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Greasemonkey za mozilu

[es] :: Advocacy :: Greasemonkey za mozilu

[ Pregleda: 4894 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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Isidora Ugljesic

Član broj: 65636
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icon Greasemonkey za mozilu17.02.2009. u 15:34 - pre 193 meseci
evo ovako ukratko koristim mozilu firefox, i na njoj bi trebalo da kao podmazano radi greasemonkey add on. medjutim kod mene (i koliko cujem - jedino kod mene ) nece da se instalira. instalirala sam i javu, i skinula njen najnoviji update - ali i dalje nece. clenovani cookies i sve drugo moguce - ali i dalje nece. a kad pokusam da ga instaliram prijavi mi sledece:

Firefox could not install the file at

because: Download error

any ideas? pls, pls, pls
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Član broj: 168744
Poruke: 519

+16 Profil

icon Re: Greasemonkey za mozilu17.02.2009. u 22:49 - pre 193 meseci
Izvinjavam se što ti upadam u temu ovako, ali zanima me čemu služi ovaj addon, znam da je za neke skripte, i da sam mnogo puta čuo za ovaj addon, ali kako ovo radi, može li neki primjer?
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Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Greasemonkey za mozilu19.02.2009. u 22:38 - pre 193 meseci
A zasto je ova tema u Advocacy, prebacite je u Browsere ili gde vec.
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Član broj: 197029
Poruke: 10



icon Re: Greasemonkey za mozilu31.03.2009. u 13:51 - pre 192 meseci

Download Error -228

This error message may be caused by having the Firefox cache disabled. To re-enable:
Firefox 1.5: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> Cache Firefox 2.0: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Network

Make sure the cache is at least 1 MB (50 MB is the default setting).

Firewalls or spyware screeners may also cause this issue. If you use the CA firewall, Windows Defender, or the resident option of Spybot S&D ("Teatimer" feature), temporarily disable it to see if your system will now allow the extensions or themes to install [3].

Failing that, a workaround is to right-click the download link, select "Save Link As..." and download the .xpi or .jar file to your computer. You can then manually install it by dragging the file icon onto an open Firefox window [4].

Note : The Download Error 228 message may also be seen if the required .xpi or .jar file is not actually present on the server site. You can simply try again at a later time or check other download links on both the same site and a different site, before assuming that your own setup is at fault. [5]

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Advocacy :: Greasemonkey za mozilu

[ Pregleda: 4894 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.