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Delphi ili c++ builder

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icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder01.08.2001. u 15:58 - pre 278 meseci
Jedina razlika (osim sintakse) kod C++ Buildera i Delphija je to sto je kod cpp kompajler draaaasticno sporiji od delfijevog. Kad imam projekat normalne velicine, Cpp (5 pro) ga zvace dok mogu kafu da posrchem, a Delphi "u tren oka".

Kylix nije los, ali mu fali dorada; i CLX nije novi VCL, nego potpuno nova biblioteka (bazirana na Qt-u); radi se port CLX-a iz a win (posto postoji Qt i za win) pa ce biti isporucivan sa novim Delphijem radi potpunije kompatibilnosti sa Kylixom (valjda ce dati da se bira kod istalacije - VLC || CLX ). Nadalje, Kylix je uzasno spor (zbog toga sto su ga kompletnog odradili sa qwidgetima u windows style-ovima) pa ako imate bilo sta ispod 500 MHz, bice opadanja kose. Help je samo prepravljeni od Delphija i ima gomile i gomile rupa i mrtvih linkova (posto i nisu isti, jelte). Ima i gluposti kao sto je postojanje samo dinamickog vezanja biblioteka ( tj .so), muljanje oko threadova i slicne bubice vezane za prvu verziju. Forme su direktno kompatibilne (sa zamenom extenije dfm u xfm) a programi kako koji, posto su razlicite platforme - a ako je i platform-nezavisni - pitanje je koje ste unite koristili, jer nisu iste biblioteke u podlozi.
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.: Lugano :. _.: CH :.

Član broj: 634
Poruke: 2824

ICQ: 46802502

+49 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder04.08.2001. u 23:17 - pre 278 meseci
Gojko je napisao:
evo malo da favorizujem delphi:

sto vise procitate, sve cete vise voleti delphi a mrzeti VB :)..

ma ja ga mrzim i bez tvog texta; ))
:: Nemoj se svadjati sa budalom, ljudi cesto nece primjetiti razliku ::
Odgovor na temu

Janoš Guljaš

Član broj: 763
Poruke: 9

ICQ: 59393036


icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder20.08.2001. u 22:07 - pre 277 meseci
Ako nekom treba Kylix, nasao sam ga na

Ovo nije reklama!
Fear for the Best and
Hope for the Worst!
Odgovor na temu

Marko Mitic

Član broj: 351
Poruke: 1060

ICQ: 65811355


icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder20.08.2001. u 23:56 - pre 277 meseci
Sto se Kylix-a tice procitao sam u Linux Journal-u za avgust 2001 (pretplacen sam) da je najveci problem u njemu Object Pascal odnosno da Borland planira da do kraja godine izbaci verziju Kylix-a koja podrzava C++ kako bi C++ programeri presli na Kylix i pise da ce u toj verziji Kernel Linux-a moci kompletno da se kompajlira i na kraju pise:" Now, this is really a product to be excited abouta possible GCC killer?" :)
A sto se tice Delphi vs. C++ Builder ja se ne bih razmisljao i koristio bih C++ Builder a razlog - C++. A to ne bih da objasnjavam.
I jos nesto. Da je Delphi bolji od VB-a ne bi VB bio najpopularniji jezik (trenutno) u svetu. Mada ce uskoro C# da preuzme popularnost.
Tako da je moj savet sto se jezika tice definitivno: C++,Java,C# a sa njima nema granica za programera.
"If you do what you always did! - You will get what you always got!"
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Član broj: 736
Poruke: 180


icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder21.08.2001. u 03:02 - pre 277 meseci
Genie je napisao:

Da li postoje prednosti u Visual C++ u odnosu na Borland C++, tj. kojim se programom postize veca kontrola nad racunarom.

