while those not ready for such a devastating ELE will dismiss it all as a fabrication. Consequently, those following the Burisch case believe that they have been given access to classified information that can be relied upon for forming conclusive opinions about what lies ahead. This has led to a mind set where those following the Burisch case are preparing for a possible catastrophic series of events while most members of the general public are absorbed in the crass consumerism and survival issues. This is evident in the Rense interview where Don Deppeller refers to the future 2012 event as likely, and there is a need to develop survival strategies based on self-sufficiency. Deppeller and others following the Burisch saga assume the ELE to be highly probable and speak in forlorn terms of maintaining 'hope' that such an event doesn't happen, but nevertheless preparing for such a catastrophic series of events.

A fourth point is that those speaking about the Burisch case speak in ethical terms of the need for disclosure about the extraterrestrial presence and the likely ELE arriving by 2012 if not earlier. They assume that ethical concerns will persuade controllers to release sufficient information to prepare portions of the human population for an ELE while maintaining plausible deniability in order not to panic the remainder of humanity. The combination of extraterrestrial disclosure and the hypothetical ELE in 2012 is arguably the element that most reveals the goal of the psychological operation that uses the Burisch case.

The best means of gauging the truth about the information released by the Burisch affair is asking the question, "Who benefits from the release of such classified information?" The main beneficiaries are 'controllers' of extraterrestrial information who can manipulate public anxiety over a future ELE that is heralded by a body of data that is inconclusive and open to extreme forms of speculation by millennial organizations. It is worth reminding the reader that theories of impending global calamities first began appearing almost 30 years ago with the Alternative 3 documentary program first aired in the United Kingdom in a respective science show hosted by the BBC. It appears that those using the BBC to covertly promote public awareness of a possible series of future cataclysmic events badly underestimated a number of mitigating factors that impact on global affairs such as 'global consciousness' (see

The hypothesized ELE trumps all other global concerns and makes it possible for the "controllers" to release or maintain information according to their priorities and activities. For example, disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence becomes conflated with a possible ELE slated to happen by 2012. This makes it easier for those controlling extraterrestrial affairs to keep the secrecy system in place since those aware of the extraterrestrial presence are manipulated into believing that extraterrestrial disclosure is a secondary concern to the probable 2012 ELE.

The final point is that the Burisch case overly simplifies the available data on the extraterrestrial presence. For example, Sergeant Clifford Stone (ret) allegedly witnessed an EBE Guidebook between 1979-89 while performing his duties on elite ETV retrieval teams. The EBE guidebook detailed medical information and physical characteristics of 57 EBE groups currently visiting or monitoring the Earth (see: ). Stone served for 22 years in the US Army and has been investigated by a number of researchers such as Paola Harris, Linda Moulton Howe and the author. Stone and the testimony of other whistleblowers and contactees suggests that the motivations and activities of EBE groups are far more varied and complex than suggested by Burisch or promoted by those insiders 'leaking' information to corroborate Burisch's testimony. According to Burisch, the extraterrestrials visiting the Earth are descended from modern humanity and are here because of their desire to avert the ELE that led to the future split in humanity. This is inconsistent with the large body of evidence supporting an extensive number of EBE's interacting with humanity and/or monitoring the Earth (see ). Burisch's response to an earlier comment from the author about his lack of awareness of extraterrestrial races other than the J-Rods, suggests that Burisch simply was not given access to other classified projects involving other EBE groups (see ).

In conclusion, there is considerable evidence to support Burisch's claims of having worked in number of classified projects as outlined in his affidavit and elsewhere. Further, there is considerable evidence to support Burisch's claims of a number of secret treaties having been organized with the covert "control" committees such as MJ-12. Nevertheless, the evidence for an ELE in 2012 or sooner is inconclusive at best, and a deliberate fabrication at worst. There is good reason to suspect that Burisch is an unintentional part of a psychological operation to conflate extraterrestrial disclosure with a possible ELE. The conflation of extraterrestrial disclosure with an ELE would enable the 'controllers' of extraterrestrial affairs to 'spin' future disclosure in way that perpetuates their power and control. Also, the over simplification of visiting extraterrestrial races to three groups descended from modern humanity is a distortion and simplification of the available data pointing to a very complex human extraterrestrial interaction.

