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Phone sharing: Bellster

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icon Phone sharing: Bellster27.01.2005. u 20:54 - pre 244 meseci

From the people who brought you the Free World Dialup, It's "Half Napster, half party line"

Welcome to the Bellster™ Network’s Phone Sharing Service!

Where you can call the World for Free

Freely call any ordinary phone with Bellster

Call ordinary phones all over the world for free; you just have to share your phone, too. With Bellster, you can call other people even if they don’t have a computer. Bellster lets you call any phone number in the world by sending the call over the Internet to a shared phone line near the person you're calling.

Bellster is a non-commercial directory service that enables individuals with Asterisk™ Systems to find one another and share their phone lines. The Bellster Network does not provide PSTN access, but, it helps you find users whose Asterisk nodes are configured to share lines. There is no separate Bellster software, other than a few Asterisk configuration items, that is required to join the network.

Look here for more detail or here to sign up. Bellster runs on Asterisk,™ the open-source PBX., nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, partners, or any other entity with which has a commercial relationship, do not intend to use Bellster for any direct commercial purpose.

Dakle, ideja je jasna. Ustupiš povremeno svoju telefonsku liniju za dolazni poziv preko VoIP-a, zauzvrat dobiješ nekoliko VoIP-PSTN poziva bilo gde u svetu.

Zasad je podržan samo Asterisk, što malo ko ima ovde. No, interesuje me drugo nešto. Da li bi takva aktivnost ovde bila zabranjena po postojećoj regulativi? U pitanju je potpuno nekomercijalan servis.
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[es] :: VoIP :: Phone sharing: Bellster

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