Vidim da se neko ovde trudi da ne favorizuje VB u odnosu na delphi! VB zivi samo zato sto ga cika Bili voli..Sta ces sentimentalan neki tip.......Delphi rulz

A kada smo vec kod C++ ipak vecu kontrolu nad racunarom daje Microsoft....
Ako treba onda nema potrebe
Odgovor na temu

Marko Mitic

Član broj: 351
Poruke: 1060

ICQ: 65811355


icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder22.08.2001. u 00:04 - pre 277 meseci
Slusajte ja bas ne volim ni M$, ni VB a ni Delphi ali ipak po cemu kazes da: "Delphi rulz "?
"If you do what you always did! - You will get what you always got!"
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder22.08.2001. u 00:50 - pre 277 meseci
MAD-MAX je napisao:
Slusajte ja bas ne volim ni M$, ni VB a ni Delphi ali ipak po cemu kazes da: "Delphi rulz "?

Evo za�to:

Why Borland's Delphi?

Shanna Hawley
I chose Delphi over visual basic because at the time VB was only an interpreted language where Delphi was written around a native Pascal compiler. It runs faster than VB, it doesn't have to have the "run time libraries". Without the runtime libraries, the interpreted language of VB wouldn't know how to run. The code is not as straight forward as it is in Delphi. Basic started out with all of those line numbers, and to me doesn't seem much better now even with the "Object Oriented" face it puts on. I had one Company tell me that the reason they used VB was that it was easier to find programmers. I said to him "Oh I see, you will use an inferior language to write your programs because you can find more bad programmers to use it". He had no answer for that and even kind of smiled about it. He knew what I was talking about. I haven't compared the two since VB 6.0 came out, I have heard that they have added a compiler on top of the interpreted code ;=) but I believe it still takes the runtime libraries. I am not even sure about that, and do not really care. I chose to program in Delphi rather than Visual C++ because C and C++ are well known for being an "obfuscated" language. I believe they even have contests? each year to see who can write the most confusing program. They say you can do so much more with C++ than you can in pascal, even OOPascal, but I believe that if the code is properly written, it can be just as effective. Pascal started out a learning language, and is pretty straight forward. There has been a lot of functionality added over the years. With the Object Orientation it has developed into, and the RAD environment, one can program an efficient program rather quickly compared to VC++, and is not nearly as confusing when you have to go in and fix someone else's programs. I have noticed since I have been programming that about 65% of the programming that I do is maintaining and upgrading older programs that need added functionality. With Delphi, it is rather easy. With VC++, I would have to spend the first month trying to figure out what the last programmer was trying to do. I have seen a few programmers that really get complicated with their procedures and functions, but there is no need for that. Some companies are afraid to switch to Delphi, because there aren't as many programmers using it. If more companies would switch, more of us would switch. I have done nothing but Delphi for the last 3 years. It has done everything that I have had to do, in combination with the back end data access being in my case SQL Server. There must be something to this programming environment, or Microsoft wouldn't have signed a contract with Borland/Inprise this year to add the MS components to the package. With the corba technology, the midas components, the Internet mail suite, and a few other 3rd party components that are popular, there isn't much that you can't do with Delphi. Borland ships the source code with Delphi, and that really makes it easy to find the procedures and functions that come with it and get an idea of what to do with them. The ability to either buy 3rd party components, or make your own is nice. It isn't hard to do, and if you can find one that does almost what you need, they are easily adaptable. I believe Delphi is a better environment than some commercial systems (The ones that are fairly generic but promise to have everything the enterprise needs) mainly because you can easily add a module to your suite of programs when the need arises, and you can't always add special modules to some of the commercial systems. Going from Delphi 4 to Delphi 5 is an easy transition when the time comes to upgrade, and most programs will just recompile with no problems in D5. The transition from Delphi 3 to Delphi 4 or 5 is not quite as easy, but since you have the source code, it is not much more than a matter of comparing the differences between two functions/procedures to see what you need to change to make it work. You may have to check with the providers of 3rd party components that were used in the D3 application for upgrades to D4. Well, this is long enough now. I could go on and on about the benefits of Delphi, and how much I enjoy the environment, but you would have to bind it and pass it out as people came into the room ;=)

