Ima jedan mali registry tweak koji omogućava da UAC bude isključen, a da gedžeti ipak rade:
Run Windows 7 Desktop Gadgets with UAC Turned Off
Note: I haven’t studied the possible security implications of this tweak. You use it at your own risk!
1. Click Start, type Regedit.exe and press ENTER
2. Navigate to the following branch:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Sidebar \ Settings
3. Create a new DWORD value named AllowElevatedProcess
4. Double-click AllowElevatedProcess and set its Value data to 1
5. Exit the Registry Editor.
Na sajtu postoji i Registry Fix, za one koje mrzi da se petljaju po registry bazi :)
Posle ovog tvikovanja, kod mene sve lepo radi.
S-S-Silvestere... J-j-jel b-bilo lud-daka u tvojoj p-porodici?!