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ScanModem - šta dalje??!?

[es] :: Linux hardware :: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?

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Senzo Anime

Član broj: 90627
Poruke: 17


icon ScanModem - šta dalje??!?13.05.2006. u 18:54 - pre 220 meseci
Ljudi treba mi pomoć!Ja sam ultra početnik u linux-u!
Instalirao sam xandros 3.0 Deluxe ed. i pokušavam da namestim
modem da bi surfovao na netu.Prethodno sam negde pročitao da trebam
prvo da intaliram ScanModem,što sam nekako i uradio.Evo šta taj
program kaže:

ONLY use scanModem downloaded as:

/home/flonov/scanModem should ONLY be run within a Linux/UNIX partition.
If within a MicroSoft/DOS partition, abort with Ctrl-C now !!!
Copy scanModem.gz to your Linux partition and restart.


Providing detail for device at 0000:00:07.0
with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: e159:0001 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
SubSystem 8086:0003 Intel Corp.: Unknown device 0003
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 10

-----PCI_IDs------- --CompilerVer-
Feature List: Primary Subsystem Distr KernelVer kernel default CPU
./scanModem test e159:0001 8086:0003 debian 2.6.9-x1 3.3.4 3.3.4 i686

The September 2005 Intel-537 release is version, with a compile illustrated in However an update supporting FC4
kernels is needed as there are failures under (at least) kenels 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 , 2.6.12-1.1447_FC4smp
Intel has not yet decided whether to support FC4 kernels.
and there is a segmentation fault error with Slackware kernel
Pending an update from Intel, dropping back to a FC3 kernel_version less than2.6.10
does allow recovery of function.

A subfolder Modem/ has been written, containing these files with more detailed Information:
1stRead.txt DriverCompiling.txt InfoGeneral.txt ModemData.txt Rational.txt Slmodem-ALSA.txt Slmodem.txt SoftModem.txt Testing.txt UNSUBSCRIBE.txt YourSystem.txt
Please read 1stRead.txt first for Guidance.

Pa dalje 1stRead.txt:

The files in this Modem/ folder have the following roles:

ModemData.txt - Diagnostics and accumulated information cogent to your modem.
If further help is needed, send a description of your problem to:
[email protected]
with ModemData.txt attached as a PLAIN TEXT file. Do NOT send other files in this folder Modem/
Always send the ENTIRE ModemData.txt, as It includes subtle diagnostic ouputs needed
to best guide you. If your PC is a laptop, please provide Make and Model information.

ModemData.txt with companion files on specific modems/situations may suffice to solve your problems.
It recommends sites for needed software, or additional tests You must perform.
Always use the most recent update of scanModem accessed ONLY at
to produce ModemData.txt
URLs to cogent advice are regularly updated, so your problem may be solved therein.

YourModem.txt has guidance about operating your particular System.
It should NOT be sent to [email protected]

Rational.txt - Motivations of this scanModem package.

DriverCompiling.txt - Explains the roles of additional files which may have to be installed
to support compiling of modem drivers, and the steps to take.

SoftModem.txt - Information and instructions about "soft modems".
For these modems, additional steps may be necessary for choice of supporting software.
The primary PCI ID is that of the "modem controller", which can support diverse Subsystems.
It is the "modem codec" of the Subsystem which determines the software needed.

Slmodem.txt - The slmodem software from SmartLink supports a variety of soft modems.
However new Users need to be aware of its special port setup features.

Slmodem-ALSA.txt About ALSA mode usage for slmodem.
ModemTesting.txt SHOULD be read, but after drivers have been installed.

InfoGeneral.txt has general information about the status of winmodem support under Linux,
Do read it if ModemData.txt reports that your current modem is not supported under Linux.

If you are Linux newcomer, please do locate your local Linux group through: . If you are not comfortable with English,
a local Linux user can often be of substantial assistance in getting you on to the Internet.

Šta dalje?????
The greatest trick
the Devil ever pulled...
was convincing the world
he didn't exist.
Odgovor na temu

Tomislav Djokic
u penziji

Član broj: 6736
Poruke: 8305


+210 Profil

icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?14.05.2006. u 06:02 - pre 220 meseci
To sto si pocetnik nije ni retkost, ni sramota. Medjutim, malo si izgubio nit. Program ScanModem mozes i ne moras da instaliras, zavisi od tvoje snalazljivosti. On bi ti kao posluzio da utvrdis koji modem imas i da ti eventualno preporuci gde da nadjes drajvere itd. Veruj mi, to sto ti on javlja treba pazljivo da procitas i da pokusas sam da razumes, mada ce se sigurno javiti dobre duse i detaljno ti objasnjavati red po red.