Mac McGruder
I was a long time Visual Basic programmer, and found ways around its limitations by using Visual C++ to handle things that were otherwise impossible in VB. Earlier this year, I started working with a company that had a very large development project in the making, and the preliminary work was hammering out a design concept and deciding on a language. Unlike other programmers, who stick to their loyalties (eg. the VB people vs. the VC++ people in a slug out), I decided to go hunting for what would best accommadate us with the power of VC++ and a true object oriented language and something that would inable us to develop the application quickly without the development time costs of C++. Low and behold, there is only one product that made this compromise, and that was Delphi. Always the skeptic to marketing, I started toying around with Delphi 5, learning the language, and becoming comfortable with the interface, and thus the love affair began. I developed a demo to convince those who were working on the project with me, the case for using Delphi, and have since used nothing but. Moreover, converted smaller applications previously written in VB over to Delphi, because of the improved performance and the ease to which I can maintain the code. Long story cut short, giving Delphi its day in court was one of the best choices I ever made, and have promoted its use ever since. The C++ programmers will be comfortable with Object pascal and its power, and the VB programmers will be enjoy its interface and ease of use, thus ending the battle over language dominance in a development team. Now if Borland could only help me in arguments with my girlfriend. :) Mac McGruder United States Uses Delphi 5

Nick Chan
I speak to some so-called wannabes, namely CGI/PHP/PERL programmers. All they say is those tools are the best, and puts windows to shame. I started liking the 'efficiency' of Windows32 environment when I use MS Word 'in great depth'. I saw the superb integration functions. I didn't know about Delphi then. I applied for a trainee job in Brunei, and they ask me to learn Delphi 4. So i started to learn about it, and I thought its the greatest programming tool ever. Now that I'm on web development area, Delphi 5's Webbroker tool is simply great, the best ever. I deploy ISAPI DLLs on the webserver, offering unprecedented performace over CGI/PHP/PERL. I created a dynamic Chart graphics that put the CGI/PHP/PERL programmers to shame :). I'm still quite new to Delphi and still have a lot to learn, but I can do so much with Delphi ! Nick Chan Malaysia Uses Delphi 5.

Don Whitbeck
Before the world of Windows I had programmed in C, Basic, Pascal and assembler. My first program for windows was an application to control a bank of industrial furnaces. I started it using Visual Basic 3.0. Meanwhile I purchased a copy of Delphi 1.0 to do a database application. I felt like a kid with a new toy. The IDE in VB was so clumsy in comparison to Delphi that I immediately switched totally to Delphi. The things that I like about Delphi are: Great IDE. Rapid compiling. No need to use clumsy pointer notation for everything. Strict and logical typing of variables. More readable code. Easy to connect to databases (there are some great 3'rd party components for this). I am now using Delphi 5.0 and have not bothered with VB. I have not found anything that can not be done with Delphi. In fact I believe that Microsoft would have a better operating system without the convolutions necessary to accomodate VB. Don Whitbeck USA Uses Delphi 1, Delphi 3 and Delphi 5.

Rolf van der Toorn
Is there really another programming langauge that can even try to compete with the simplicity of pascal, the strength and robustness of the compiler, the great programming skills of the borland team (giving us the VCL and an IDE that you can really use), the great community of programmers around the world... The list goes on and on. I have been learning several langauges over the years but the first time I had used Delphi 2 I was hooked! Using Delphi is not a CHOICE it is an ADDICTION and I LOVE IT... Rolf van der Toorn Netherlands Uses Delphi 3, Delphi 4 and Delphi 5.

