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ESC Sequences

[es] :: Linux :: ESC Sequences

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Stanislav Antic

Član broj: 6670
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icon ESC Sequences26.06.2003. u 09:00 - pre 261 meseci
/033[02 Bi trebalo da mi bolduje tekst u konzoli ali ono to ne radi nasuprot tome /033[2J radi i cisti ekran u potpunosti. Da li treba nesto da podesim u konzoli, jer mi to ne radi ni u xterminalima.
cout << "\033[2J";
Sve ovo radim u C++ sa cout naredbom pokusao sam i sa printf.
Ukratko gde bi mogao da se nalazi fajl koji mi je potreban.

Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what’s wrong.”
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[es] :: Linux :: ESC Sequences

[ Pregleda: 2532 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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