Medjutim, mozda postoji jedna dobra vest. Xandros sam koristio odavno i vec tada je imao instalirane drajvere za winmodeme, odmah, ves u sebi, spremne da rade. Da li si ti uopste pokusavao da korsistis Xandros-ovu alatku za podesavanje modema, malo sam zaboravio, mislim da se zove slicno MS Windows-ovoj alatci, nesto kao Dial-up wizard, u tom smislu? Onda ti tamo nudi razne modeme i tu ubacis svoj modem i onda radi. Mozda ces uspeti i bez ScanModema, a ako ne znas koji ti je modem, onda pokrenes ScanModem i on ti da informaciju o kom modemu je rec.
Na svetu postoje samo 2 OS-a: 1. Mint, 2. svi ostali!
Odgovor na temu

Senzo Anime

Član broj: 90627
Poruke: 17


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?14.05.2006. u 12:01 - pre 220 meseci
Da pokušavao sam iz Xandros Connection Wizard-a,pa stignem do:
Winmodem driver setup-a,gde pise:

One or more winmodems ware detected on your computer.
For the winmodem to work,a driver must be loaded.Please
select the most appropriate driver and clicl Load.

To not use the winmodem for this connection,select None.

Device: winmodem.0000_00_07_0
Driver: None
Intel 536EP Softmodem
Intel 537EP Softmodem
Intel 537 Data Fax Voice V.92 Winmodem

Bilo koji pokusam Load-ovati dobijem sledecu poruku:

Operation Failed:The driver failed to load properly.
The cause
of the failure could be a conflict with a
previously loaded
driver.To remove all loadad drivers,
please restart your computer
before selecting this or
another driver from the list.

If all of the drivers fail to load,this particular
Winmodem may
need to be configured manually or may
not be supported at this time.

Što bi trebalo da znači -po meni- da mi je potreban neki drajver.Pa sam instalirao ScanModem i tamo sam
negde pročitao:"Use driver resource Intel-537ep-MostRecentVersion.tgz"

Pa sam skinuo sledeće fajlove:

U svim ovim arhivama postoji readme.txt fajl u kojima piše sledeće:

INSTALLATION Prerequisites:

1. root access
2. bash shell to run install scripts
3. an Intel soft modem (537, 537EP, 537SP, 537AA or 537EA)
(found on your distribution's CD)

steps to install

1. login as ROOT
2. extract the archive into a directory with "tar -zxvf <archivename>.tgz"
3. cd into the directory it created.
4. Type: make clean
5. Type: make 537
6. Type: make install

This will create a /dev/modem device file. This file is used as an interface to
modem by all applications: minicom, kpppd, efax, etc.

Ovde ne razumem šta će mi to"KERNEL SOURCE HEADERS FOR THE KERNEL YOU ARE RUNNING".No dobro i to sam negde našao
u arhiviranoj formi.Dalje uzimam intel-537EP- i pratim tačke "steps to install"i sve je ok. do pete tačke
gde dobijam sledeću poruku:

# make 537
Module precompile check
Current running kernel is: 2.6.9-x1
/lib/modules... autoconf.h does not exist
please install kernel source
make: *** [check] Error 1

Pa (mislim ja),to je opet povezano sa tim "KERNEL SOURCE HEADERS"-om.A i nekoliko rečenica koje sam isto pročitao
u porukama ScanModema,koje opet ne znam što tačno znače,ali verujem da su povezane sa mojim problemom:

Kernel-header resources needed for compiling are not manifestly ready!
However an update supporting FC4
kernels is needed as there are failures under (at least) kenels 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 , 2.6.12-1.1447_FC4smp
Intel has not yet decided whether to support FC4 kernels.
and there is a segmentation fault error with Slackware kernel
Pending an update from Intel, dropping back to a FC3 kernel_version less than 2.6.10
does allow recovery of function.
The greatest trick
the Devil ever pulled...
was convincing the world
he didn't exist.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 82343
Poruke: 151
Via: [es] mailing liste


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?14.05.2006. u 15:57 - pre 220 meseci
# make 537
Module precompile check
Current running kernel is: 2.6.9-x1
/lib/modules... autoconf.h does not exist
please install kernel source
make: *** [check] Error 1

Da li ti je instaliran izvorni kod kernela? Ako nije, instaliraj ga.