I have played around with Delphi for the past 3 years now and it certainly allows and gives me more power than Visual Basic ever will have. If there should be one development tool that can tackle any business solution and offer RADevelopmentother than C++, Delphi is next to best. I just hope South Africa will get up to date with the US as there is a lack of Delphi Programmers, and it is a shame that Visual Basic leads the market, damn, when is Kylix coming! Mario SpidersWeb

Gregory Kingsley
The main reason for choosing Delphi is because it is the easiest language to learn. I've learned almost 10 programming languages now and I can say that Delphi is superior to C++ and Java. Why you may ask well its simple. Delphi really is simple. I've had discussions with hard core C coders (more like arguments) where their main reason for disliking Delphi is because every thing is taken care for you and you don't get into the inner workings of the app. This is true however you can go and screw around with the nuts and bolts of the app if you so wish. All Delphi does for you is create an easier way of inserting your code into the program and it automates allot of the mundane and routine tasks that you need to manually code if your using C. E.g. popup menus all you need to do is point the visual component to the correct popup menu. You don't have to write the event handlers for the right click etc. Another reason is the really, really good help file. Well these are my reasons for liking Delphi any ways. Gregory Kingsley Specialist Systems Engineer First Technologies I-Development

Tobias Dallmann
1. it's as fast as C++ 2. it has an inline assembler 3. it has a big community 4. it has a great future 5. Object Pascal is much easier than C++ 6. it is OO 7. you can develop your apps in a short time 8. it's the right programming language for everyone 9. the compiler produces independent Exe-files 10. you can design the form with drag and drop 11. it's not C++ 12. it's IDE is easy to use and allows good productivity 13. you can use the features of API's like DirectX because many people are translating the C++ headers 14. it will soon be available for Linux 15. it's component system 16. the help system and the documentations are perfect. .... look for yourself to find a lot of other advantages... Tobias Dallmann Germany

Pascal T. Mangold
Why I've chosen Delphi! I chose Delphi over other Windows development tools because of only one reason: You can really do "software engineering" with delphi. Ask a C++ developer what he likes in C++ and you will get the answer "you can do anything with C++" - but does software engineering mean being able to do everything in code? Isn't this simply "loving to code". Software *engineering* means not coding and covers much more. The fast Delphi compiler, stable code, type safety, a superb VCL (against e.g. buggy MFC), no cryptic make files, the component concept and last but not least a really easy to use IDE (against e.g Visual C++ 6 or vi or emacs and gcc) helps you to get quick through the whole software engineering process. Pascal T. Mangold Mangold Software & Consulting Software solutions for science and industry.

Tom van der Vlugt
In the past I programmed a big Clipper, DOS mode, data-entry system working with DBF/NTX/DBT files. The programs are for the clients very user friendly: field-by-field validation, hints on the status bar whilst navigating thru the main menus. The performance was pretty good and it was stable thanks to the fact that protected mode was possible. The language itself was really object oriented thanks to the fact my company purchased a license of Class(y). From all the languages Delphi looks like the most of Clipper and VB the least! C++ and Java are somewhere in the middle. All the user friendlyness is also easily to program in C++, Jave, Delphi as in Clipper, but Delphi is my favorite although Java and C++ are very good too! There are many good freeware components/libraries available for Delphi and platform independent. The database engine given with Delphi is Interbase and it is as fast as dBASE in Clipper! Stored procedures are also available! On the other site VB has a limited set of good freely available libraries and they are ActiveX based, platform dependent. That is not good. ActiveX puts an impact on the performance and stability. The with VB given data engine is Jet with an old fashioned SQL dialect lacking stored procedures! VB is good for making components in the MS platform, its GUI components are old fashioned! Java, C++ and Delphi are good for making programs and libraries and Delphi has the best ratings! Long live Delphi, free source, stability and platform independence! JBuilder and C++ Builder are very good too. Borland is the best! with kind regards from Tom van der Vlugt

