Nedavno sam dobio Visu virtuon inetrnet karticu i uplatio na nju 20 USD
Otisao sam na moneybookers i upload funds. Tu ima card type, ali nigde nema visa virtuon ili internet. Ostavio sam samo visa i popunio ostale podatke. Kliknem na add i ispise mi deposit fail(nesto tako). Poslao sam im mail i obrazlozio problem i odgovorili su mi sledece :
We would like to kindly inform you that according to the error message we have received by our Credit Card processor your bank/credit card issuer did not authorize the payments to Moneybookers. Please be kindly advised to contact your bank/credit card issuer and ask them to provide you with more information regarding the refusal reason of these transactions. Please be also advised that you should provide them with full details of these transactions:
- Date and time of deposit attempt;
- Amount and currency of the deposit;
- Requestor: Moneybookers.
u cemu je problem? da li sam pogresio pri odabiru tipa kartica ili je samo panonska banka skart? Postoji li neki drugi internet payment metod (sajt)a koji bi mozda radio na ovoj internet kartici?
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