The conclusion is that those following the Burisch saga need to be very discerning as to how they filter the information being leaked by Dan Burisch as evidenced in his April Affidavit. While Burisch appears sincere in his efforts to assist Deppeller and leaking information, the hidden agenda is most likely to misinform that element of global society that would be the greatest obstacle to delay and/or spin extraterrestrial disclosure in a way that perpetuates the covert control exercised by those responsible for extraterrestrial affairs. One solution to the likely psychological operation involving Burisch and 'leaks' supporting his testimony would be to continue to investigate the claims of Dan Burisch, but to systematically contrast these with the claims of other whistleblower such as Clifford Stone, Charles Hall, and Robert Dean who all comment on a variety of extraterrestrial races visiting and interacting with humanity. In this way, it will be possible to develop a more nuanced and accurate overview of extraterrestrial affairs and how different EBE groups interact with humanity, and the role played by different human control groups attempting to spin information about extraterrestrials in ways that are intended to alarm the global populace thereby perpetuating elite control of vital resources and political institutions. Dan Burisch's affidavit and testimony is helpful in opening up the complexities to the exopolitical situation confronting us. Nevertheless, Burisch himself does not have access to classified information on all the 57 or more EBE groups visiting/interacting with humanity thereby considerably oversimplifying the exopolitical challenge before us, and very likely making him an unwitting accomplice to a psychological operation to misinform the public about extraterrestrial affairs.

© Michael E. Salla, PhD
August 25, 2005
[email protected]

Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 181517
Poruke: 22

+36 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima02.09.2009. u 11:11 - pre 179 meseci

Procitao sam do pola i vec ne mogu da verujem sta sve pise... vanzemaljci, proslost, buducnost, kataklizma 2012, stvaranje zivota... lici na scenario za niskobudzetni SF :)

Cenim da se neko silno zabavljao pisuci ovo dok drugi bas vole da se uzive u SF fantaziju kompenzirajuci na taj nacin sumornu realnost dosadne svakodnevnice.

May the Force be with you, Luke! .. ah, sorry, to je iz druge price ... :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.09.2009. u 00:37 - pre 179 meseci
Ankalagon the Black: Uopste nije poenta koje je godine spominjao Apophis. I ja sam procitao pazljivo koje godine je sta objavljeno.

Normalno da je poenta BAS u tome :)
Ono, ti kao nekakav...dokaz, potvrdu za nesto, navodis interjvu tog vanzemaljca i onog invalida :):)
I kao - eto to je tacno, cim vanzemaljac kaze.
A godina pre toga imamo 10x detaljnije informacije :)
Znaci ovo je cist primer laganja javnosti koja nije dovoljno upucena u pitanje Apofisa....

Ankalagon the Black:
Zamisli, nesto sto je vazno je dostupno nama smrtnicima i nasim naucnicima da znamo ?!

Da, kao na primer taj asteroid :):))

Ankalagon the Black:
O kom speceship-u pricas ? Jel to sada, ovog trenutka stoji iznad Srbije neki spaceship, ili ipak pricas o necem drugom ?

Pricam bre o ovima iznad Novog Sada, sta se sad pravis glupav?
Ajde, ono....12. put...ko detetu debilu
-Zasto mislis da je to spaceship?

I ti sad odgovoris na to pitanje.....
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.09.2009. u 00:39 - pre 179 meseci
Procitao sam do pola.......

Dalje i ne moras....
Sta god da procitas i zainteresuje te, ovaj ce da kaze da je to glupo.
Pocelo je sa "provokacijama" jednog korisnika, nastavilo se nerazresenim pitanjem oko govora tela - sto je kljucno po ovom Aragornu, a eto sad se opet pravi blesav...
Ok, ja to razumem.
Verovatno je pitanja preneo svom sefu sekte, pa sad ceka odgovor :)
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.09.2009. u 10:33 - pre 179 meseci
Normalno da je poenta BAS u tome :)
Ono, ti kao nekakav...dokaz, potvrdu za nesto, navodis interjvu tog vanzemaljca i onog invalida :):)

Ovaj zadnji primer nije namenjen da bude nikakav dokaz, vec samo cinjenica da Billy smatra da je taj asteroid bitna stvar.