Lucian Radulescu
Like many others, I learned Cobol, Fortran, Ada, Basic, and some C/C++. I switched to Pascal, because it was the parent of Ada, and I couldn't use Ada easily (no good implementation, back in 80's in Romania). I found Pascal very pleasant to work with. Later I switched to Borland Pascal, Turbo Vision, OWL, Delphi. Converting code was always easy, I think I still use a few things 10 years old, because they didn't change. I can say Delphi is the easiest to learn, and the easiest to maintain/fix/change/adapt the code. "C" programmers are saying that C is made that way so you can code fast and that's something they like about C. Well my friends, programming it's not only about writing code, but very important it's about reading code. And, yes, it is true the schmuckers have a contest for the ugliest code, worse thing when it comes to reading. The thing is they don't have to compete to much for that :-) Among C programmers, there are not so many good programmers who can tell what stuff is possible to do in C and not possible to do in Delphi. But those who know that stuff, also agree it was better to code something like that in Assembler. And at this point you can do that stuff with Delphi's embedded assembler. Regards, Lucian Toronto, Canada Lucians Delphi Site - ADV

Artem A. Berman
So why Delphi? The answer is obvious - because I like the word. :-) I like the word and philosophy behind it. Because I did not know a thing about VCL structure and BDE interior when I installed Delphi 1 years ago and knowing nothing about these things I was able to write quite complicated database program within a week or so. And that was not the only experience of this kind with the Delphi. With Delphi you do not have to learn to code you can code to learn. Delphi is the most complete, understandable (maybe the only) answer on all my programming questions. That's it. In Delphi I can write application, then write an installation program for it, then write a program that will upload both on ftp sites world wide&#8230; And then write the program that will send e-mail that I wrote all the above to the Usenet newsgroup (as you can guess later on I will write the program that will store all the replies in some compact database and that will report me in some nice way where those who replied live). I've chosen Delphi because Delphi is equally perfect for big corporations and small businesses. Because I can give my code away for free or sell it. And whatever way of distribution I will chose there would be people who will use the stuff I produced. I like Delphi because it is object oriented. They say so is Visual Basic but hey, they say there can be life on Mars. I wont believe either statement till I see that myself. Actually with Delphi you can do everything you could do with Visual C++ but RADically faster. I like Delphi because you can know nothing about the Windows API and write the programs on &#8220;pure&#8221; Delphi and you can know nothing about Delphi and write on API (the only bad news is that you still need to know at least one but just imagine what can be written if you know both). And same with BDE and ODBC (yet there is ADO now), COM interfaces and so forth. I like Delphi because there&#8217;s an industry behind it. Magazines (&#8220;Delphi Informant&#8221;, &#8220;The Delphi Magazine&#8221;) Internet sites ( &#8220;Torry&#8217;s Delphi Pages&#8221;, &#8220;Delphi Super Page&#8221;, &#8220;Delphi Pages&#8221; and so many others) books, newsgroups, and courses. It is good to be a part of such a community isn't it. Generally speaking I like Delphi because during last 5 years I noticed only very few and very small reasons to not to like it. Artem A. Berman

Bruno Sonnino
Why Delphi? My relationship with Delphi was love at first sight. In 1995, after developing Windows applications in C++ in the medical field, I was searching for alternatives to develop commercial applications in Windows, because I knew about the difficulties I would find developing them in C++. After analyzing some alternatives, I took a look at a new product, evolution of Borland's Turbo Pascal, named Delphi. Immediately, I saw there was a winner: application creation was very fast and easy (anyone who has created a dialog box in the Resource Workshop and its procedure in C++ knows what I am talking about), its Object Orientation implementation was very complete and elegant, it was possible to enhance the component palette and even Delphi, writing in Delphi: no components in C or C++ and, the most important thing: its blinding speed. It used to take 10 minutes to compile an application in C++ and I couldn't believe when I pressed the green arrow and the program began to run. This Delphi doesn't create real executables, I thought. But a search in the directories showed me the application executable that ran independent of Delphi being active. I had found the tool... With time, more things were presented to me: sites with many components, most free and with full source code, that enhanced the power of this tool, discussion lists where you could exchange ideas or find answers to your questions, and many books that showed what this powerful tool can do. Four versions after that first one, I could see one more face of Delphi development: the respect to the developer. Although the first version developed applications for Windows 3.1 and the others, for Windows 95/98/NT, the conversion of programs was very simple, needing only a few modifications and the recompilation of the source code. That really makes a difference when you want to upgrade a program. Today, I can surely say that this is the development tool for everybody, from the beginner that is in their first steps in programming and have never heard about event oriented programming or object oriented programming, to the advanced developer, that needs programs that can explore the full power of Windows. Delphi covers all areas, with a large component library and easy integration with Windows API and a very fast and efficient compiler: its back end is the same as C++ Builder's and you can say that Delphi programs are as fast as C++. The only thing I haven't seen Delphi do is write Device Drivers, and many things that Pascal language can't do can be done with its embedded assembler. Delphi is what really can be called as a RAD Tool (Rapid Application Development), without forgetting of the power of a real developing language. You can develop application prototypes very fast that, once approved, are the foundation of the definitive application, written in Delphi. Regards Bruno Revolution Software Sao Paulo, Brazil