A mogao bi i da postaviš ovde fajl ModemData.txt, pa da vidimo šta tamo
piše... Pomoglo bi.
Odgovor na temu

Senzo Anime

Član broj: 90627
Poruke: 17


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?14.05.2006. u 17:09 - pre 220 meseci

Ne znam da li je instaliran,a ne znam ni kako da pogledam.
A ako nije,jel se to instalira isto kao i obični programi?

A evo i ModemData.txt:

DO use the following line as the email Subject Line, to alert cogent experts:
scanModem, Xandros Desktop 3.0 Deluxe kernel 2.6.9-x1
Occassionally reponses are blocked by an Internet Provider mail filters.
So do in a day also check the Archived responses at [email protected]
Code updated on: 2006_April_07
------------ -------------- System information ------------------------
Xandros Desktop 3.0 Deluxe
on System with processor: i686
currently under kernel: 2.6.9-x1 has good general guidance.
Be sure to read the Ethernet section of Modem/YourSystem.txt
DEVPPP=crw------- 1 root root 108, 0 2006-05-13 18:11 /dev/ppp
A /dev/modem symbolic link is not present
USB modem not detected.

Checking for audio card
0000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)
Reading /proc/asound/pcm
00-00: VIA 8235 : VIA 8235 : playback 4 : capture 1
00-01: VIA 8235 : VIA 8235 : playback 1 : capture 1
The potentially supporting drivers now loaded on this System are:
0 snd_via82xx

The kernel was assembled with compiler: 3.3.4
with current System compiler GCC=3.3.4
Found make utility.
Checking for kernel-headers needed for compiling.
Kernel-header resources needed for compiling are not manifestly ready!

Modem candidates are at PCI_buses: 0000:00:07.0

Providing detail for device at 0000:00:07.0
with vendor-ID:device-ID
Class 0780: e159:0001 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
SubSystem 8086:0003 Intel Corp.: Unknown device 0003
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 10
Checking for IRQ 10 sharing with modem.
XT-PIC VIA8233, uhci_hcd

-----PCI_IDs------- --CompilerVer-
Feature List: Primary Subsystem Distr KernelVer kernel default CPU
./scanModem test e159:0001 8086:0003 debian 2.6.9-x1 3.3.4 3.3.4 i686
Use driver resource Intel-537ep-MostRecentVersion.tgz
== Checking PCI IDs through modem chip suppliers ==

Vendor e159 is Tiger Jet (TJ).
e159:0001 translates PCI commands to the serial link used by
the silabs DAA from the si3034, si3044 and si3056 family.
e159:0001 8086:0003 TJ320 v2.0 , with subsystem 8086:0003 is an Intel-537 soft modem
supported by: Intel-537ep-MostRecentVersion.tgz
e159:0001 0359:0003 TJ320 v3.1

Vendor=8086 is Intel, Inc. producing HaM and 536ep host controller free (HCF) modems, 537 soft modem . Also produced are
AC97 and MC97 controllers managing a varierty of non-Intel soft modem Subsystems.
These subSystems often have PCI_IDs assigned by the modem assembler, rather than the chip provider.
Download Intel-537ep drivers through:
Also check at:
for beta releases and perhaps Already compiled drivers for some Linux distributions
A very detailed installation report cogent to 537 type modems is at:

Setup call id with:
Type 1 : When the phone line is not in use at+vcid=1
Type 2 : When the phone line is already in use on a call at+pcw=0

The September 2005 Intel-537 release is version, with a compile illustrated in However an update supporting FC4
kernels is needed as there are failures under (at least) kenels 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4 , 2.6.12-1.1447_FC4smp
Intel has not yet decided whether to support FC4 kernels.
and there is a segmentation fault error with Slackware kernel
Pending an update from Intel, dropping back to a FC3 kernel_version less than 2.6.10
does allow recovery of function.

======= PCI_ID checking completed ======
A PCMCIA CardBus is not detected on this System.
Checking for modem symbolic link support lines within /etc/udev/ files

Checking the /etc/apt/sources.list
deb file:/var/autofs/cdrom.2/cdrom.2 xandros3.0 main contrib non-free

A package kernel-kbuild-2.6-3 or later version must be installed to support compiling

/usr/bin/gcc -> gcc-3.3
dequate match of gcc versions of the compiler and kernel.
Kernel-header resources needed for compiling are not manifestly ready!
Checking /usr/src/ for compressed compressed headers or kernel-source