A godina pre toga imamo 10x detaljnije informacije :)
Znaci ovo je cist primer laganja javnosti koja nije dovoljno upucena u pitanje Apofisa....

LOL, pa da naravno. Upravo iz tog razloga dajem gomilu linkova kad wikipediji i temi sa [ES] da bi ljudima uskratio background informacije i da oni ne bi dovoljno dobro razumeli problem. Izgleda da ti takodje pretpostavljas da na [ES] vecina ljudi ne zna da koristi google. Stvarno , doktore zarazeni, izgleda da imas neku gadnu infekciju ociju cim ne vidis da to nije slucaj. :))

sto je kljucno po ovom Aragornu,

Pricam bre o ovima iznad Novog Sada, sta se sad pravis glupav?
Ajde, ono....12. put...ko detetu debilu
-Zasto mislis da je to spaceship?

I ti sad odgovoris na to pitanje.....

Ajde ono, kao odgovor... po 13 put,.... kao detetu debilu ;) , zbog cega ti ne naucis da sam razmisljas svojom glavom ? I zbog cega neces da se javis Edgaru Mitchellu ? Zbog cega mislis da naftne platforme mogu da lete ? Zasto me stalno prekrstavas u Stridera iz Gospodara Prstenova? I kada ces da postanes ti sam upucena javnost koja ume da koristi google da dodje do odgovora na pitanja koja ga interesuju?

Da li i zasto ja mislim da je u pitanju spaceship ili nije ostace nerazjasnjena tajna za tebe. Kao i pitanje body language-a. Da li zelis da znas zbog cega ? I to ce ostati tajna za tebe, sve dok ne bude pokazao da bilo sta ISKRENO zelis da znas.

Verovatno je pitanja preneo svom sefu sekte, pa sad ceka odgovor :)

Opet neko pominje sektu. Zaista fascinantno. Jedno 50 puta sam ponovio da treba svako da razmislja svojom glavom, da sam istrazi ono sto ga interesuje, dao sam do sada ko zna koliko linkova od kojih moze da se pocne nekakvo licno istrazivanje... E da, jesam li rekao da svako treba da razmislja svojom glavom ?

Dakle, hoces po 12 ili 150-ti put da znas odgovor na neko pitanje ? Zaista hoces da znas ? Nadji ga sam. Ili pronadji neku sektu da ti da na tacni odgovore koje trazis. :)

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.09.2009. u 10:47 - pre 179 meseci
Drs Burisch and McDowell at Caltech

Procitao sam do pola i vec ne mogu da verujem sta sve pise... vanzemaljci, proslost, buducnost, kataklizma 2012, stvaranje zivota... lici na scenario za niskobudzetni SF :)

Cenim da se neko silno zabavljao pisuci ovo dok drugi bas vole da se uzive u SF fantaziju kompenzirajuci na taj nacin sumornu realnost dosadne svakodnevnice.

Evo malo dodira sa realnoscu. Prezentacija Lotus projekta na Caltech univerzitetu! Jednom od nekoliko najjacih tehnickih univerziteta u USA.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima03.09.2009. u 23:17 - pre 179 meseci
Da da, evo sad mu opet nista nije jasno, pa ce narednih 10 strana da se pravi lud, pa ajd onda jovo nanovo....

Ankalagon the Black:Jedno 50 puta sam ponovio da treba svako da razmislja svojom glavom, da sam istrazi ono sto ga interesuje,

I kako ti svojom glavom vidis NLO iznad Novog Sada i kako ga svojeglavno proglasav za svemirca?

Ankalagon the Black:
Dakle, hoces po 12 ili 150-ti put da znas odgovor na neko pitanje ? Zaista hoces da znas ? Nadji ga sam.

Pa to :)
Lepo reci ljudima da ovde vodis blog i nemoj da pises poruke tipa "Odgovoricu na sva pitanja" i tako to.
To se zove sekta i to se zove laganje.
A kao sto znamo laganje i prevare su svojstvene raznim UFOlozima...