Helmuth J.H. Adolph
Saying why I like a computer language is not very easy. Principally you only can compare a language with another one and say which one you like the most. I've learned some others before (Fortran, Cobol, Ada, Basic, C, C++ and Assembler). Among these languages Delphi Pascal is simply the best, or, I could say, it has the fewest disadvantages. It's very near to human thinking (C/C++ is just like a knife without a handle or a machine independant assembler, other languages are unstructured or just didn't suit to the problem I had to solve). With Pascal I never had the problem that forced me to use inline assembler. Especially with Borland Pascal you can solve any problem you need to and have the possibility to write a readable program. Besides that The Delphi IDE (and before Turbo pascal as well) is simply super. Helmuth J.H. Adolph ProDelphi - The source code profiler for Delphi 2/3/4 and 5

Harald Gill
I like Delphi because syntactically, it is very similar to VB, which makes it very easy to learn. However, it has all the power of C++ and Assembler, if you need that type of power. VB, while easy to learn, has a tendency of throwing up roadblocks at the most inopportune times. Plus, all the various files that need to be distributed with VB make creating setup programs more complicated. Delphi, since all the code is compiled into the exe (or dll), allows for straight forward distribution. Harald Gill Canada Uses Delphi 3 and Delphi 5.

Chris Landers
About 6 months ago I worked as a Tech Support Technician for a Software Development Firm. As I became friends with the programmers of the company I was told to get some exposure to development. I bought the student version of VB5 and marveled at how easy it was to write applications, I WAS HOOKED. Then the president of the company saw my excitement and gave me a turbo pascal book (circa 1983) and a copy of turbo pascal. He told me to learn the syntax and get back to him when I felt comfortable with the language. 2 months later I came to him and gave him my thoughts, and he gave me Delphi 5. I worked with him after hrs. for 4 months (learning Delphi and MSSQL). Now, after developing for only 6 months with Delpi I am a part of the development team and have doubled my salary =) As to why I love Delphi, its truly my first language and I wouldn't trade it for the world!!!! Chris Landress United States Uses Delphi 5

Delphi User
I read an article in which VB 6.0 was compared to Delphi 4.0. They said VB was faster than Delphi. So I tested it myself. I wrote a very simple program in Delphi 4.0 which made some ( string and integer manipulations. Delphi did these manipulations/calculations in 6 seconds. Then I rewrote the same program in VB 6, told the compiler of VB to make the optimize the executable for the fastest execution. VB 6 did the same manipulations/calculations in 3 minutes and 27 seconds. Now, who still dares to say that VB 6 is faster??? Then we've got COM interfaces. Try to use the QueryInterface within VB 6. You'll see that you'll have to call several API's to accomplish this for you. Now try the same thing in Delphi... Still using API's? Of course not, Delphi implements interfaces. Ever tried to get a pointer in VB? If you did, how much work did it take, and how much time does it take in Delphi? Then we've got Windows API's... Ever watched the implementation of the windows unit, especially the comments :-). You'll see that the Borland Development team has solved many bugs which still exist in VB 6. Why still use VB? Delphi User