Kernel-header resources needed for compiling are not manifestly ready!
If compressed resources are present, expand and then configure them following DriverCompiling.txt
They may have to be installed.
Within your Linux distributions' installation CD or online resource (and mirrows), search for :
Distribution PackageName OnLine
Debian kernel-headers-2.6.9-x1 or install CD
Ubuntu linux-headers-2.6.9-x1 http:// or install CD
kernel-kbuild-3.6 are additionally required by Debian, Ubuntu and Xandros
Mandrake kernel-source-2.6.9-x1 If not present on install CDs search, or other mirrors.
SuSE kernel-source-2.6.9-x1 , kernels are named k_deflt
FedoraCore4 kernel-devel-2.6.9-x1 or kernel-smp-devel-2.6.9-x1 on install CD1 or CD4
One of which must be installed if compiling drivers to match kernel 2.6.9-x1 proves necessary.
Within the output Modem/ folder, read CompilingDrivers.txt for details.

Wvdial is a dialout utility very useful for modem testing. If not encluded on
your installation media, check your distrbutions on line software repository.
An example is:

A /dev/modem symbolic link is not set.

Checking for /dev/tts/ devices
total 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 64 2006-05-13 18:11 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 65 2006-05-13 18:11 1
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 66 2006-05-13 18:11 2
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 67 2006-05-13 18:11 3
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 68 2006-05-13 18:11 4
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 69 2006-05-13 18:11 5
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 70 2006-05-13 18:11 6
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 4, 71 2006-05-13 18:11 7
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 188, 0 2006-05-13 18:11 USB0

The following information blocks just query some ppp support items.

grep -rs ppp /etc/modprobe.*
/etc/modprobe.d/aliases:alias net-pf-24 pppoe
/etc/modprobe.d/aliases:alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
/etc/modprobe.d/aliases:alias ppp-compress-18 ppp_mppe
/etc/modprobe.d/aliases:alias ppp-compress-18 ppp_mppe_mppc
Resident PPP support modules are properly uncompressed .
----active COMM services are ------------
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:10C:99E:E1
This COMM mode should be closed before using the modem, or DNS services may fail.
Be sure to read the section about ppp related modules and aliases in Modem/YourSystem.txt
---- dmesg queries -------
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=Xandros_Desktop_3.0_Deluxe ro root=307 rw acpi=on
audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
pnp: Device 00:0b disabled.
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 8 ports, IRQ sharing disabled

pppd version 2.4.2 may not be fully compatible with 2.6.8 kernel releases.
If an initial CONNECT is achieved without PPP being subsequently established,
drop back to a 2.4.1 version. This has worked for PCTEL AMR modem users,
supported by the slmodem software.
Check pppd version with:
pppd --version

debian is not yet providing pre-compiled drivers for WinModems

Naglašavam opet da sam ultra početnik.
The greatest trick
the Devil ever pulled...
was convincing the world
he didn't exist.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 82343
Poruke: 151
Via: [es] mailing liste


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?14.05.2006. u 23:07 - pre 220 meseci
Definitivno nemaš instaliran izvorni kod kernela. Pošto nikada nisam koristio
Xandros, ne mogu da ti pomognem oko toga. Pogledaj na instalacionim diskovima
da li imaš paket sa sorsom kernela.

Što se tiče modema, u pitanju je Intel-537EP, i kao što ti ScanModem skripta
kaže, koristi najnoviju verziju drajvera sa Intelovog sajta.
Odgovor na temu

Tomislav Djokic
u penziji

Član broj: 6736
Poruke: 8305


+210 Profil

icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?15.05.2006. u 08:46 - pre 220 meseci
@ Senzo Anime: nemoj se previse razocarati. Instalacija drajvera za winmodeme je, nazalost, relativno cest i tezak problem, jedan od najtezih sa kojim se korisnici Linuxa srecu, a na nesrecu, sve se dogadja na samom pocetku, kad ne znas ni da pogledas sta je gde. Kao sto rekoh, sa malo srece (da imas neki drugi modem, mozda bi intel536 bio takav) sa tim problemom se ne bi ni sreo, modem bi ti radio odmah.
Na svetu postoje samo 2 OS-a: 1. Mint, 2. svi ostali!
Odgovor na temu

Senzo Anime

Član broj: 90627
Poruke: 17


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?15.05.2006. u 16:30 - pre 219 meseci
Mislim da sam malo bliže rešenju pošto sam uspeo da instaliram source kernela,pa sam pokušao opet
sa driverom:
steps to install

1. login as ROOT
2. extract the archive into a directory with "tar -zxvf <archivename>.tgz"
3. cd into the directory it created.
4. Type: make clean
5. Type: make 537
6. Type: make install