Naftne platforme ne lete.
Lete oblaci.
Pa tu dese neke cudne nesto svetli.
Za neanderatlce - dovoljno da recimo rucni sat proglase za NLO...
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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima05.09.2009. u 09:52 - pre 179 meseci
Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson - part 1 of 3

Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson - part 2 of 3

Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson - part 3 of 3

4 September 2009

Dr. Pete Peterson interview now Live!

Special Note: Part 3 is still uploading...

• Click here for the long-awaited release of our interview with Dr Pete Peterson. The publication was delayed because Dr Peterson was concerned that it might contain some material that was just too sensitive, and which might endanger us. He spent some time checking with colleagues to ensure that we would be safe to release the material. At the time of writing, he has not specified what these sensitive parts of the video are - though one might guess. We have taken the decision to take these risks upon our own shoulders and to release the interview in its entirety. It has not been cut.

We hope that those who have been waiting this for what feels (to us also!) quite a long time may understand the complexities and many factors involved, and that being a whistleblower is far from a simple matter. Dr Peterson is a man of high integrity who is very concerned about some of the problems faced by the human race, and who to his immense credit feels that he must give a warning. Besides the warning, as you will see, he offers a substantial smorgasbord of fascinating information on a very broad range of subjects.

On Whistleblowers: And yes, we are planning to release the Pete Peterson interview Friday. One thing everyone needs to understand is that this whistleblower, and a few others, are still working for the PTB (Powers-that-be, for those who need the translation).

How can a whistleblower still be working for the Man? Easy, they are playing both sides... Their hearts are in the right place. Their reasons are complex. They may for instance be working for the good guys (or white hats) within the Matrix... They may be thinking that the dark side is losing and they are planning to defect or they may believe in a cause such as National Defense.. It's not all black and white. Think of it this way: if you work for a company, any company, you see its flaws but you need the paycheck or you support what their overall mission is... yet you may hate what they do to obtain the upper hand in the game (such as lie, kill and maim).

Like it or not, a whistleblower from within the Matrix is in many ways treading a tightrope. They want to stay alive but they want to warn you, enlighten you or even save you... It's a matter of degree as to how far they can go before they reap consequences they may regret.

On the outside, our situation isn't much different. We get the truth out there and risk whatever blowback may come. In the end you lay your bets and you take your chances.


Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima06.09.2009. u 21:22 - pre 179 meseci

Pronasao sam ovu stranicu sa medicinskim instrumentima koji izgleda da koriste tehnologiju o kojoj govori Pete Peterson.

Spisak naprava:

Ovaj medicinski aspekt svedocenja Peta Petersona je ostavio najveci utisak na mene. Ako ove tehnologije zaista funkcionisu onako kako je Pete objasnio.....prvo sto mi pada na pamet su svi oni ljudi koji su umrli pre vremena zbog nedostatka bolje dijagnostike i terapije i svi oni kojima bi sada ovako nesto bilo spas. A farmaceutske kompanije bi mogle da nastave da trose ogromne pare na nove vrste vijagre i preparate protiv celavosti.
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.09.2009. u 11:03 - pre 179 meseci
Scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing are reported to have confirmed that they filmed a UFO during the eclipse for 40 minutes. They say that they will spend the next 12 months studying the footage before drawing any conclusions.

The director of the observatory, Ji Hai-sheng, told that scientists would not be speculating publicly on the nature of what was captured on film until it had been properly studied.
He added:"'Purple Mountain Observatory and Chinese Academy of Sciences said that during the July 22 total solar eclipse observation, China had discovered near the sun, by observing staff, an unidentified object, it's physical nature remains to be further studied.
"Currently manpower is being organized to deal with this data, complete the data analysis and reveal the scientific results and this will take at least one year's time to finalise."