Sohel Khan
The best thing about Delphi is that the language of Delphi i.e. Object Pascal is more human than other programming languages. Every language has its own specialty,C is known for its terseness and closeness to the machine level, Java is oops fundamentalist. The quintessence of Object Pascal is its human nature, which is a great asset when it comes to writing bigger code, which needs to be maintained, by a group of programmers, needs to be changed and customized frequently. Hence the power of object Pascal and Delphi can be realized in Application development. When I revisit a code of Delphi the code looks so lucid and limpid that the whole algorithm comes to life and speaks for itself. This same quality is also evident in the code of programmers of Delphi. I still remember the use of i, j, k for variables in C, where as in Delphi code I find variables names such as PersonCount, etc. The support Delphi gives for all the cutting edge technologies, like COM, DCOM, CORBA, Multitier Architecture etc. is also remarkable. Sohel Khan India Uses Delphi 5 Sohel's World

Odgovor na temu

Relja Markovic
San Francisco

Član broj: 531
Poruke: 1793

+18 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder22.08.2001. u 04:03 - pre 277 meseci
E, a sada svi na da vidite koliko poslova mozete da nadjete u kojima se trazi Delphi, Borland C++ Builder, i VB.

Pa onda donosite zakljucke cime hocete da se bavite.
Odgovor na temu

Marko Mitic

Član broj: 351
Poruke: 1060

ICQ: 65811355


icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 00:32 - pre 277 meseci
Auu bre Gojko koje su ti sve ovo face sa cudnim imenima :) A sto stvarno lepo ne pogledas na i videces da sam upravu. C++ je najbolji pa onda Java pa VB pa tek onda neki drugi jezici (Delphi) a i za C# sam se iznenadio. Iako jos prakticno nije gotov vec su otvoreni poslovi za C# programere.
"If you do what you always did! - You will get what you always got!"
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 00:58 - pre 277 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Relja Markovic
San Francisco

Član broj: 531
Poruke: 1793

+18 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 04:24 - pre 277 meseci

Gojko, lista ti ne valja (u stvari to je antireklama za Delphi), idi na bilo koj od tih sajtova, odaberi proizvoljan grad u Americi i vidi koliko ces poslova da nadjes. A onda od broja tih poslova (ako je veci od nule, u mom regionu je 0) oduzmi "genericke" oglase (oglasi koji sluze samo da privuku ljude, ne postoji konkretan posao) koje stavljaju agencije za zaposljavanje.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Reljam dana 08-22-2001 u 07:25 PM GMT]
Odgovor na temu

Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 11:21 - pre 277 meseci
dada bla bla truc truc..

on je rekao da poslova nema. ja sam rekao da ima. ko da je u USA problem preseliti se.. ahh...
Odgovor na temu

Dejan Lekić
senior software engineer, 3Developers
London, UK

Član broj: 234
Poruke: 2534


+2 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 13:23 - pre 277 meseci
Ako VEC MORA pascal, onda se odlucujem za FreePASCAL + LAZARUS (, sto je po meni mnogo jeftinija i bolja varijanta od Delphi-ja, jer radi na vise razlicitih platformi.

Borland C++ Builder NEMA alternativu kad je RAD i C++ u pitanju! :) Jedino mozda nesto bude od VDKBuilder-a ( ...


Dejan Lekic
software engineer, MySQL/PgSQL DBA, sysadmin
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Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

Član broj: 691
Poruke: 2325


+75 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 14:18 - pre 277 meseci
Pazi u sustini ko sto je vec receno i C++ builder i delphi rade na VCL bibliotekama koje su pisane u paskalu.tako da je c++ builder u sebi ima i paskal kompajler :))).

E sada ja licno koristim C++ builder iz razloga sto sam ja se ko klinac igrao sa C-om( jos iz osnovne skole jer me to zanimalo, pa je C++ dosao kasnije sam po sebi), mada nerado priznajem ako ne znas ni C++ ni paskal, da uzmes DELPHI.