I evo šta sam sad dobio:

/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537# make clean
Try `uname --help' for more information.
cd coredrv; make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv'
rm -f *.ko *.o *~ core
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv'
rm -f *.o *.ko
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537# make 537
Try `uname --help' for more information.
Module precompile check
Current running kernel is: 2.6.9-x1
/lib/modules... autoconf.h exists
diff: /boot/vmlinuz.autoconf.h: No such file or directory
autoconf.h matches running kernel
diff: /boot/vmlinuz.version.h: No such file or directory
version.h matches running kernel
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv'
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.9-x1/build SUBDIRS=/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv modules
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/xandros-kernel-source-2.6.9'
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/coredrv.o
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/coredrv.c:867: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/clmmain.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/rts.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/task.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/uart.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/wwh_dflt.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/locks.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/softserial_io.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/softserial_ioctl.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/softserial.o
CC [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/afedsp_int.o
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/afedsp_int.c:39: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/afedsp_int.c:48: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/afedsp_int.c:61: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/afedsp_int.c:65: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/afedsp_int.c:446: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
LD [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/Intel537.o
Building modules, stage 2.
CC /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/Intel537.mod.o
LD [M] /home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv/Intel537.ko
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/xandros-kernel-source-2.6.9'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537/coredrv'
/home/flonov/Install/Intel-537# make install
Try `uname --help' for more information.
rm -f /etc/hamregistry.bin
bash 537_inst
running kernel 2.6.9-x1
chmod: cannot access `usrsound': No such file or directory
installing hamregistry, used for persistant storage
installing usrsound, a soft buzzer
install: cannot stat `usrsound': No such file or directory
installing 537 module
debian 537_boot rc2.d and rc3.d scripts
starting module and utilities
error loading Intel537
ERROR: Module Intel537 does not exist in /proc/modules

I sada opet nemam pojma šta da radim!!
Molim vas za još malo pomoći.Ako ništa drugo barem recite mi da li sam sad biliže
ili dalje od rešenja problema!
The greatest trick
the Devil ever pulled...
was convincing the world
he didn't exist.
Odgovor na temu

Tomislav Djokic
u penziji

Član broj: 6736
Poruke: 8305


+210 Profil

icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?15.05.2006. u 18:19 - pre 219 meseci
Ma, svakako si blize. Pokazalo ti je da mnoge stvari koje mu trebaju sada postoje itd. Pokusaj da nadjes neki readme fajl u samom drajveru, ono sto otpakujes, tam cesto pisu korisne stvari. Ja ti na zalost ne mogu pomoci, ne poznajem detalje.
Na svetu postoje samo 2 OS-a: 1. Mint, 2. svi ostali!
Odgovor na temu

Senzo Anime

Član broj: 90627
Poruke: 17


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?17.05.2006. u 22:25 - pre 219 meseci

Ma odustajem!!Načitao sam se ko' konj,ali ništa. mene je to isuviše "Advanced".Nego recite mi
da li postoji distro sa kojim ću moći bez problema
da se konektujem na net sa ovim mojim Intel 537EP
modemom,i koji je to?
The greatest trick
the Devil ever pulled...
was convincing the world
he didn't exist.
Odgovor na temu

Tomislav Djokic
u penziji

Član broj: 6736
Poruke: 8305


+210 Profil

icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?18.05.2006. u 05:56 - pre 219 meseci
Mislim da ne postoji. Za svaki Linux ti za taj modem treba drajver i svuda je slicno s......e. Mozda za svaki slucaj da probas Mepis, on ima dosta tih drajvera vec spremnih i aktivnih, ali nisam probao za ovaj modem, ne mogu ni priblizno da garantujem. A zgodno je sto kod njega to radi i u Live rezimu, ne moras da ga instaliras da bi probao.

[Ovu poruku je menjao tdjokic dana 18.05.2006. u 07:32 GMT+1]
Na svetu postoje samo 2 OS-a: 1. Mint, 2. svi ostali!
Odgovor na temu

Senzo Anime

Član broj: 90627
Poruke: 17


icon Re: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?01.06.2006. u 17:17 - pre 219 meseci

U svakom slučaju nemam šta da izgubim,javi ću se budem li uspeo bilo šta.
Do tada pozdrav svima i hvala na pomoći!!!
The greatest trick
the Devil ever pulled...
was convincing the world
he didn't exist.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux hardware :: ScanModem - šta dalje??!?

[ Pregleda: 2828 | Odgovora: 11 ] > FB > Twit

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