The incident follows a series of UFO sightings in China which culminated in an object being captured on film by students in Deqing. The footage, which was featured on Chinese television, appears to show the object repeatedly changing shape after initially appearing as a glowing blue sphere.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima08.09.2009. u 16:56 - pre 179 meseci
Ma lepo ti je sve to, nego zaboravi ti da nam kazes otkud ti oni vanzemaljci iznad NS?
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Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden

Član broj: 4312
Poruke: 3379

+1365 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima09.09.2009. u 08:44 - pre 179 meseci
Senzacija!! Mislim da ce ovo ucutkati sve nevjerne Tome!
Beneath civilization's fragile crust, cold chaos churns...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima10.09.2009. u 12:54 - pre 179 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima10.09.2009. u 14:52 - pre 179 meseci
A sada nesto sasvim drugacije! Potencijalno jedan od najznacajnijih wistleblowera do sada u istoriji witleblowera koji su ucestvovali na tajnim projektima. Ono sto on ima da kaze je tesko za prihvatiti cak ljudima koji se bave UFO-ima desetinama godina. Andrew deluje veoma iskreno dok opisuje svoja iskustva u ovom sestocasovnom izlaganju.

Ovo sigurno nije poslednje,vec samo pocetak, sto cemo cuti od ovoga svedoka.

A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago about the
Hidden History of His Discovery of Life on Mars

A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago about the
Hidden History of His Discovery of Life on Mars

In this fascinating, six-hour interview, American lawyer Andrew D. Basiago, 47, narrates the hidden history of his discovery of life on Mars in 2008 and reveals the fact that by 1968 the US intelligence community was already aware of aspects of his later Mars work.

Andy relates his experiences in DARPAs Project Pegasus during the period 1969 to 1972, and describes probes to past and future events that he took via teleportation and chronovision during the early days of time-space exploration by the US government.

He confirms that the United States has been teleporting individuals to Mars for decades, and recounts the awe-inspiring and terrifying trips that he took to Mars in 1981 after he was tapped to go there because he had teleported as a child participant in Project Pegasus.
I first met Andy in July 2009 at ECETIs Science, Spirit and World Transformation Conference near Mt. Adams, Washington, where we were both featured speakers.
During his lecture, Andy shared numerous photographic images evidencing his discovery of life on Mars, including many photos of humanoid beings, different animal species, carved statues and built structures on Mars that put him at the forefront of Mars research.
Throughout the weekend, Andy lectured at his table to small groups of conference-goers, who came and sat in rapt attention as he shared stories about his experiences as a child in Project Pegasus, the secret US research program in which time travel was the focus.
I know that, like me, everybody who took part in those impromptu seminars was certain that Andy is, as Bill Ryan of Project Camelot stated recently, the real deal  a truth-teller with significant new information to share about the real Philadelphia Experiment.
In this interview, Andy tells the phenomenal story of seven briefings over 40 years in which he was shown evidence of his destiny involving the discovery of life on Mars, and explains how the emergence of time travel and this epochal future event were interlinked.
According to Andy, by 1968, the CIA was already teleporting individuals to the past and future to retrieve artifacts there and bring them back while propagating holograms of past and future events with devices called chronovisors to also gather intelligence.
Incredibly, as a result of this quantum access, in 1971 Andy was given a copy of his landmark paper The Discovery of Life on Mars and asked to read and remember it, so that when he wrote it, in 2008, it would contain as much data about Mars as possible!
A book and film about Andys experiences in Project Pegasus are in development and he will soon be featured by Project Camelot. This must hear interview is an introduction to a major figure in the Disclosure Movement and an emerging 21st century visionary, who is fighting the good fight to bring his important story to light.

Deo 1 od 39

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima10.09.2009. u 15:53 - pre 179 meseci
Ma to je jos lepse.
Al, sta bi sa Novim Sadom i tvrdnjama da su to vanzemaljci?
Bacena kletva od strane sekte na tu temu?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima10.09.2009. u 16:04 - pre 179 meseci
Jos 2 neobicna objekta:

Kada sam ovaj video, srce mi je stalo.
Stvarno izuzetno i neobicno:

Odgovor na temu

Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: The Disclosure Project , teorije o kontaktu sa vanzemaljcima12.09.2009. u 09:26 - pre 179 meseci
Two whistleblowers, both formerly involved in secret research and development projects undertaken by US defense agencies, have independently verified their secret teleportation to US bases on Mars, and to meeting intelligent Martian extraterrestrial life. Their accounts are now available on the Internet, and can be seen below in this article.

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