Razlozi za delphi su sledeci,

1. lakse je nauciti paskal sintaxu,

2. delphi prevodi kod u letu pritisnash play i odma sve iskompajlirano. dok pod builderom ipak treba sacekati da on to iskompajlira i ulinkuje.

3. Borland je napravilo Kylix za linux tako reci portovao delphi na linux platformu tako da jednostavnim kompajliranjem delphi projekata ti dobijas native linux aplikaciju(pod uslovom da u svom projektu nisi koristio WIN APIje.

4. pisanje projekata u delphiju je malo lakse jer koristis "." za upucivanje i za same objekte. dok kod buildera koristis -> za upucivanje a . za pozivanje funkcija clanica. tako da dok dosta ne udjes u fazon moraces da vodis racuna sta je zivi objekat a sta je pointer dok kod delphija udaris samo . i boli te uvo :)))

5. koliko sam video delphi nije case sensitive kada je u pitanju properties samih objekata sto takodje ubrzava proces pisanja.

6. svi noviteti se pojave prvo u delphiju, pa tek onda budu ubaceni u C++ bulder uvek kasni pola godine za svojim bratom.

e sada prednosti buldera su sto ne moras da deklarises sve promenjive odmah na pocetku( to je c++ u sustini)

ne znam samo dali delphi dozvoljava preklapanje operatora
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Relja Markovic
San Francisco

Član broj: 531
Poruke: 1793

+18 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder23.08.2001. u 17:11 - pre 277 meseci
Gojko je napisao:
dada bla bla truc truc..

on je rekao da poslova nema. ja sam rekao da ima. ko da je u USA problem preseliti se.. ahh...

Hm, da. Siguran sam da se i ostali iz USA slazu sa tim.

Bilo kako bilo, posto vidim da svi volite Delphi, evo jednog linka za one koji ga mozda jos nemaju: - Delphi Super Pages, sjajan resurs za Delphi
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.: Lugano :. _.: CH :.

Član broj: 634
Poruke: 2824

ICQ: 46802502

+49 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder24.08.2001. u 01:58 - pre 277 meseci
Reljam je napisao:

Izvini sto cu biti malo direktan neko bi mogao da to vulgarno protumaci
"svi ga imamo";... mislim na taj link ;))

hocu reci da vecina delphi (l)usera ima taj link, ja sam recimo odatle i poceo:)
ali svaka cast na trudu

:: Nemoj se svadjati sa budalom, ljudi cesto nece primjetiti razliku ::
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Novi Beograd

Član broj: 3508
Poruke: 488

+1 Profil

icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder12.06.2002. u 18:09 - pre 268 meseci
VB je tu da se neko slucajno ne bi namucio sa C++ (posto Microsoft ne priznaje pascal za jezik, a u C++ rade dinosaurusi koji su se ucili na unixu)...

VB uopste nije definisan jezik, sa odredjenim pravilima: kad ste vi u VB-u mogli da napisete:
var MainForm: TForm;

VB je s*****: treba run-time DLL od 1.5 MB, za standardne windows kontrole morate da importujete, distribuirate i registrujete ocx komponente itd...

a Delphi/C++ builder pravi *potpuno* standalone programe, koji rade brzo i pouzdano, u podrsku za lepe (zj)API-je kao D3D i OpenGL.
Odgovor na temu

Siniša Spasojević

Član broj: 44249
Poruke: 2



icon Re: Delphi ili c++ builder07.01.2005. u 08:05 - pre 236 meseci
...a u C++ rade dinosaurusi koji su se ucili na unixu)...

Šta ti bi da ovo "kažeš"?

Pa kako možeš uopšte da porediš Delphi i c++? Ja ne bih bio u stanju da radim u bilo čemu drugom osim u c++. Ako se dovoljno potrudiš, naučićeš sintaxu bez problema a primera imaš tonu na netu... a osim toga, nemoj mi reći da je implementacija gl-a brža nego u c++... ko radi hi-end softver, nema šta da traži sa Delphi-em....
What we do in life echoes in eternity
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